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台灣金融研訓院接受中華民國信託業商業同業公會委託辦理 第 36 期信託業業務人員信託業務專業測驗試題 科目:信託法規 入場通知書編號:_______________
注意:本試卷正反兩頁共 50 題,每題 2 分,限用 2B 鉛筆在「答案卡」上作答。 本試卷之試題皆為單選選擇題,請選出最適當答案,答錯不倒扣;未作答者,不予計分。 答案卡務必繳回,未繳回者該科以零分計算。 1.下列何者為信託財產之所有權人? (1)委託人 (2)受託人 (3)受益人 (4)信託監察人

2.依信託法規定,他益信託之信託關係消滅時,受託人應就信託事務之處理作成結算書,並取得相關人之 承認,下列何者非前述所指之相關人? (1)受益人 (2)信託監察人 (3)委託人 (4)其他歸屬權利人 3.財產所有人將其財產權登記為他人所有,惟並未賦予他人管理或處分該財產權限之情形,是否屬於信託 法上之信託關係? (1)屬於信託關係 (2)以信託關係論 (3)視為信託關係 (4)非為信託關係 4.所謂信託財產之物上代位性,下列何者正確? (1)對信託財產不得強制執行 (2)受託人死亡時,信託財產不屬於其遺產 (3)受託人破產時,信託財產不屬於其破產財團 (4)受託人因信託財產之管理等事由取得之財產仍屬信託財產 5.委託人王五交付新臺幣三十萬元予受託人李四成立信託契約,約定由李四將信託資金簽注於六合彩,信 託報酬為中獎彩金之二成,其餘收益均歸王五,該信託關係之效力為何? (1)有效 (2)無效 (3)效力未定 (4)法院得撤銷之 6.有關信託財產得否強制執行,下列敘述何者錯誤? (1)原則上不得對信託財產強制執行,但有例外 (2)在信託前即已存在於信託財產之權利,得對其強制執行 (3)因處理信託事務所生之權利,得對其強制執行 (4)法院規定得對信託財產強制執行者,即可強制執行 7.信託法中有關受託人應作成信託財產目錄,並編製收支計算表送交委託人及受益人之規定,下列敘述何 者正確? (1)每季不定期一次 (2)每年不定期一次 (3)每季至少定期一次 (4)每年至少定期一次 8.同一信託之受託人有數人時,信託財產關係或事務之處理,下列敘述何者正確? (1)信託財產為分別共有 (2)信託財產為公同共有 (3)信託事務之處理全部由全體受託人共同為之,不得另外約定 (4)信託事務之處理,受託人意思不一致時,應得委託人全體之同意 9.他益信託成立後,委託人原則上不能變更受益人或終止信託,但下列何種情形不在此限? (1)向法院聲請同意 (2)經受益人同意 (3)報請金管會核准 (4)向信託監察人申請同意 10.有關受益權之敘述,下列何者錯誤? (1)受益人享受信託利益之權利,稱為「受益權」 (2)受益權得讓與 (3)受益權得依法律規定發行有價證券 (4)受益人死亡,該受益權即消滅,無法成為繼承之標的

11.受託人變更時,信託財產視為於何時移轉於新受託人? (1)原受託人辭任或解任時 (2)選任新受託人時 (3)信託監察人同意時 (4)原受託人任務終了時 12.信託契約中訂定僅委託人有權終止信託之他益信託者,在委託人死亡後,受益人得否終止信託? (1)受益人得與委託人之繼承人共同終止信託 (2)受益人得經信託監察人同意終止信託 (3)受益人得自行終止信託 (4)受益人不得逕自終止信託 13.依信託法規定,私益信託之受託人如違反分別管理義務,未將信託財產與自有財產分別管理而獲得利益 者,委託人或受益人得為下列何種請求或主張? (1)請求將所獲利益歸於信託財產 (2)逕行解任受託人,不必向法院聲請 (3)請求將所獲利益歸於委託人 (4)請求將所獲利益歸於受益人 14.有關公益信託之設立目的,下列何者錯誤? (1)得以祭祀為目的(如祭孔) (2)得以增進特定受益人利益為目的 (3)得以闡揚宗教教義,興建宗教設施為目的 (4)得以從事有關人類文明事務及提昇國民精神生活為目的 15.有關信託關係之消滅事由,除信託行為另有訂定外,下列敘述何者錯誤? (1)不因受託人死亡而消滅 (2)因委託人死亡而消滅 (3)不因委託人破產而消滅 (4)不因受託人破產而消滅 16.公益信託成立後發生信託行為當時不能預見之情事時,下列何者可參酌信託本旨,變更信託條款? (1)信託監察人 (2)法院 (3)目的事業主管機關 (4)委託人及受託人 17.依信託法規定,未經許可使用公益信託之名稱者,應處多少罰鍰? (1)新臺幣一萬元以上五萬元以下罰鍰 (2)新臺幣一萬元以上十萬元以下罰鍰 (3)新臺幣二萬元以上十萬元以下罰鍰 (4)新臺幣二萬元以上二十萬元以下罰鍰 18.民事信託中之私益信託除信託行為另有訂定外,下列何者得因信託監察人之請求,斟酌其職務之繁簡及 信託財產之狀況,就信託財產酌給相當報酬? (1)法院 (2)受託人 (3)委託人 (4)受益人 19.依信託法規定,信託是以管理或處分信託財產為目的,下列何者不能為信託財產? (1)有價證券 (2)金錢債權 (3)商譽 (4)地上權 20.甲將所有不動產信託予乙銀行,由乙銀行向不特定人募集發行或向特定人私募受益證券,則係屬下列何 種信託? (1)不動產投資信託 (2)不動產資產信託 (3)擔保物權信託 (4)地上權信託 21.除經主管機關許可兼營信託業務之銀行外,有關信託業之組織,以下列何者為限? (1)以財團法人為限 (2)以有限公司為限 (3)以股份有限公司為限 (4)凡公司法規定之公司均可 22.下列何者不得經營信託業務? (1)未加入信託公會之信託業 (3)兼營信託業務之外國銀行在台分行 (2)辦理政黨財產信託之信託公司 (4)改制為信託業之信託投資公司

