...Tuition Free College Tuition free college is one of the most debated topics in politics, but why would you be against it? Supporters of free college claim that it would lessen the wage gap and bring opportunities to people who would otherwise have no access to higher education. Free college sounds great right? Well, nothing is ever free. One model for free college would be former presidential nominee Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton’s plan that they worked on together. It would provide tuition free college for students of families that make $125,000 a year or less to any public college or university. That is 85% of the population or 276,839,893 people. In 2014, four-year public institutions collected more than $58 billion in tuition fees. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders considered taxing businesses more heavily to pay the projected $75 million cost, taxing business in an already limited growth environment...
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...Not everyone disagrees that there should be free tuition colleges. The reason is because there has been an increase in the number of students that are entering college and more people who would want to go back to college. There is “a report published last year by the Institute for Research on Higher Education, [Director of the Institute Joni E.]Finney found that freshman enrollment across Tennessee’s public institutions increased by more than 10 percent in the first year of its program”() There is also Germany that incorporated free tuition years ago and it stated that there is a number “increase of student’s population going to college”. Also, Tuition free college would be free for students and that they would not be in debt from loans that...
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...2016 College: Is It Really Worth It? The American Collegiate System has various pros and cons that many young adults in America have come to either admire or despise. One of the main controversial focus points within this system is the cost and quality of education within American systems. America has been known to have the most expensive collegiate system when compared to any other system around the world. Although many individuals believe that a college education is a prerequisite for being able to receive financial stability and health, is it really worth the thousands of dollars worth of debt an years worth of time? In America, there are countless job possibilities that are available to accommodate every individual’s interests. Although there may be numerous jobs available for everyone, there are costly consequences. In today’s modern workforce, the majority of jobs require individuals to obtain a degree, that relates to the job, to ensure they are educated and aware of the specific requirements that the job entails. According to an article written by Alicia C. Shepard, “College is no longer a prestigious milestone, but a consumer product”. Shepard stated that many college students are not attending college to learn, but are there in hopes to receive “their money’s worth” of high GPAs and test scores to help them achieve their desired degree (“College Education”). The Huffington Post states that the majority of young adults are taught to believe that a college education...
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...Exercise 2 on Pg. 27 2a. I think women are better listeners than men. |Pros |Cons | |Women seem to be more aware in conversations. |Women pay too much attention to conversations | |It enables them to give better advise |They advise only on the information provided to them and not the | | |whole story | |It allows them to be more sensitive |They become over-sensitive. Where men know to stop being | | |sensitive on a issue | |Women pay attention and listen to the whole conversation |Men listen to what they want to listen to | |It shows a sign of support to the individual or person |Sometimes does not include their own feelings or input. | 2b. Capital punishment is no deterrent to crime. |Pros |Cons | |Using Capital Punishment will deter people from committing |People will continue to commit capital crimes if they know the | |violent crimes. ...
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...We demand that North Carolina offer free college tuition to all undergraduate students attending a public university. Student loan debt is crushing our students short-term and long-term with the total amount of student loan debt; in America student debt was estimated to be about $1.3 trillion in 2015 (Should College Be Free? Pros, Cons, and Alternatives, 2017). Also, the debt to income ratio is ridiculous with the average salary of a college grad being $48,127 in 2014 while incurring $37, 172 worth of debt according to statistics of the 2016 college graduates (A Look at the Shocking Student Loan Debt Statistics of 2017, 2017). Lastly, with free tuition in North Carolina for college undergraduates the lower SES population will have opportunities...
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...Running head: PROS AND CONS Pros and Cons of Compensation for NCAA Division I Student Athletes Mark Dunkley PEP 461 Student The College at Brockport Abstract This paper weighs in the pros and cons for the compensation of Division I college student athletes. This paper also introduces a plan that would allow monetary compensation of college athletes in the United States. A survey was distributed to 14 males of the Suny College at Brockport basketball team Pros and Cons of Compensation for NCAA Division I Student Athletes The exploits of student-athletes in sports have variously been advanced as generating a lot of dollars in forms of revenues for their respective institutions, which has generally raised the question as to why they shouldn’t be compensated for their sporting prowess. Student-athletes generate tens of millions of dollars for their respective athletic departments and ideally then should be reimbursed. However, as per the guidelines of the National Collegiate Athletics Associations (NCAA), athletes are not supposed to receive any commercial use of their personas and likenesses and are indeed not expected to gain any monetary compensation for their sporting engagements. This has generally been interpreted to mean that they cannot enter into agreements for endorsements in their sporting activities as has been the case with professional engagements. Instead, students are expected to benefit from the payment for tuition fees from their sporting activities...
