...Technology Acts Dionne Grace BIS/220 October 7, 2013 Bardwell White Technology Acts Ethics in short is moral; it is the principles that dictate a group’s or individual’s behavior. It is not only used in the personal lives of people, but it is also used in the life of business. This paper will give a brief description of advances in information technology as it relates to ethical issues and the development of two acts: Children’s Internet Protection Act- 2000, and No Electronic Theft (NET) Act- 1997. Children’s Internet Protection Act The internet has become a very critical tool for children’s learning and success. It has become a threshold to a variety of expression and skills; however, while positive avenues are available to children via internet so are negative. Children are exposed to inappropriate material and materials that can be potentially harmful: promotion of violence, hate sites, pornography, etc… According to Department of Commerce (2003), “In October 2000, Congress passed the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), which requires schools and libraries that receive federal funds for discounted telecommunications, internet access, or internal connections services to adopt an internet safety policy and employ technological protections that block or filter certain visual depictions deemed obscene, pornographic, or harmful to minors” (para. 3). This implementation was successful after previous Congressional attempts to protect children...
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...on our cell phones, and in the public libraries. Now that our children in most cases have unlimited access to the Internet, there is a great possibility that children are exposed to inappropriate material and on predators. In this paper there will be discussion on what were the advances in information technology that resulted in new ethical issues necessitating the creation of Children Internet Protection Act, 2000 and Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act, 1998. Children Internet Protection Act, 2000 In December 2000, President Clinton signed into law The Children’s Internet Protection Act. Through the use of technology protection on measures, schools and public libraries are required to protect minors from the dangers of the Internet (Menuey, B. P. 2009). “The major concern with the implementation of the law is the inability to prevent over filtering for bona fide research” (Menuey, B. P. 2009). It is the school and libraries responsibility to place content filters on their systems in order to keep children from searching inappropriate sites that may be harmful for children (Kessler 2001). “With the miniaturization and spread of surveillance technologies lead many people to wonder if they have any privacy left at all” (Kelly Rainer Jr. & Cegielski, 2011). Children’ s...
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...Information Technology Acts Chad T Lane BUS/220 30 June 2014 Mrs Colette Gardner Information technology is a dynamic and rapidly changing industry. Up until roughly two hundred years ago, all communication required walking, horseback, or some other form of manual labor. The telegraph was the first step down the path of information technology when Claude Chappe first invented it in 1794 (Bellis, ). The telegraph was the gateway to a plethora of other forms of communication that lead to social media, email, blogging, text messaging, etc. The internet is probably the biggest and most powerful breakthrough in information technology. With that, comes a lot of potential for people to do things they should not, say things they would not say in person, and target an audience that might have gone otherwise unreached. The Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000 was passed in order to prevent children from exposure to pornographic material and things that are not age appropriate for young children in situations where schools or libraries receive internet at a discounted rate (FCC,). Prior to the internet, someone wishing to purchase pornography or R-rated movies would be required to prove legal age to do so because these transactions largely took place in person. The internet has no hard and fast way of verifying age so keeping children away from things they should not see, requires use of filters and other resources to block certain material and websites. Many people will...
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...Information Technology Acts BIS/220 BSAH16ZDG6 Facilitator: Dr. Charles A. von Urff Week 1 Individual Assessment Due March 11, 2013 Submitted March 11, 2013 Executive Summary In today’s age and society, information technology is a growing necessity in the functioning of retrieving information from the internet. Thus access to the internet is available to everyone no matter the age. In order to protect all ages of internet users, the United States Congress has passed several Acts to protect users. With the advances in information technology the ethical issues of privacy and appropriate content in regards to children have lead to the United States Congress passing the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000 (CIPA) and Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998 (COPPA). Each Act has its own ethical issues as to it’s creation with the importance of children’s safety as the main concern. Introduction With the advancement of information technology in which all ages of users are being accommodated, everyone in today’s society has access to utilize all forms of information technology. The usage of information technology can include but is not limited to listening to music, watching movies/videos, playing games, communicating via email, social networks, or chat rooms, and getting help with school assignments. The researching of information via information technology has no...
