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Employee Training


Submitted By lbrown326
Words 1082
Pages 5
Employee Training
Lakin Brown
October 20, 2015
Ralph Apuan

Employee Training The most successful part in running a business is making sure employees are properly trained and given correct information. A properly trained employee will be able to add growth to the company. We will be discussing the role of training in an organization, different employee development methods and there benefits. We will also look in to the relationship between employee development and organizational development. How human resources play a part in career development. I will discuss my career developments, where I see myself in five years, how a company can help me with my career development, and if they meet my needs. Let us discuss how the role of training in an organization is a very important key to success. As soon as new employees are hired, they should be put through a training course on how the company will want things ran correctly. It is also important that should any new systems or guidelines come about that the organizations is retraining employees to keep then up to date and knowledgeable. During on going training it will help in the progression of the company. If an organization can keep all employees up to date with new laws, technology, and new development, they will see great growth in the future. There are many different types of employee method for training that are classified under two categories one is on the job training and the second if off the job training. The reason we have different types of training is that each employee will learn differently. First let us discuss on the job training, on the job training is the most effective way to train. One will see on the job training more during entry level jobs, during this time there will be a senior employee over the shoulder of an new employee showing them the ropes how to do the job and reinforce that they can do the producers by themselves. Some methods with on the job training are job rotation given employees a lateral move within a company to give employees a chance to work other jobs and have exposure to more of the company. There are also apprenticeships and internships that allow students to learn, earn college credit, and skills to help one further in a job. The other method is off the job training, which will enhance ones job skills more. Some of the types of off the job training are classroom lectures which will remind us of are college days and sitting in class lessoning to a lecture. There is also multimedia learning from learning by videos, simulations, and online. One last off the job training is vestibule training, training where an employee will use the same equipment as on the job to get to learn their skills. Looking at employee development and organizational development one, can see the relationship between these two is that they move want to see growth? When we talk about employee development we are talking are expanding an employees mind to understand, interpret, and use critical thinking skills. We want to see employees grow within a company make tem prepared for higher positions with greater responsibility. No matter what type of employee one has they can all be developed to do greater thing that is why there are methods to help employees get there. Like organizational development instead of thinking of an employee now, we are thinking of the company in a whole. An organizational development could be a change in improvements, diversity, or a work process. Just like employee development, an organization must be prepared and follow methods to help guide them like the organization development setting long terms goal expecting change. As we know, human resource plays an important part in an organization so why would it not play a part in career development. When one is thinking about their career, they are thinking of growth. In addition, how to feel more accomplished within them. The human resource is there to help employees find their way through there careers. They can help employees will tuition to help them go back to school, let them know of other job opportunities that might open up with in the company. By working together human resource can help employee learn from themselves and encourage them to do better and greater things for a company. As I look at my own career development, I saw much growth. I started from the bottom at my last company and worked my way up. When I started with the company I was shy and did not know, what I wanted out of my career as time went by I got use to the way the organization ran. I wanted more challenges and to work my way up in the career ladder. So, I asked for more work to learn more about the organization I became more involved. I became confident in knowing how the company ran it encouraged me to make more of my self and go all the way to the top even if it took time. As I work towards my degree, I see that my career has just started and I have many open doors. Where I see myself in five years is with a company using my degree in human resources, with what company I am not sure yet . I know that whatever company I go with I will be able to give them new idea, be knowledge and be able to move up with in the company even major director of human resource. I would hope that the future company I am with will keep helping me learn if its through more classes and they do tuition reimbursement or if they offer classes with in the company it would help me go up the ladder within there company. I do not know what company I will be will but I am sure that most major company’s or organization have a a career development for there employees. As we saw, making sure employees are properly trained is very important to a business. We saw the role of training in an organization, different employee development methods and there benefits. We saw the relationship between employee development and organizational development. How human resources play a part in career development, and how my future career plans look like.
DeCenzo, D., & Robbins, S. (2013). Fundamentals of human resource management (11th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons

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