23.我國某甲銀行與自然人某乙欲設立專營之信託公司,下列敘述何者錯誤? (1)專業股東之股份不得少於實收資本額之百分之四十 (2)某乙之股份,不得超過已發行股份之百分之二十五 (3)某甲銀行符合特定條件時,其股份可超過已發行股份之百分之五十 (4)該專營之信託公司最低實收資本額為新臺幣十億元 【請接續背面】

24.依信託業法規定,信託業於下列何種情況下,依信託契約約定,得以信託財產借入款項? (1)以開發為目的之土地信託經全體受益人同意者 (2)需先經信託監察人同意 (3)需先取得主管機關核准 (4)絕對禁止 25.依信託業法規定,信託業處理信託事務,應盡到何種程度之注意義務? (1)一般人之注意義務 (2)善良管理人之注意義務 (3)與處理自己事務相同之注意義務 (4)無過失責任 26.信託業法所稱對信託財產具有運用決定權者,於兼營信託業務之銀行,為下列何者? (1)督導信託業務之副總經理 (2)常務董事 (3)信託業務專責部門內對信託財產具有最後核定權限之主管及人員 (4)總經理 27.下列何種財產權之信託,不屬於信託業依法得經營之信託業務? (1)專利權之信託 (2)商標權之信託 (3)著作權之信託 (4)租賃權之信託

28.兼營信託業務之銀行辦理對信託財產具有運用決定權之信託時,於事先取得受益人之書面同意者,得為 下列何項行為? (1)將信託財產貸放於受益人指定之人 (2)以信託財產為擔保借入款項,投資於有價證券 (3)以信託財產購買其銀行業務部門經紀之有價證券 (4)以信託財產購買其銀行業務部門承銷之有價證券 29.信託業申請募集發行共同信託基金,經標準普爾公司(Standard & Poor's Corporation )評定,短期債務 信用評等須達何種等級以上? (1) A-1 (2) A-2 (3) A-3 (4) B 30.依信託業法規定,信託業違反法令或信託契約,致委託人或受益人受有損害者,下列何者應連帶負損害 賠償責任? A.信託業 B.應負責之董事 C.應負責之主管人員 D.監察人 (1) A、B、D (2) B、C、D (3) A、C、D (4) A、B、C 31.違反信託業法有關強制或禁止規定,除該法另有處罰規定外,可處多少罰鍰? (1)銀元六十萬元以上三百萬元以下罰鍰 (2)新臺幣一百萬元以上三百萬元以下罰鍰 (3)新臺幣六十萬元以上五百萬元以下罰鍰 (4)新臺幣六十萬元以上三百萬元以下罰鍰 32.銀行經營信託業務應指撥之營運資金,其數額不得低於多少金額? (1)新臺幣一億元 (2)新臺幣八千萬元 (3)新臺幣六千萬元 (4)新臺幣五千萬元 33.信託業稽核單位每年對營業單位應至少辦理幾次查核? (1)一次一般查核及一次專案查核 (2)二次一般查核及一次專案查核 (3)一次一般查核及二次專案查核 (4)二次一般查核及二次專案查核 34.信託業應提存之賠償準備金,得以下列何者繳存於中央銀行? (1)政府債券 (2)有擔保之可轉換公司債 (3)銀行發行之可轉讓定存單 (4)金融機構發行之金融債券 35.依信託業法規定,信託業應每半年營業年度將下列何種報表於其所在地之日報或依主管機關指定之方式公 告? (1)損益表 (2)財產目錄 (3)資產負債表 (4)股東權益變動表 36.依信託業法規定,信託業發生存款不足退票,應於事實發生之翌日起幾個營業日內,向主管機關申報? (1)二個營業日內 (2)三個營業日內 (3)五個營業日內 (4)七個營業日內

