...FASB Codification Case 10-6 Care For Kids Inc. In the Care for Kids Inc. case the auditor should consider the likelihood and magnitude of a misstatement to determine if a deficiency, significant deficiency, or material weakness exists. According to SAS 115 (2011), “If the likelihood is more than remote, then consideration as a significant deficiency is triggered, again assuming that the effect of the deficiency is more than inconsequential. A material weakness is a deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in internal control, such that there is a reasonable possibility that a material misstatement of the entity's financial statements will not be prevented, or detected and corrected on a timely basis.” If the auditor does determine that there is a misstatement he or she must inform the client in writing. Once a control deficiency is identified, the auditor must determine whether the deficiency is a significant deficiency or material weakness. According to SAS 112 and the AICPA’s Audit Risk Alert (2011), defines the factors to consider, including the likelihood that a deficiency will continue and the magnitude of the misstatement or potential misstatement. Additional information that will be needed in the Care for Kids cases would be; (1) the nature of the financial statement accounts, disclosures, and assertions involved. (2) The susceptibility of the related assets or liabilities to loss or fraud. (3) The interaction or relationship of the control with other controls...
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...What affect does foster care have on children? Is it a stable and supportive environment? Foster care allows kids to have a chance to live a somewhat normal life. There are advantages and disadvantages for kids living in foster homes, but questions arise when there are foster parents that do not provide a stable environment. When we are not aware of these situations of unstable foster homes the kids placed in those foster homes will not have a good survival rate for success. Although there are parents out there that provide security for their foster children, we still need to be aware of the circumstances of kids placed in foster homes that are not safe and secure. Foster care is a great system to provide kids with families who do not...
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...Some kids have the chance to meet their lifelong friends at daycare; but some do not, because their parents do not put them into a daycare when they are younger. It is not fair, some kids get that chance, and others do not. Nowadays, parents want to stay at home with their kids instead of going back to work after their maternity leave is over. Kids should only stay at home with either their mother or father for the first couple months of their life, and then they should be put into daycare. Studies have shown that it is better for your kids to go to daycare rather than stay home with the mothers, for multiple reasons. For many mothers it is very difficult to send their children off to daycare, but it will be more beneficial for the children and the mothers; if they get put into daycare facility....
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...how children in the foster care system will grow up. When looking at the present time, there is major flaws in the current foster care system. The children today are not being properly taken care of. There are many reasons including: Poor funding, lack of homes, and settling issues. Overall, the flaws are making an unstable households and the issue must be fixed. The foster system of today is broken, the child inside are struggling mentally and physically; the system needs to be improved, the opposing view would be that foster care is successful...
Words: 1980 - Pages: 8
...According to the article, “Foster Care Children, Now Grown, Tell Their Stories,” the author talks about former foster care kids who had challenges and let people know but yet they didn’t do anything to help, like the social workers. “I was a little kid, they knew they could take advantage of me and I couldn’t fight back,” said Pierre. "But I did tell, I did tell someone and she didn’t do anything, she didn’t do anything" (Pozo, 2012). This demonstrates how the foster care system has brought more children to be abused, if they didn’t make a change the kids in these homes could end up dying. Most of these kids who get abused don’t have a choice and are forced to do things which they wouldn’t want to, they also suffer in their life. The children who are in the foster care system don’t have a say in who they would want to live with, they should at least get to know the parents or families more. The images of the abuse that these kids have gone through can’t seem to find a way out of their mind. The kids also tried to find a way out of what they were going through and people like social services, didn’t seem to know how destroyed they were. Additionally, many of the kids who are in foster care systems, aware the social services workers the trouble that...
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...Foster Care In the United States the homeless is on the rise. Much of this can be attributed to not only the lack of jobs, but also the improper care provided in critical developmental stages of one's life. Much of this improper care comes from our foster care system. A government run program is very corrupt not to mention inefficient. The foster care system is broken leaving 18 year olds helpless, on the streets, and drugs or prison. All of this could be prevented if these children were properly placed and if more funding went into it. Many children do not get adopted in the foster care system. In most states when a child turns 18 they are no longer able to remain in the foster care system. Some states have extended time where a child can...
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...March, 2024. Foster Care Permanency: How its Absence Effects Youth Aging out of foster care and the brokenness within the foster care system have long-lasting effects on youth and families. At any given time in the United States, there are about 400,000 kids in care. The foster care system's goal is to unite youth back to their families, find permanent placement, and provide a safe, loving family for them in the meantime. Though there are good intentions, it still fails to fully achieve that, leaving lasting negative effects on its youth. According to the research, foster kids overall end up with much more negative outcomes, as the experience takes a toll on many aspects of their lives and can leave...
Words: 1407 - Pages: 6
...The foster care system is when a minor is placed into a group home through the government's social service. Many kids who go into care today are victims of either violence or sexual assault. Not only that but on any day 415,000 kids enter the U.S foster care system. But only 59% of them are actually adopted each year. The greatest problem that I see facing society today is how corrupt the foster care system is. In order to help solve this problem I plan on understanding how the system works, giving , and get people to see many problems with foster care. The child welfare services investigate possible reports of child abuse or neglect. Some kids have relatives that could’ve saved them from being in foster care. But for most kids their...
Words: 504 - Pages: 3
...about The Foster Care System. There are hundreds of thousands of kids that have been taken away from their home either from neglection, abuse etc and put into terrible temporary homes. We have forgotten how awful these kids’ situations are. The Foster Care System is broken and we need to help fix it. People need to advocate for these kids. Some kids are being put into dangerous homes. Foster kids may be abused in their foster homes as well as their biological families’ homes. They are not guaranteed safety. Liftingtheveil.org states, “over 28% of children in New York alone are abused while in ‘the system’” (The Foster Care System and Its Victims: Part 2). A solution to this would be doing monthly or weekly check ups in the homes that the kids are placed in, depending on the severity of the child’s background. Another solution could be making the background checks even more thorough. Some foster parents are just not cut out to be parents, and that needs to be recognized....
