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Caracalla Research Paper

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Words 617
Pages 3
Wenwei Wu
Professor Ann Huppert
Arch 495 History/Theory
6 November 2015 Baths of Caracalla Series of ancient baths were excavated indicating the early use and function of baths. Some of the earliest western bathing practices came from Greece. Public baths were a feature of ancient Greek towns but they were usually body-size bathtubs. The French Archaeological Mission of Taposiris Magna re-examined the constructional techniques of Greek baths in Egypzt during the Hellenistic period. The discovery was that the Greek baths in Egypt were “heated minimally, or not at all”(Redon). In the early ages of Rome, taking bath in a Roman house was limited by the amount of water that each house could get. According to Katherine Rinne, Romans had their water …show more content…
The motive for this seemingly generous extension of Roman citizenship seems to have been not to benefit his subjects but to increase tax revenues so that he could pay the enlarged Roman army of the early third century a.d. (i

Baths of Caracalla was not only a place that provides services to the public, but also a place showing Caracalla’s attempt to take care of the citizens. The paper will be arguing that the architecture is a tool for the Emperor to control over people’s mind, at the same time to keep the popularity of the Emperors among the citizens. Because of the cheap baths, leisure place for group gatherings, and use of abundant supply of water, Romans were less likely to rebel the reign of Caracalla. It provided a luxurious cleaning area for the public with an affordable price.

Poem of the use and social
World press, roles, big ides roman art Caracalla bio

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