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Canine Roundworm Research Paper

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Just about every dog will get worms at one time or another. Worms that infect dogs are roundworms, whip worms, hookworms, tapeworms and heartworms.

Picture Canine roundworm 1 by Joel Mills CC BY-SA 3.0 781
Canine Roundworms
The intestinal worm that infects dogs most often is the roundworm. The roundworm resembles a piece of cooked spaghetti. A dog will get roundworms when he sniffs the ground, and when he eats contaminated food, contaminated water and feces. Puppies will get roundworms from their mother's placenta if it is contaminated with roundworms. They can also get them when they nurse their mother if she is infected. Humans can get a roundworm infestation from dogs. Children will get infected more often than adults. An infestation …show more content…
The whpiworm lays tine eggs that are passed in the dogs feces and will live in the dirt a long time until they infect another dog.

Picture:Hookworm egg. No author information Public Domain 800 Hook
Canine Hookworms
Hookworms live in the dirt and they infect a dog by entering his body through his skin or his feet. The hookworms will travel to the dogs lungs where they will develop into adult hookworms.
A dog that has hookworms can cough up the worms and swallow them. These worms will then infect the dogs stomach and intestines. The hookworm will make its home in the small intestine. It sucks the dogs blood by attaching to the wall of the intestine.
If your dog has hookworms his appetite will be poor. He will have pale lips, nostrils and the inside of his ears will be pale. Hookworms can cause a dogs stomach to hurt and the dog may vomit. His bowel movements can have blood in the stool. Sometimes the stool is harder the dog will have diarrhea. Then the worms enter the dogs body they can cause a rash where they enter through the skin.
When a dog has hookworms he must be treated by a veterinarian immediately.

Picture: Tapeworm (Taenia) eggs b
By Ciencia e Saude Public Domain 800 tape

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