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Personal Narrative: My Experience Of Living In Canada

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My experience of living in Canada, for a semester at the High school, has influenced me a lot. First of all, it was useful to grow as a person. I understood how to live on my own, to take my responsibilities and organize my time. Moreover, living away from my family and friends, while getting in touch with another culture and a new international environment, helped me to reflect on myself and my future. Personally, I like Italy, it is my country and all the people I am bounded to live there. Although, I would like to broaden my horizons and to expand my knowledge by getting in touch with different people who have colourful cultural background which I can learn from. As member of the millennials, I deeply believe that we all need to have an …show more content…
In the last years, the interest in fashion increased a lot among young people. I would like to work especially in the marketing branch because I am really passionate about it. I look at it as way of influencing and persuading people with your ideas. For me, there is nothing more exciting than get into people’s minds and understand what they want, which are their needs and how to convince them to do what I want them to do. In the past, my passion for marketing drove me choice a high school which is focused on psychological and sociological subjects which are, in my opinion, fundamental for advertising and promoting products/services. The knowledge that I gained in these two similar fields made me decide to challenge myself in the marketing sector, so that I can innovate it. By putting more emphasis on the development of emotional intelligence in the advertising, the final outcome can be much more effective. Emotional intelligence will help companies to establish a better communication channel, by engaging the audience and getting its attention. Hult will offer me the necessary education concerning marketing, which will increase my chance to get a job in to the marketing branch. Moreover, the “Career Development” will allow me to structure my path towards the fashion industry. Last but not least, Hult offers the opportunity to study abroad, especially in London which is one of the most important and profitable business centre for the fashion

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