37.兼營信託業之銀行,經主管機關派員執行接管任務時,其所生之費用負擔,下列何者正確? (1)由受接管之銀行負擔 (2)由接管人負擔 (3)由主管機關負擔 (4)由中央存款保險公司負擔 38.信託業法第二十一條所訂信託財產評審委員會之組織及評審規範,由下列何者訂之? (1)信託業之主管機關 (2)人民團體之主管機關 (3)中華民國信託業商業同業公會 (4)中華民國銀行商業同業公會 39.委託人甲與受託人乙訂立信託契約,由甲交付乙新臺幣一百萬元成立信託,甲保留運用決定權,並指示 乙購買特定標的A公司發行之公司債,此種信託係屬下列何種信託? (1)特定單獨管理運用有價證券信託 (2)指定單獨管理運用金錢信託 (3)指定集合管理運用金錢信託 (4)特定單獨管理運用金錢信託 40.依信託業商業同業公會會員自律公約規定,會員處理信託相關業務時,應為客戶最佳之利益,以適當之 方法執行,並禁止有誤導、詐欺、利益衝突或內線交易之行為係屬下列何項原則? (1)守法原則 (2)善良管理原則 (3)謹慎管理原則 (4)忠實誠信原則 41.依信託業應負之義務及相關行為規範,信託業與委託人間以電子媒體連繫時,其應注意事項,下列何者非屬 之? (1)應取得主管機關同意 (2)應採取相關措施確保傳輸安全 (3)應採取相關措施確保得以證明聯繫之真實性 (4)應採取相關措施確保收受者確實收受聯繫之內容 42.依證券投資信託事業證券投資顧問事業證券商兼營信託業務管理辦法規定,證券商得申請主管機關許可 以信託方式辦理之特定項目,下列何者錯誤? (1)經營全權委託投資業務 (2)辦理財富管理業務 (3)擔任信託監察人 (4)辦理客戶委託保管及運用其款項業務 43.信託業違反內部控制及內部稽核相關規定時,主管機關得依其情節為處罰,下列何者錯誤? (1)命令信託業解除負責人之職務 (2)停止一部或全部之業務 (3)撤銷營業許可 (4)處行為負責人三年以下有期徒刑 44.信託業從事下列何種行為,不須事先申請主管機關許可? (1)增設分支機構 (2)募集發行共同信託基金 (3)設置信託資金集合管理運用帳戶 (4)與政黨或政治團體簽訂信託契約 45.信託業如符合主管機關規定,除涉及特定業務者外,得對其營業執照已登載之信託業務項下所設計之新 種信託商品逕行開辦,並至遲於開辦後幾日內檢具營業計劃書、信託契約範本報請主管機關備查? (1)十日內 (2)十五日內 (3)三十日內 (4)六十日內 46.受益人為非中華民國境內居住之個人者,就信託財產發生之收入,應以下列何者為所得稅之扣繳義務 人? (1)委託人 (2)受託人 (3)其他受益人 (4)信託監察人 47.甲公司提供面值五百萬元約載年利率百分之五之公債,成立他益信託,約定三年內員工業績達成一億元 者,可享有該信託財產及其三年間之孳息,請問在尚未有員工達成業績前,其每年利息所得應如何申報? (1)由甲公司申報 (2)由受託人依規定扣繳率申報 (3)由員工福利委員會申報 (4)由未來達成業績之員工申報 48.個人成立、捐贈或加入符合所得稅法規定之公益信託之財產,得列綜合所得稅列舉扣除額申報捐贈之扣 除比例上限為何? (1)全數列入 (2)所得總額百分之四十 (3)所得總額百分之三十 (4)所得總額百分之二十 49.受託人依信託本旨移轉信託不動產於委託人以外之歸屬權利人時,應由歸屬權利人估價立契,繳納下列 何者稅負? (1)買賣契稅 (2)交換契稅 (3)贈與契稅 (4)分割契稅 50.原則上個人依信託契約成立之他益信託,其贈與稅之納稅義務人,為下列何者? (1)委託人 (2)受託人 (3)受益人 (4)信託監察人