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...| Technology Acts Paper | BIS/220 | University of Phoenix | | The Do Not Call Implementation Act provides consumers with the opportunity to decline solicitation calls. This act also advised tax payers of the fees that would be associated with the creation and upkeep of an ongoing list of phone numbers that are not to be called. For this registry, a list of phone numbers that is up to date and current must be kept in a central and general location so that telephone solicitation will not reach the people who are on this list. The Do Not Call Website has a location where you can have your phone number listed on the website they also feature a location to report solicitors who are not following the clear guidelines stipulated by the Do Not Call Implementation Act. During my research I came across a list of exceptions to the Act’s guidelines. For example, consumers who are registered may still be contacted by politicians, and not-for-profit organizations. This same website says that consumers may be contacted by any company that they have conducted business within 31 days unless they specifically asked not to be contacted. For this Implementation act technology and contacts would need to be created to verify that phone numbers on the list were registered to the correct person and were still in service. This technology may have been no more than a simple Microsoft Excel Database that needs to be checked against carrier records. This technology also could be a super...
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...Technology Acts BIS/220 Technology Acts The fair credit reporting act, this act was a direct result of falsified information being relayed to credit bureau. In order to create equality among the people it is required to develop standard for all. This act was a direct result of falsified, unauthorized, and misrepresentation of person’s information. The government was obligated to standardize this industry based on the number of people it directly affected. Based on the information found from the government archives at ftc.gov, the facts show that this act was put into place as a direct reflection of falsified information being presented to the credit reporting agencies. In doing so now resulting in jail time is a deterrent for people that are also putting false information on credit aps as well as other credit reporting violations. Such as requiring proof of income, length of residency and work history this allows the credit bureau to have more accurate information and the ability to correctly judge a person’s ability to pay and reliability. Based on the facts and information provided from the government agencies the fair credit reporting act was a direct result of credit reporting fraud as well as false information being provided on credit reports. Do Not Call Implementation Act, 2003, this act was a direct result of unwanted telemarketing calls, this act was implemented do to call lists that fell into the hands of telemarketing companies. This act protects people...
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...Information Technology Acts Patricia Bryant BIS/220 July 30, 2012 Marilyn Taylor Information Technology Acts Information technology is rapidly changing and in constant need of new acts to protect people and information that gets put into computers. In early years it was giving the letters or parcels to a trusted person to be passed on to the recipient. As times have changes and new technology has emerged more drastic privacy protection measures have been put in place. Two that I see as important are the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) 2002 and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 1974 The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) was enacted back in 2002 by Congress with the intensions of keeping obscenities and inappropriate pictures from being viewed or read on any school computers or in libraries. The need for this act resulted due to minors having access and exposing other children to possible harmful situations, materials and keeping minors from disclosing personal information. Schools not only have to safe guard what minors can have access to in schools and in libraries, but they also have to protect the student school record. The Family Educational and Privacy Act (FERPA) was added into federal law in 1974 for the protection of each students record. The law states the rights of access to the record is with the minors parents until the age eighteen. There are three rights granted by the FERPA and they are; the right to inspect and review/right...
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...Information Technology Acts University of Phoenix Gustavo Perez Bis 220 April 14 2014 Jorge L. Berrios Trinidad Information Technology Acts Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) After the creation of Napster, the music p2p sharing system that is computer to computer. We started to see a rise or increase in what is now known by online piracy. Then people shared their music without knowing the legal consequences which incurred. Thanks to the creation of the MP3 music format, made it extremely easy to share on the internet entire music collection. Because of this group Metallica rock music and the record companies filed lawsuits against the Napster service. Then emerged others based on napster to share not only music systems, but also computer programs, movies, etc. In 2011 the House of Representatives of the Congress of the United States, proposed the Stop Piracy Act or SOPA, which pretended to attack online piracy by extending existing laws against trafficking of copyrighted content and counterfeit goods through the internet. The penalty for a person to forward copyright material ten (10) or more times in a period of six (6) months would expose a sentence of up to 5 years in jail. One of the ethical issues, was referring to the freedom of people in the internet. As mentioned earlier the creation of digital formats that allow people to share their music libraries and other files over the Internet, creating the torrent format...
