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Back To School Research Paper

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How to Ease the Back to School Transition for Pets

While most parents are jumping for joy that their children are going back to school, most pets are not happy to see them go. Most pets enjoy the time that children are home, as there is more things doing on, more pets, and more playtime. Both children and pets thrive on routine, and the summer routine is full of fun. Going back to school means that both your child and your pet have to make huge adjustments to their routine. Pets can get lonely, anxious, and depressed due to the change in routine, even if you stay at home all day. How can you tell if your pet is felling the back to school blues? There a few indicators like going to the bathroom inappropriate places, chewing on windowsill, …show more content…
It can be very tough when you are dealing with packing lunches, helping homework, taking children to sport and other activities, along with what you need to do for work. But when you have a few minutes, take it and give your pet some attention. In place of petting them hurried on the head, sit down on the floor with them and talk with them. Trying this time out is not only good for your pet, but it has be found to have benefits for humans in reducing the amount of stress that you feel. So next time you feel stress, which is bound to happen with all the things going on in your life, sit down and have a nice talk with your pet.

Get Your Pet Some Exercise

Exercise is great, and your pet is not the only one that benefit from these exercise. Before school starts, you should get yourself, your pet, and your kids on a walking schedule. Try to make sure that you schedule a walk before school and after school, or your work times if school and work hours do not line up, unless your child is old enough to walk the pet themselves, which is normally around the age of 13. Make time for it, everyone need the exercise, and the chance to burn off extra steam.

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