...Career Development Plan Part I – Job Analysis and Selection Carnelle McCladdie MGT/531 Angela Nixon University of Phoenix October 25, 2010 As a midlevel sales manager, I have been assigned to select new members for the sales team and create a development plan to help my team succeed with the company’s new strategy. The company will no longer sell cleaning products only but will also provide full-service cleaning solutions for organizations in the health care industry. The recent merger with EnviroTech and the new sales strategy will require extensive organizational restructuring of the company. The owner and the human resources department has recognized this need and is in support of preparing the sales team to support InterClean’s higher quality service. As a manager, I will evaluate talent and skills for these new sales positions from both companies InterClean and EnviroTech. To make the best hiring decisions, a clear understanding of the qualifications and skills will be required for each position. To help my sales team succeed with the company’s new strategy, I will conduct a job analysis, create a workforce planning system, identify a selection method, and select new members for the sales team. My goal is to build a sales team that will keep the organization moving in the direction the CEO visioned with the merger of the two companies. According to the text, job analysis describes the process of obtaining information about jobs and includes information...
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...Career Development Plan Part I Job Analysis and Section at InterClean/EnviroTech InterClean has merged with EnviroTech and, as a result, has taken on a new strategic direction. The $8 million dollar institutional and industrial cleaning and sanitation industry is no longer about the product that works. The industry has evolved into providing the best solutions and services to customers to make cleaning efforts efficient in an industry with stringent requirements and environmental safety. InterClean/EnviroTech’s future success is dependent on our ability to provide solutions to our customers. Customers, especially in the healthcare industry, are looking for turn-key solutions that include product training for employees, regular monitoring and info-sharing of new relevant regulations. Our goal is to provide a full spectrum of cleaning services and solutions. Under the newly proposed solution/service model, our sales representatives will be grouped into multifunctional teams that link high-quality products with high-quality service (InterClean, 2008). According to HR Guide to the Internet, job analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job. Job analysis is a process where judgments are made about data collected on a job (HR Guide, n.d.). An effective job analysis gathers information and focuses on behaviors and tasks and identifies the employee’s knowledge, skills...
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...Career Development Plan Part I Oge Hamilton HRM/531 December 6, 2010 James Scholes Career Development Plan Part I Job Analysis The mid level sales manager has challenges that include hiring a new salesperson for the growing sales team. This enormous task entails creating and developing a business plan that directs the company to success. InterClean and EnviroTech are two competing companies currently in the process of merging, combining forces to obtain a larger goal. With the merger in process, the mid-level manager must develop a new sales team. These individuals must have the knowledge and skills that will help the company grow. A job analysis requires companies to “identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job” (HR Guide, par 1). The company will have to set objectives, job descriptions, compensations, and education levels. The job analysis methods the company has chosen to use are interview, job performance, task checklist, and observation. The interview process allows the company to assess candidate’s behavior. Candidates will explain the reasons the sales position is right for them. After the hiring process, the company will evaluate the employee’s job performance after his or her 90-day probationary period. The 90 days gives the company time to evaluate how the employee works with others and how well he or she does the assigned job. Task lists makes sure that...
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...Career Development Plan Part I Job Analysis and Section at InterClean/EnviroTech InterClean has merged with EnviroTech and, as a result, has taken on a new strategic direction. The $8 million dollar institutional and industrial cleaning and sanitation industry is no longer about the product that works. The industry has evolved into providing the best solutions and services to customers to make cleaning efforts efficient in an industry with stringent requirements and environmental safety. InterClean/EnviroTech’s future success is dependent on our ability to provide solutions to our customers. Customers, especially in the healthcare industry, are looking for turn-key solutions that include product training for employees, regular monitoring and info-sharing of new relevant regulations. Our goal is to provide a full spectrum of cleaning services and solutions. Under the newly proposed solution/service model, our sales representatives will be grouped into multifunctional teams that link high-quality products with high-quality service (InterClean, 2008). According to HR Guide to the Internet, job analysis is a process to identify and determine in detail the particular job duties and requirements and the relative importance of these duties for a given job. Job analysis is a process where judgments are made about data collected on a job (HR Guide, n.d.). An effective job analysis gathers information and focuses on behaviors and tasks and identifies the employee’s knowledge, skills...
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...Career Development Plan Part I HRM/531 December 20, 2010 Job Analysis Job analysis is the process of obtaining information about jobs to create the job description and job specifications (Cascio, 2006). This information includes duties of the job, education, experience, training, and personality. Companies use job analysis to compose job specifications and the minimally job qualifications (Cascio, 2006). Job analysis has several methods that are used, but the most common method used is job performance, observation, interview, critical incidents, and structured questionnaires (Cascio, 2006). The analysis methods that would be used for the hiring of InterClean employees are job performance, observation, interview, and structured questionnaires(Cascio, 2006). Understanding the job performance required from each sales representative will be important. Observing each sales representative and recording what, why and how, well help determines if the sales representative knows the products they are selling (Cascio, 2006). Questionnaires can be used to help have an idea of how the job is done and how the behavior of each employee. The job duties of the sales representative pertaining to the les department are (HR Portal for Human Resources & Management Professionals, n.d.): *Prepare and sell company products and services to current and potential clients *Follow up on all new leads and referrals *Prepare presentations, proposals...
