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It's A Glad, Mad, World Analysis

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“It’s a Glad, Sad, Mad, World” written by Walter Kirn is an article about how socioeconomic factors play a role in happiness around the world. Kirn begins with an extremely poor country called Calcutta, India. Calcutta is a town where people have very little or no resources. Calcutta ranked 4 out of 10 with happiness. Research has found that Calcutta people are happy even though they have little in their lives. Kirn then focuses on the countries in Latin America and found out Puerto Rico, Colombia and Spain are the happiest countries. Puerto Rico and Colombians happiness are due to their cultural norms. Kirn then contrasts this theory with East Asia socioeconomics. East Asia is one of the worst areas of living and happiness does not play a

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Purple Cow! Transform Your Business by Being Remarkable

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