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Career Summary: Leeward Community College

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College And Career Summary

Deciding on a career to have throughout your lifetime is a difficult choice, however deciding sooner is the correct choice. In my future, I picture myself making business deals for programming applications. What I desire to accomplish over a long period of time is to become a programmer, in the field of computer science and technology. What I do realize is that I need to have a bachelor's degree in computer science and technology, and I need to realize how to program in different languages. For example, C++, C#, C, C objective, Java, Lua, Python, JavaScript, etc. Computer science and technology is a difficult career to accomplish, however it’s extremely useful in obtaining money through programming. (120)

The college I would select to proceed to would be Leeward Community College for a bit. Once I acquire my associates degree I would next advance to UH Manoa. Although, Leeward Community College has its requirements to acquire into the college. Since the college costs $3,475 and is located at 96-045 AlaIke Pearl City. There are numerous other requirements to acquire into Leeward Community College, however the UH Manoa requirements are higher. Since UH Manoa has higher requirements that means it costs more money, and is in a different location of course. The difference between a college …show more content…
Sadly, I’m not flexible to move to another state or country to pursue my education. That is why Leeward Community College and UH Manoa are in Hawaii. Education is essential, however family communication is also essential. I select this education since I can obtain a great quantity of money from programming deals, by my clients I acquire a hold of. Also, I am always interested in how programs and computers work, now I like to create programs that work and are useful to mankind. For example, the health programs to monitor your heartbeat and remain on track of your medications, etc.

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