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Care Based Assignment


Submitted By drewbutterflies
Words 534
Pages 3
Care Value Base Assignment
To identify the rights and risks involved in Graham’s situation, one would have to identify whether he was in residential care or living independently. As this would have a very different conclusion and consequence.
If Graham lives independently or in residential care the same rights are enforced. It is his choice to be able to consume what he desires. Human rights legislation indicates that you have that freedom. It is mandatory to uphold these laws for each citizen of the United Kingdom. He has freedom to choose and decided what he consumes.
Interfering with his choices could have extremely negative consequences. He is entitled to be respected and treated with dignity. The highlighted concern is that Graham is overweight, thus running risks on his health. This can be a contraindication to him in many ways; diseases and illnesses. There are plethoras of illness cause by being overweight. These include; heart disease, type 2 diabetes, types of cancer, osteoarthritis and asthma. If he continues eating sugary foods and does not adjust his weight any of the above could be a possibility.
By restricting Graham’s independence and choice could have an adverse affect on his well-being his physical, emotional and mental health. It has already been brought to the attention of the care workers that he becomes angry when he does not have said foods. His ability to be able to function and continue living independently could become difficult. He could become more reliant on help and support thus affecting Graham’s lifestyle. He could possibly feel disempowered and his quality of life decrease.
If living is residential care and Graham’s diet is monitored and restricted, he could become violent and aggressive towards staff members and other residents. Taking away one of his pleasures could have extreme affects again on his mental, physical and

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