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State Planning Caucus Analysis

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1. Describe as specifically as you can what you did during your state planning caucus at the start of the simulation.
During the state planning caucus my state, New York, was struggling with our delegates opposing views. We weren’t really sure what to write on the plan sheet and the sheet asking about our views, as they were the opposite for pretty much everything except representation by population. So throughout the state planning caucus we shared the main views and decided we to write the two ideas we agreed on, representation by population and protection of the rights of citizens. Other than those two ideas, we mostly just wrote the middle ground between our views compromising certain views.

2. Describe as specifically as you can what you did during the general caucus sessions. Try to include specific details.
During the general caucus sessions, I answered questions other people had about my points, consulted with the other delegate from New York, and discussed possible future proposals with other delegates. After I had made an argument against the power of taxation being held by the states, a couple delegates came up to me to ask questions about how the taxation would work, what I was trying to say, and what system of taxation I …show more content…
During the discussion about taxation, I argued that the power to tax should be held exclusively in the states, instead of shared between the state government and national government. This is what Robert Yates believed, but it was also a widely unpopular opinion at the convention, which caused many people to ask questions and try to disprove my argument. I had tried to respond to them well, but I think I ended up confusing myself and everyone else

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