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Pedophile Research Paper

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A Pedophile is defined as an adult who is sexually attracted to young children, typically ages 13 and younger. Pedophiles have been around for a long time, pictures of men have sexual intercourse with young boys have been evident in hieroglyphics. Pedophiles are becoming more common toady our many communities are affected by pedophiles. Due to technology, finding out whether a pedophile lives in your area is fast, easy and a click away.
According to a report from the U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Statistics about 96% of reported pedophiles were male. It is important to note that there is a still a small percentage of female pedophiles and that they are not only restricted to men. About 23% of pedophiles are at least 18 years of age or younger, while 77% are adults. In order for a person to be diagnosed with pedophilia they must meet certain criteria. The person has experienced sexual fixation, fantasizing or sexual activities with a preadolescent child for at least 6 months. Fantasizing or sexual activity with an adolescent child must interfere with the persons personal or job life. Finally the offender must be at least 16 years of age and the victim must be a minimum of 5 years younger than the offender. There is no cure for the desires a pedophile experiences. …show more content…
A secretive pedophile may appear to be normal, they may be married, have children and maintain a job. They still embody a trait of becoming sexually aroused by children. A child pornography collector attains pornography of children for sexual gratification. This person may never be sexually involved with a child. This person is satisfied with a picture or video of children. Finally, an active pedophile is the most dangerous classification because this person performs some form of physical act against a child or

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