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Racism: A Well-Known Issue In Society

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Paola Medina

Racism is a well-known issue in society. It’s something we either hear, see, or experienced in our daily life. Racism is bias, injustice, or rancor against someone or a group of people. Mainly because of different race and them thinking their race is higher than any other race out there. There are many causes of racism but the main ones are selfishness, unfamiliarity, stereotypes, peer pressure, upbringing and personal experience. According to they state the following, “it is easy for humans to be selfish, only caring about ourselves and our race.” They proceed by saying, “One of the most common reasons for racism is unfamiliarity. It makes it …show more content… states, “ racism can have a lot effects on the victim.” They continue by listing some effects, which they state, “makes the victim hurt,Angry, and upset. Destroys the victim self-esteem. It can destroy communities and creates barriers within society. You can have negative effects on the victims physical and mental health. It will make the victim feel that they don’t want to leave the house as more people will judge them.” It can also make them feel like they don’t belong. continues by saying, “It will make the victim feel unwanted and unloved and cause them to do crazy things. It can cause the victim to be depressed.” There are many well-known stories like, “To Kill a Mockingbird” or “The Color Purple”, but how many real life situations do we know about? As we all know recently there has been an incident involving a café called Starbucks. According to, there has been many people who told their story their names are Creuza Oliveria, Khalid Hussain, Elena Gorolová, and Honourable Al Shaymaa J. …show more content…
Kids have proven that to us, an example is that children play with other children no matter what color they are, so why is it that we can’t try to be like them? According to states, “Five-year-old Kayleigh is showing her grandma around her kindergarten classroom...Then she points out her very best new friend, Maya, a gorgeous black child of Ugandan and Jamaican heritage. ‘That’s her, over there,’ says Kayleigh, who is white. ‘That girl — the one with the black hair.’ Kayleigh is my daughter, and until about a month ago, I had thought of that incident as evidence of a brilliant parenting success: My child doesn’t see skin color! Indeed, that’s how it seemed to my mother, too, who recounted the incident to me later. ‘I thought it was neat that she was identifying this child by the color of her hair and her position in the room, and not the color of her skin,’ she

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