Words: 498 - Pages: 2
...value next year. Child care is evolving, and most care providers and parents agree the changes are for the best. That’s why my daycare center will offer the parents one stop services at a affordable price. Most parents are taking a careful look at child care costs, and decisions to reduce hours or even pull their kids out of organized programs entirely due to job losses or expenses are affecting child care providers as well. As a result, we are offering flexible hours, keeping rates the same or even reducing them in some cases, and working out pay arrangements for struggling families to encourage families to stay. Special programs or fees are also being scrutinized as we scramble to find ways to lessen costs while maintaining a quality care program for kids. No longer is child care for young children simply babysitting. Child care centers have mostly transitioned to centers for early education, where young tots are involved with early learning. The trend to learning centers is partly due to high parent and school expectations; it's also attributable to research that shows that kids are capable of learning early academics and other skills that previously were not taught until later.Our care centers offer form early education curriculum, and staff receives extensive training in instruction geared for preschoolers. Drop-in child care is welcome. What may come as a surprise to some is that we offer high-quality, safe and affordable care options. The drop-in care...
Words: 1187 - Pages: 5
...Have you ever considered doing foster care? If you haven’t you really should think about it! Foster care is an amazing thing to do, and will change your life forever! My mother loves kids and always has, and once she got a divorce she thought about doing it all the time. My mother is a single parent with two girls my sister Shelby that is 21 and me at 19. When my mom finally decided to fulfill her dream about doing foster care my sister was in her first year in college and I was just starting out freshmen year of high school. I always thought that my mom was experiencing empty nest syndrome early, but my mother is that type of women. We are now foster caring two little ones one little girl and one little boy! In this essay I am going to talk about the life of foster care family, and what experience you will have if you consider foster care....
Words: 660 - Pages: 3
...The parent would be "off-hands" to the entire situation. The parent would allow the daughter to do whatever she wants. Construct a list of the five most important things a person should do to prepare for parenthood. Discuss which one is most important to you. (1) A parent should prepare for parenthood by nuturing themselves. The parent must care for their own personal needs by taking care of their body by getting lots of sleep. Because when you have your first kid, you will lose a lot of sleep. (2) A parent should prepare for parenthood by financial being able to support themselves and their kids. The parent should uphold a job that will support their family. The parent should also be able to buy necessities for themselves and their family. (3) A parent should prepare for parenthood by metally being educated. Before you start parenthood, you should be educated on how to take care of kids and their needs. The parents should be ready to settle down and be mentally ready to have...
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...Oregon’s Outline for Health Care Access “We have now just enshrined, as soon as I sign this bill, the core principle that everybody should have some basic security when it comes to their healthcare”. Barack Obama Here in Oregon we have the Oregon health plan (OHP) this is our state’s Medicaid program. Our Governor John A. Kitzhaber MD was an Emergency room doctor before going into public service and becoming the governor of Oregon. So he knows first hand the need for accessible health care here in Oregon. Although, we do have the Oregon health plan set in place, it did have some serious problem with accessibly and coverage. Then with the help of other of Oregon’s governors our Oregon health plan, started to grow and succeed into a better deliver system of a public health care access point. Oregon has made remarkable progress when it comes to health care access for local children through the Oregon healthy kids program, which is a feed off program from the Oregon health plan (OHP). The Oregon health authority with the help of Frist Governor Kulongoski then Governor Kitzhaber, Oregonians have made sure that kids in our state have full access to the health care they need when they need it. However, over the next few years the Oregon health authority’s next step along with Governor Kitzhaber is to not only work into the Affordable care Act, but to expand our Medicaid program, to extend health care access to cover everyone below 133% of the federal poverty line (Kliff, 2013)...
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...Free college tuition is a complicated topic to discuss. We have to look at what is considered a difficult life situation. I believe kids who are in challenging life situations, with a 3.0 GPA should receive free college tuition because it will push them to go to college and receive a higher education, it will better our economy, and they too can succeed in life with a little help just like Steve Jobs, Marilyn Monroe, and Eddie Murphy. To understand this claim fully, we need to know what I consider a “challenging life situation.” My definition of a child in challenging situation is a child who is or has been in foster care, a child who lives in a city or town that has been stricken with poverty, a child that is not living with their biological parents, a...
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...and have touched others souls as well. The statistics for aging out of foster care for teenagers are ridiculous. In 2014 more than 22,000 young people failed to reunite with their families or be placed in a permanent home by the age of 18. They will age out the system without a family and a place to stay to make it out on their own. It has been said that youth that aged out of the system are more likely than youth in general populations to graduate from high school and are less likely to attend and graduate college. This is only because they do not have the guidance and the right support to do so. I honestly feel like even when the kids are placed in foster care there is no love given or inspiration towards the kids. This makes the kids not look forward to the future and start thinking less of themselves. There should be something done that can help these kids be better by support. I have been doing some research and there is others out there that do feel the same way as I do. Many children's rights advocates would argue the government isn't doing enough to address the concerns of aging out in the foster care system. For instance Misty Stenslie, Deputy Director of Foster Care Alumni of America, a community of former children in foster care that works to transform foster care practice and policy, spent about 12 years in foster care. She lived in about 30 different places which included kinship care (relatives), group homes, foster homes, therapeutic foster homes, psychiatric...
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