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...Information Technology Acts Paper Ryan Beland BIS/220 Mr. Vozella 7/28/2104 In today’s world we do not start our mornings with an essential meal, a cup of coffee, and reading the newspaper; but with the simple press of one of the most iconic buttons, the power button. The dramatic increase in technology demands the attention of almost every person across the globe as they connect, work, and coordinate daily plans and objectives with those close and far away. Information technology is one of the largest demanded and growing systems users have available. Information technology is the use of computer and telecommunication based systems; to store, send, manipulate, and retrieve data information across the various environments for the users utilizing the systems (Wikipedia, 2014). From professional, academic and personal situations these systems are more than ever present in the daily routine. The increased demand and use of these systems does make daily tasks easier and quicker to complete, but even the most beneficial tools can come with a cost. The information systems we utilize improve efficiency and effectiveness, but open doors for dangerous, illegal, and unethical actions. In order to control or limit these technological woes, various laws and procedures have been put in place to protect the users and societies that wish to implement these systems features into their lives. In this paper we will examine two laws specifically what they entail, the ethical dilemmas...
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...Terrorism Strikes Janay Garcia BIS/220 1 April 2014 C. Chevannes When Terrorism Strikes Abuse of national security and terrorism are two of the most important issues our country is fighting to this day. Two acts have been implemented to help control these issues; although they were implemented 15 years apart they go hand in hand in protecting our country. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) was created in 1986 and states that anyone who obtains information without authorization is punishable under the Act. Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (US Patriot Act) was established in 2001 after the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001. This Act allowed law enforcement to use tools that were already available to detect and prevent terrorism. What were the advances in technology that necessitated the creation of these acts? There are seven crimes listed under the CFAA: obtaining national security information, trespassing in a government computer, damaging a computer or information, compromising confidentiality, trafficking in passwords, threatening to damage a computer, and accessing to defraud and obtain value. Essentially, this act protects against hacking. The evolution of information technology (IT) though, has increased the vulnerability of our society. Robert Morris was the first person to be indicted under the CFAA in 1990. Morris was a graduate student at Cornell when he released a worm, a self-replicating...
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...Information Technologies Acts Information Technologies Acts The two acts that have been chosen for this paper are the Do Not Call Act of 2003 and the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000. I chose these because these are two of the biggest issues plaguing society today. It is always an ongoing battle to find and implement ways to protect children from the ever expanding corruptness that this world is throwing at us daily. It is also a never ending battle to keep us safe from harassment. The Children’s Internet Protection Act was passed to help keep children’s use of the internet in libraries and school safe and free of information and images children should not be exposed to. As Information Technology continues to grow and comes up with new ways to get the information out and people are intelligent enough to link undesirable information such as pornographic materials, sexually explicit materials, Etc. We as a society needed to find ways to keep our children from getting corrupted by such vulgarity. Thus the Children’s Internet Protection Act was born. It helps to ensure that our children are not exposed to information and materials not appropriate for them. It requires libraries and schools to implement filters to block inappropriate material from being viewed by children. The Do Not Call Act of 2003 was implemented to provide a regulation from harassment by telemarketers if their phone number is on a do not call list. As technology has expanded, it has become increasingly...