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...Memo To: InterClean First-Level Managers From: Vanessa Sutton, Sales Manager Date: March 15, 2010 Subj.: Manager Behavior As you know the merger with EnviroTech, Inc. is approaching finalization. We would like this transaction to be as smooth as possible; we feel that EnviroTech will provide us with the opportunity to become a full service operation. In order to make this a successful move, all first-level managers are ask to restructure job responsibilities which should provide new potential for employee career advancement. As with any change, there will be concerns and questions. Your role as managers are to explain how manager’s behavior can affect the productivity of his or her workers; describe the types of management action that align with employment laws and those that do not; and describe best practices for working within a diverse work environment. I encourage you to respond in a positive and supportive manner. Your roles as managers will be vital to making this a successful transaction; there are several factors that affect the productivity of workers such as people skills, management skills and the most important attitude. Manager’s behavior can help establish a positive open organizational climate, which will help its team members feel safe and be more productive at their job. Insure that all your employees know what is expected of them and what’s available for them to accomplish their jobs and promote quality customer satisfaction. Mangers should...
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...Career Development Plan. Part 1 – Job Analysis and Selection. A job analysis is the process used to collect information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job. There are several ways to conduct a job analysis: interviews, questionnaires, observation, and gathering background information such as duty statements. Carol Stanley, Internal Consultant for InterClean, utilized interview method. The job analysis for the salesperson position at InterClean includes the following job functions: o Salesperson must be familiar with the “updates to the current product line, new applications for existing products, products rolling out over the next year, products to be discontinued during the next year, new product features, warranties, and formulas. This category also includes sales training skills development consisting of updates on generating leads, responding to inquiries, growing the client base, establishing an effective tracking system, working with long term clients, and generating referrals.” (University of Phoenix, 2008) In order successfully perform named above job functions salesperson must have the following knowledge, skills, and abilities: o Computer skills: PowerPoint, Excel spreadsheets, databases, and Office Integration software. o Customer service skills, including telephone etiquette and problem solving skills. o Communication skills: writing and oral skills o Knowledge of state...
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...Due to the recent merger of InterClean and EnviroTech, the opportunity for a corporate makeover has become a necessity. The merger has made evident the need for restructuring, starting with the alignment of the business structure and the organizational strategies of both companies. The merger means that InterClean will not only sell just cleaning products, but will also provide full-service cleaning solutions to organizations in the health care industry. Existing on both sides of the spectrum allows both companies as one, who share the same vision, to become the industry leader in the industrial and institutional cleaning industry. While this is the goal of the company, we are aware that this new corporate merger has facilitated the need not only to create a new corporate image for both companies, but also a restructuring of the sales team. As a result of the merger, human resources are now in the difficult position of terminating employees. This is one of the most difficult processes in a corporate merger. But we believe that forecasting the future of the company means getting the right people with the right set of skills together at the right time, which is right at the beginning of the merger. This is where workforce planning comes into play. Developing an understanding of everything possible about the internal and external environment and how those factors will affect our current and future workforce is key to the future of the merger. It is about understanding the makeup...
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...Career Development Plan Part 1 – Jon Anaylsis and Selection Sherry Martin HRM/531 Debbie Long Career Development Plan Part 1- Job Anaylsis and Selection A job anaylsis is the process used to collect information about the duties, responsibilities, necessary skills, outcomes, and work environment of a particular job. There are several ways to conduct a job anaylsis: interviews, questionnaires, observation, and gathering background information such as duty statements. Carol Stanley, Internal Consultant for InterClean, utilized interview method. The job anaylsis for the salesperson position at InterClean includes the following job functions: Salesperson must be familiar with the “updates to the current product line, new applications for existing products, products rolling out over the next year, products to be discontinued during the next year, new product features, warranties, and formulas. This category also incudes sales training skills development consisting of updates on generating leads, rersponding to inquiries, growing the client base, establishing an effective tracking system, working with long term clients, and generating referrals.” (University of Phoenix, 2010). In order to successfully to performed named above job functions salesperson must have the folowing knowledge, skills, and abilities: Computer skills: PowerPoint, Excel Spreedsheets, Databases, and Office intergration software. Customer service skills, including telephone etiquette and problem solving...
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...Career Development Plan Part I—Job Analysis and Selection HRM/531 Human Capital Management November 29, 2010 Career Development Plan Part I—Job Analysis and Selection Merging two successful organizations requires forethought and planning. The sales division within each company generates the revenue to promote future growth and ultimate success for this venture. Developing the perfect sales team by balancing the requirements of the position with the level of talent each salesperson brings to the team provides a dynamic team geared for a positive outcome. The workforce planning system measures each candidate's potential, past success, and abilities to perform the necessary tasks. In addition to candidate review, measurement of the position itself by the human resources division allows for an accurate determination relating to the candidate list. To ensure a positive outcome, this workforce planning system will go into effect immediately. Job analysis Many options are available to analysis what a particular position entails. For example, human resources managers can interview current employees within that position, issuing current employees questionnaires relating to specific job functions, observation of the position, and collecting information on the background of current employees relating to daily tasks, such as statements of duties. However, for this task, the interview technique will suit the needs of the HR division relating to the development of the new sales...