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...Introduction Vying with other applicants for a job position is difficult without an adequate college education. The primary problem is the rising cost of pursuing a postsecondary education makes it difficult for students to afford and complete their college degrees. Tuition has doubled three times since 1980 and outpaced the nation’s inflation rate, whereas the student loan debt is at its highest at over $1 trillion (Sobel, 85). That is comparably higher than the rate of credit card debt (Education). Current policies by legislators do not directly address setting tuition rates, but establish the parameters and budget for the boards to follow (Weeden 2015). Your proposed alternative to the current tuition policy, by implementing a tuition free...
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...THE WEB The purpose of this paper is to discuss, and briefly analyze Zephry Teachout’s (2009) article, “Will the Web Kill Colleges”. It explores the different ways students are pursuing higher education, and examines the effects online education is having on traditional brick and mortar colleges. Teachout (2009) projects that over the next fifteen years, traditional brick and mortar institutions will offer a larger selection of online courses. The amount of online Colleges and Universities are also expected to increase during this time. George Leef (2013) states “Technological change has made online coursework very competitive with the traditional means of teaching”. He also argues that with the way online education is improving, more students will participate in the type of learning they want, when and where they want to (Leef, 2013). Eventually students will be able to attend the College or University of their choice globally. They will no longer have to worry about traveling, or paying for dorm room expenses. All of this will ultimately affect brick and mortar colleges in a negative way (Teachout, 2009). Teachout (2009) seems to argue in favor of the online learning environment. He claims that the pros outweigh the cons. A few of his key arguments include: lower tuition, increased flexibility, less course redundancy, and the amount of free resources that are available over the web. Having years of experience in an online learning environment, one student agrees...
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...choice in this divisive topic. No matter which side of the issue regarding vouchers you agree with, people are very passionate about it. Texas has been trying for years to pass it in Congress; however, it has not passed. There are many pros and cons regarding this topic. First of all, there are many choices for parents today to provide educational opportunities for their children according Chen (2011). There are the public schools. These are schools which require no tuition and the students are zoned to that particular school in their district. Charter schools are another option. They are free, public schools established independently. They are not subject to the same state and federal requirements, but they are held to a high accountability. Parents can request this option. Magnet schools are also free, public schools. They have a specific focus such as science or art. In order to qualify to attend this school, the student may have to take a test and have satisfactory behavior. Another type of school is the virtual school. This is distance learning and learning at your own pace. It has strict government and district guidelines. Then we have private schools which can be religious or secular. They do require tuition in order to attend. Home schools are schools where the parents are the teachers. The students received personalized instruction at their own pace and learning style. There are state rules to follow. Voucher programs enable parents to choose...
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...School Vouchers: Equality in Education It is no secret that education has become a necessity for a promising, secure and stable future in today’s economy. Education is a great enabler and equalizer, it forces individuals to reach above and beyond and tap into unlimited potential. It has become the engine to social mobility, the avenue to better and more meaningful work by forming more opportunities for families and communities. Boutselis (2015) study found the following: people with college degrees vote more, divorce less, smoke less and the list goes on. Take the two together – personal development and social mobility – and education is an incredible force for good. In many ways, it is critical to the American narrative of self-improvement, merit and mobility. (p.1). It is apparent that for most individual’s education is a key detriment of a quality life. Nevertheless, it should be noted that our economic system perpetuates that a quality education is not a right it is a privilege. A privilege which children who grow up in low-income families are constantly repudiated. Research indicates significant disparities in the quality of education that students growing up in poverty receive in correlation to their peers who grow up in financially stable households. In attempt to offer a solution to this disparity, legislation introduced the concept of school vouchers to serve as resolution to the progressing disparities in our educational system. Essentially, these school vouchers...
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...Funding for Colleges and Universities: Overcoming the Lack in State Appropriations Emilee Sides Arkansas State University Abstract As higher education enrollment increases, the ability for states to provide sufficient funding to their institutions decreases. This paper will examine a variety of practices that colleges and universities can use to offset the shortage of appropriations. These courses of action include tuition increases, attempting to increase enrollment through out-of-district campaigning, finding additional charitable donations, partnering with private companies, and looking at unconventional bond issuing. Each method of fund-raising has its own advantages and disadvantages. All of these methods, along with their benefits and drawbacks will be discussed. According to the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (2012), enrollment for colleges and universities has experienced an overall growth of 16.9 percent since 2006 and an overall growth of about 33 percent in the last ten years (p 19). While this should be good news for higher education, unfortunately, state appropriations have not matched this exciting growth in enrollment. According to the report, appropriations per FTE dropped from an all-time high in 2001 of $8,316 to $6,290 in 2011 – lower than any year since 1980. This data indicates that while school must serve a growing number of students, they have fewer resources with which to serve each individual. Obviously...
