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Carl Robbins Case Study Analysis


Submitted By Blabm28
Words 1303
Pages 6
Carl Robbins Case Analysis - Revision
Bernard T. Mitchell II
July 14, 2014
Apryl Motley

Carl Robbins Case Analysis - Revision * Introduction * The inexperience skill set of the recruiter highlighted many areas within the ABC Inc. that need immediate attention. Drawbacks of communication within the organization are evident; however, there are other components that need to be considered. This case study analysis will provide the key components that contributed to the failure of Carl’s 1st recruitment effort. This case study will also review and provide recommendations of the key components: Communication, Organizational Culture, and Transparency.
* In this case, Carl Robins is facing a few challenges reaching the goals, set by the company, during this process of hiring the most qualified candidates for available positions within the organization. Unfortunately, this is Carl’s first recruitment of new hires, and it has spiraled out of control causing the stalling in the hiring process. As a recruiter who does not have variety of experience with the operations and policies of the organization, this has remained a great challenge. * Research of the recruitment process shows that most personnel managers increase their standing within an organization by maintaining control over staffing procedures in the name of efficiency and fairness (Marsden, P. V. 1994). In most cases, the recruiters take the time to adapt to the new organizational culture and procedures that are in place by the company. Adapting to the policies, procedures, and cultural within this case seems to be part of Carl’s downfall. Failure to adapt seems to be a complexity in the level of understanding and incorporating the policies within the new environment of recruitment. Therefore, understanding the recruitment process remains a key challenge that has

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