Words: 1365 - Pages: 6
...Career Development Plan Part I—Job Analysis and Selection The merger between InterClean and EnviroTech requires the company to take a new direction strategically. The company will now expand to provide organizations in the health care industry full service cleaning solutions in addition to the traditional cleaning products they have been providing. This paper will detail the method of job analysis the author will use to hire her new sales team. A description of the main job duties and specifications that the new sales department will employ in the new workforce planning system will be identified. Lastly, the author will share her evaluation of each employee she would like to recruit. Job Analysis The forecasting of human capital requirements is what makes a workforce plan function properly. Our textbook defines job analysis as “the foundation for forecasting the need for human resources as well as for plans for such activities as training, transfer, or promotion” (Cascio, 2006). Once gathered this information can be incorporated into an organizations human resource information system (HRIS) to aid in recruitment, selection and placement of employees. The author will use job performance as her method of selecting her new sales team. By watching and seeing firsthand each members approach to their job the author can better evaluate possible future training needs, determine appropriate compensation criteria, analyze job duties and determine minimum requirements. Furthermore...
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...Career Development Plan Part I--Job Analysis and Selection Report Lorna L. King HRM 531 August 16, 2010 Scott Beck 1. Executive Summary The findings show that Team King has the right skills and talent to take InterClean, to the new strategic direction of providing full-service cleaning solutions for organizations in the health care industry. Team King will undergo an intensive training program in the next month. Each member has sales goals of a minimum of two contracts per month and maintains contacts with current clients. Therefore, I recommend a 10% sales bonus for any sales above the minimum sales goal of two contracts per month. 2. Contents 1. Executive Summary 2 3. Introduction 3 4. Findings 3 4.1 Job Analysis 3 4.1.1 Job Analysis Methods 3 4.1.2 Job Duties 4 4.2 Workforce Planning System 4 4.2.1 Talent Inventory /Positions 4 4.2.2 Action Plan (training, placement, promotion, development and compensation). 5 4.2.3 Goals ...
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...Job Analysis MBA 531 Introduction Exceptional abilities and training lead to the right the solution. The capacity to maintain internal and external relations and to develop capacities within a organization including the planning phase is extremely necessary. Salesman’s need to be experts on their subject, they need to have full knowledge of the equipment in order to reach optimal operation. The number of anticipated people to be available is based on characteristics of the labor market, required abilities, and supply of internal and external manpower. Training and development Studies have found organizations to be more profitable and expert in the work they do than to do the work competent. InterClean will introduce the money and resources to the selection. The company will trust enough to provide the necessary training of employees of high-capacity, because of the greater increase in the productivity with the employees of the under-capacity. The time and the costs of training will be less and the net effectiveness of the training will be higher with a highly valid process of personal selection. The goals of the team are to adjust to the new strategic axis of the company obtaining the objectives of the department. This department will acquire new accounts that require cleaning solutions of full-service to increase the presence of the market and growth of the yield whereas it promotes the sales of cleaning products. Methods of Selection Aspirants...
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...Employee Training Lakin Brown HRM/300 October 20, 2015 Ralph Apuan Employee Training The most successful part in running a business is making sure employees are properly trained and given correct information. A properly trained employee will be able to add growth to the company. We will be discussing the role of training in an organization, different employee development methods and there benefits. We will also look in to the relationship between employee development and organizational development. How human resources play a part in career development. I will discuss my career developments, where I see myself in five years, how a company can help me with my career development, and if they meet my needs. Let us discuss how the role of training in an organization is a very important key to success. As soon as new employees are hired, they should be put through a training course on how the company will want things ran correctly. It is also important that should any new systems or guidelines come about that the organizations is retraining employees to keep then up to date and knowledgeable. During on going training it will help in the progression of the company. If an organization can keep all employees up to date with new laws, technology, and new development, they will see great growth in the future. There are many different types of employee method for training that are classified under two categories one is on the job training and the second if off the...
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...Employee Training and Career Development Sean P. Kelly HRM/300 December 14, 2015 Employee Training and Career Development The success of any organization rests on the strength of that company's ability to train and develop its employee's. There are several fundamental elements that need consideration for an organization to succeed. These elements include planning, vision, structure, research, and marketing campaign are just a few examples. Employee training and career development are equally vital to the success of any organization. According to Kim (2005) “One of the biggest issues facing organizations is the increasing diversity of the modern workforce. Determining how to manage and develop today’s workforce effectively from the perspective of career development has become a critical issue at the organizational level.” (p. 47). Without the training and developing of its workforce the future of the organization could be over before it begins. Training in organization development is a very important part of advancing the organization and the workforce. The belief that some employees have weaknesses or have some traits that need to be improved upon goes without saying. Training can address these issues of weakness within an employee, by strengthening the workforce and building confidence within those employees. A trained and more intelligent workforce...
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