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Gender Stereotypes In The Military

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The true concept of a service member is perhaps not equal to the media's adaptation. We watch movies about soldiers, sitting in trenches, gun strapped to their waist and dirt on their face. Or men in service dress sitting in a meeting, with their hand slowly hovering over a button to start a nuclear war. The media presents an artillery of people who look the same, white, male, strong, tall, tough: a soldier. And people who act the same, selfless, fighting for what is right, shooting before thinking. Country boy, rednecks, and boys who fathers served before them. Generation after generation of veterans fighting for their countries. Usually they begin as Captain America, strong, selfless and a message of freedom, then end up as a Walter, a hard, …show more content…
Even from Alaska, or even out of the country. You don’t have to be a citizen to join the military, in fact, many apply and earn their military citizenship after they graduate from boot camp. There is a moderate percentage of immigrants serving in the military. Also, as now transgenders are able to freely serve, LGBT people make up a fair majority of the military. In fact the common minorities have strong relevance in the armed forces, as large number of people from different cultures and backgrounds all joined together into one big group. It’s the media’s choice to show who they choose to publicize, and that usually is the strong man Mr. USA. They usually leave out the other members, pretending they don’t exist. Perhaps every now and then will include a black man or a white woman, but will leave out the other members in the end. But all of service members are fighting for a greater good, joined knowing they were becoming something bigger than themselves. So what if they are a short, lesbian Latina? Serving our country is serving our country, and everyone who made the choice to put their lives up should be recognized, not just the ‘concept’ of a service member that the media

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