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...Information Technology Acts Eric Mahoney BIS/220 July 14, 2014 Julie Ruse Information Technology Acts As technology has advanced, the need to set rules and regulations have increased to protect consumers from abuse from corporations as they use this new technology. With the speed of new leaps in the technological advances Congress has created laws such as Do Not Call Implementation Act (2003), Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (US Patriot Act) 2001, Children's Internet Protection Act (2000), No Electronic Theft (NET) Act (1997), Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) 1991, Video Privacy Protection Act, 1988 and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (1986). These are just a few that have come into existence from the information boom. This paper will focus on the Telephone Consumer Protection Act and the Do Not Call Implementation Act. Congress passed the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in 1991 as an answer to the consumer concerns about the rising number of unsolicited telephone marketing calls to their homes. ("Unwanted Telephone Marketing Calls", n.d.) The use of automated and prerecorded messages also helped push the call for federal regulation to be put into place. In response the FCC (Federal Communication Commission) set rules that necessitate that anyone making a solicitation call to your home must make available his or her name, the name of the person or entity on whose behalf...
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...What were the advances in information technology that resulted in new ethical issues necessitating the creation of each act? Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act (US Patriot Act), 2001, renewed 2006 The “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism” Act, more commonly referred to as the “Patriot Act”, was signed into law on October 26th, 2001 following the events of September 11th of that same year. At that time, existing laws regarding electronic information needed to be updated to provide federal law enforcement with greater access to investigate electronic platforms such as email, voicemail, other electronic information and personal property without the owner’s knowledge or consent. The act was implemented to capture the terrorists responsible for the attacks during 2001 but as it pertains to information technology; it removed many barriers for law enforcement agencies to gather intelligence from domestic sources to fight terrorism. Money laundering for example is hidden in a process of several electronic transactions which ultimately funds terrorist activities. The criminals take cash earned from illegal exploits and then deposit this cash into a banking institution from where it is then transferred to other accounts or credit cards, money orders, travelers cheques among other things so that it appears to be legitimate funds used...
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...Information Technology Acts Mayra Gonzalez BIS/220 October 28, 2013 Jadie Giorgis Information Technology Acts While information technology continual to move ahead over the years, ethical concerns turn into an issue. Accordingly, the government executed specific acts to govern these concerns. Even as some of these acts exists, this text centered on two sections specifically: US Patriot Act of 2001, and Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970. Whereas the Patriot Act was executed to lessen terrorist activities by the use of the internet, the Fair Credit Act was executed to give every American with be on a par with credit opportunities. The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism, also well-known as the Patriot Act of 2001 was enacted in 2001. The Patriot Act was established to “deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and other purposes” (US). Table 1.1 below provides a synopsis of the sections of the Patriot Act involving financial institutions and their operations. Table 1.1 Sections of the Patriot Act of 2001 Section Purpose | 311 “Special Measures for Jurisdictions, Financial Institutions, or International Transactions of Primary Money Laundering Concern | 312 Special Due Diligence for Correspondent Accounts and Private Banking Accounts | 313 Prohibition on U.S. Correspondent Accounts with Foreign Shell...
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...Information Technology Act Greg Bennett BIS/220 January 15, 2013 Nikia Johnson Information Technology Act Information technology continues to forge ahead and has done so from day one. Technology, moving forward, and becoming more advanced and sophisticated, adds growing concern over the ethical integrity of that technology. In correlation with those concerns, the United States government implemented various acts to aid control in these concerns and combat unethical behavior. Given the number of implemented acts, this paper focuses on two specific sections: the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970, and the U.S. Patriot Act of 2001. The implementation of the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970 enabled each American to be on an even plane with credit opportunities. The government executed the U.S. Patriot Act in 2001, in part because of the atrocity of 9/11, to lessen terrorist activities by the use of the Internet and cyberspace. Fair Credit Reporting Act of 1970 The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) ordained to “protect consumers from the disclosure of inaccurate and arbitrary personal information held by consumer reporting agencies” (Consumer Privacy Guide (2001). The Fair Credit Reporting Act (1970). 2001). At the time when this act was established, American citizens were not viewed equally by credit facilities when attempting to purchase homes or vehicles. This act was a means of governing and guaranteeing equal opportunity and consideration for these...
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