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What Does Adversity Mean To You Essay

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Although I am only seventeen, growing up has taught me to appreciate the value of the little things in this world. You will face upon adversity at some point in your life. Joseph B. Wirthlin once said, “As with the butterfly, adversity is necessary to build character in people.” When misfortune shows up in my life, I face it in different ways; as a carrot, an egg, and a coffee bean.
During my junior spring semester, I tried out for the varsity softball team, the odds were not in my favor so I behaved as a carrot. Winter cheer season was coming to an end, therefore; I was truly ready for the upcoming softball season. With confidence, I was for sure that I wouldn’t be benched the whole season, unlike the previous one. As tryout came I felt like I was improving since the last time I stepped out on that field. As tryouts came to an end, the coaches called us into the press box individually. Right away I could see the sorrow in their facial expressions. I was told I would not be participating in the Fort Chiswell Softball Program my …show more content…
For instance, when my friends try to tell me how to run my relationship. I have been in the relationship since the summer of my seventh grade year. Two years into it things started to get a little rocky. My friends started pointing out all the other girls who constantly kept flirting, but trust played a major role in my relationship so I saw no use to do anything about it. For weeks my friends wouldn’t stop nagging me about the actions of these other girls, it made me angry on the inside so I spoke up. There was a three day period of tension between us to the point of where I almost lost him. I decided that saving my relationship was more important to me then dealing with their controlling behavior, considering that in the end I was the girlfriend. After taking a week to myself, not talking to anyone but him, I let it go, calmed down, and rebuilt the trust that we

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