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Submitted By Yellowboy1211
Words 1365
Pages 6
Exploring the World of Pedophilia

Abnormal Psychology 201

In recent years religious groups, policymakers and psychologist have debated information regarding the psychosexual disorder called Pedophilia. Most people agree that this disorder deserves attention, and there are very negative stigmas associated. California Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Democrat, wants to federalize a state law to protect pedophiles. In October 2013, the top cleric in Poland’s Roman Catholic Church said parents share blame for certain cases of pedophilia. Recently, Iranian legislature approved a law that will allow girls under the age of 13 to marry as long as the permission of her father is granted. This research paper will examine the historical, cultural, and psychological information regarding pedophilia and how this disorder is viewed in a modern society. This research paper will also examine the prevalence, causes, and treatment of this disorder.

Exploring the World of Pedophilia

Pedophilia, also spelled paedophilia, psychosexual disorder in which an adult has sexual fantasies about or engages in sexual acts with a prepubescent child of the same or opposite sex. (Britannica, 2013) The American Psychiatric Association has included Pedophilia in its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders since 1968. (Blachard, 2010) This research paper will explore the historical, cultural, and psychological information related to the disorder of pedophilia. Researching this topic was quite interested to me because I have had several women in my family suffer from sexual assault at a young age. Through the research of the paper I intend to learn the differences of a child molester and pedophilia because some similar characteristics are shared.
Clinically Defining Pedophilia
Pedophilia is the clinical diagnosis usually made by a psychiatrist or

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