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...general and higher education, in particular. As the cost of providing higher education has risen to a very high level, it is no longer possible for government to provide higher education to all. Due to budget constraints new universities cannot be established at government initiative. So the government of Bangladesh looked for private participation in this sector as a way out on the account of increased demand for higher education in the country and allowed private universities (PUs) to operate since 1992. However, the operations of PUs for last 13 years has been observed to produce mixed results. PUs could bring about some positive changes in the Higher education of the country in terms of increased capacity for higher education, politics-free environment and responsiveness. On the other hand, there are also serious allegations concerning high cost and poor quality of education in most PUs. The situation became so grave that a high power investigation team formed by the government had to put eight PUs in its black list and recommended for the cancellation of their license to operate as “University” in the country. Against this backdrop, the government opted for more stringent rules for the regulation of the PUs and accordingly preparing for the amendment of the existing Private University Act 1992. This move of the government has received mixed reactions. Some experts view this as badly required for assurance of the quality in PUs. Again others, specially the sponsors and University...
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...world covet, therefore attempt to enter the United States of America with hopes of sharing these freedoms. Some immigrants come with a legal passage by an ever-growing generous nation jumping through a large number of hoops and legalities, others on illegal terms in large numbers. Now, is it fair for a nation that has been built on such a vase array of different cultures and world travelers to turn away any new comers like to say “we are full?” Is it ok to punish these people for trying to make a better life for themselves and their families? Is it also fair to the tax paying individuals of this great nation to support such a noble cause from blood sweat and tears of our brows? In this debate we will discuss both sides of the argument, pros and cons of illegal immigration in the United States of America, in hopes to bring about a more clear understanding. Illegal immigration is the migration of people from one country into another illegally, violating laws of that country or state. Illegal immigration is universal and present in developed and underdeveloped countries (Palivos, 2010). The negative effects of people migrating to the country illegally is felt in various forums such as employment and over population, and although many laws have been enacted to prevent illegal entry, not every state within a country conforms to the same laws making someone ask the question as to whether the laws are fair but not equal based on immigration status. For example, the way...
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...High school graduates should take a year off before entering college. Anna Swain Dr. Anne Marie Keyes Critical Thinking - PHI 210 March 11, 2012 The purpose of my paper is to convey my thoughts regarding High School graduating students taking a year off before entering college. Many parents and students have mixed feelings concerning this topic of discussion; therefore, my main audience will be focused towards the parents and these graduating seniors. I hope to present a clear, understandable, and convincing overview of the college “Gap” year alternative. As students, we have all looked forward to graduating from high school and beginning our college life. Parents have worked hard and hopefully saved towards this next step in their child’s life. However, if you have graduated and have your high school diploma in your hands; you may begin to wonder if college is right for you, just now. Not every high school graduate goes to college and maybe you don't feel ready for college, and maybe a year off would be the right thing for you. According to collegeboard.com, “many students do go straight to college after graduation, but some students do take a year off to pursue an interest or just to take a break from school, they do this by taking a gap year, a year off, a deferred year, or just plain time off;” they should, however, use this time wisely and not waste the year. Parents also wonder if it's worth taking a year...
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...Should College Athletes be Paid to Play. C Team BCOM/275 Robert May Should College Athletes be Paid to Play. Should college athletes be paid to play? That is the question and discussion being presented not only in this paper but also across many colleges in these United States. There are many pros and cons to college athletes being paid to play their sport, which makes this is a very controversial topic. Are the sport scholarships and uniforms enough? Should schools really pocket all that money they make in revenue from the sports teams? Many moral, ethical and legal issues can be raised in the idea of paying college athletes to play, on both the pro and con side of the issue. Should an athlete receive a full ride scholarship and also be paid from the school to play? Many big universities may be able to handle such a thing, but what about the small colleges that do not receive such a large amount of revenue from their sports teams? Can or should schools pay all the athletes or only the top players? What about Title IX, how will potentially paying athletes be affected by it? All these topics will be discussed, as well as Team C’s final decision on this matter. PROS In 2012 the athletic revenue reported by University of Texas was $163.2 million, Alabama $143.4 million, Ohio State $142.0 million and Michigan $140.1 million (Berkowitz, Schnaars, & Upton, 2014) Coaches like Nick Saban (Alabama Football) and Mike Krzyzewski (Duke Men’s Basketball) make in excess of $7 Million...
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