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Carbohydrate Diet Analysis

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The type of food an individual takes influences their level of physical activity and as such certain foods are crucial in the preparation for strenuous physical activities. Foods, such as carbohydrates have been identified as the most significant in providing energy for endurance of physical activities and during constant intensity exercises. Therefore, for a boxer, a good diet with enough carbs is important for both staying in shape and keeping up with the demands of training. Proper diet assists a boxer to maintain strength and energy in the ring and at the same time guard against exhaustion and sluggish feeling during a bout. Due to the constant use of jabs, punches that require speed and flexibility, a boxer requires energy …show more content…
The intention is to consume foods that provide the correct amount of power, strength, and weight ratio, which can only be gotten from foods high in energy and low in fat content. This makes carbohydrates the ideal food for boxers since carbohydrates slowly release energy and providing stamina over the course of the boxing bouts and training sessions thereby replacing the lost glycogen stores. Foods rich in natural carbohydrates include; oatmeal, fruits, whole-wheat grain, beans, and yams. Therefore, due to the amount of energy carbohydrates supply, boxers should eat plenty of them than any other foodstuff. Nutritionists argue that boxers should incorporate 45-55 percent carbohydrates in their …show more content…
One of the studies was conducted to find the influence of carbohydrates on running performance. The study also sought to find out the point at which athletes began to show signs of fatigue. The researchers divided the athletes in two groups whereby one group was fed on more carbs while the other group was fed on more proteins. However, the groups showed no overall improvement in their performance, the group that was fed on carbohydrates ran faster during the last 10 kilometres of the phase. It was also found that the group that took carbohydrates had lower concentrations of adrenaline after loading. This result was attributable to the subsequent maintenance of normal concentration of blood glucose and carbohydrate loading throughout the

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