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...Case Study – Process Analysis in Carrefour PROCESS ANALYSIS IN CARREFOUR GROUP INTRODUCTION - History of Carrefour First in Europe, Carrefour is the 2nd retailer in the world. With a presence in thirty-two countries, it makes half its sales outside France. This makes it the most international of all food retailers. The Group is concentrated on three continents: Europe (13 countries), Latin America (4 countries) and Asia (8 countries), a field of expansion to which one might add Africa, the Caribbean and the Middle East (7 countries). The Group started this world-wide expansion more than 40 years ago, from which it has gained considerable experience. With the strength of this expertise, Carrefour pursues a growth strategy that is increasingly based on its international business. Thus, in 2004, 80% of the new points of sale were created outside France. Growth has been achieved, with an increase of sales outside France of 8.3% at constant Exchange rates in 2004. The scope of Carrefour focuses on four main grocery store formats which are hypermarket, supermarket, discount and convenient stores. Operations range from supermarkets stores and a variety of other outlets to convenience. But what Carrefour is known for above all else is the hypermarket. A hypermarket is, essentially, a super-sized supermarket that typically stocks some 70,000 items and has a sales floor as big as 20,000 square meters or approximately 215,000 square feet. Carrefour introduced the concept to Europe...

Words: 2881 - Pages: 12

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Case Study Carrefour

...Carrefour case study * Entry of Carrefour in the Russian Market in june 09 * Exit 4 month later Reasons to enter the market: 1. Long- term potential 2. Company´s aim of having a presence in the BRIC markets 3. Russia´s proximity to Europe Problems: absence of opportunities to grow either organically or through acquisition Barriers of Russian market: 1. Legislative framework is highly complicated 2. Corruption is rampant at all levels 3. High start up costs and several bureaucratic procedures 2008 due to recession and global economic downturn high unemployment and low purchasing power February 2009 negative growth rate Late entry of Carrefour: Competitors: Metro Germany since 2001 and Auchan France since 2002 expanded rapidly Problems in France (which accounts for 43% of total revenue) concentrate on france not Russia (demanded high resources and attention) Emerging markets: Political environment: remains volatile Investing involves a lot of red tape and bureaucracy time and resource consuming Manpower: inadequate supply of trained and qualifies manpower Result: high employee turnoer * Lack of proper educational systems- heavy investments from retailers Competition: From the unorganized sector like: street vendors, open air markets, local supermarkets, catgory specialists (green, bio, kosher, bakery) * Those have limited stock and wide presence and are affordable Distribution and Logistics: are underdeveloped, lack of...

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Carrefour Marketing Plan in Cyprus

...Marketing FoundationMKT 2222 | Group Project: Carrefour | April 4th 2008 | | Group Members & Student Numbers:Fikri Fikrioglu – M00013290Mohammed Moin – M00074462Christos Andreou – M00022720Seminar Tutor: Paul GarneauSeminar Number: Seminar S03 | Table of ContentsBackground Information and Company Description of Carrefour 2The Marketing Environment 5SWOT Analysis 10 Consumer Decision Making Process 16Market Segmentation 20Positioning of the Company 22The Marketing Mix 23The Competitive Situation of the Company 26Primary Data Collection & Evaluation 30Conclusion 40Bibliography & References ...

Words: 13508 - Pages: 55

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Financial Analysis Report of Carrefour

...Financial report : Carrefour Yi LI Yuhuan CHEN FEI XU Matthieu GRACIEUX Nicolas CHAPACOU 1 Table of Contents 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Business Description .................................................................................................. 3 Market Summary ....................................................................................................... 5 Strategy and Competitive Positioning ......................................................................... 9 Risks ........................................................................................................................ 13 Financial analysis ..................................................................................................... 15 Forecast, Valuation and Recommendations .............................................................. 17 Appendix ................................................................................................................. 19 Sources .................................................................................................................... 22 2 1) Business Description - Carrefour SA operates hypermarkets, supermarkets, convenience stores, cash and carry stores, and hypercash stores worldwide. The company also operates food and non-food e-commerce Websites. Its hypermarkets offer food products; and non-food products comprising clothing products, electronic goods, household appliances, multimedia products, furniture...

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A Comparative Anaylsis of Walmart and Carrefour get a cut of the action in China. It is viable for companies to create an efficient strategy that will effectively distinguish themselves from its competitors and have the capability to conquer the foreign market. However, when entering to unfamiliar territories there are many challenges that companies ought to overcome such as cultures, regulation, communication barriers, and so forth. Currently, Wal-mart and Carrefour are dominating in China as the foreign discount stores but they have different strategy to compete in China. Background In 1959, Carrefour was created in Southern France and became international by 1969. “It innovated with the hypermarket format in France in 1963 where it introduced the idea of one stop shopping for food, clothing, electronics, appliances, etc. Although it does not compete in the USA, it has adapted successfully to Latin American and Asia markets” (Arnold, 2002, p. 563). “Now, it serves over 2 billion clients per year in its more than 9,000 stores, which are present in 32 countries across 3 geographic zones. Carrefour is not only the second but also the most internationalized retailer worldwide” (Shiue, Der-Juinn, & Yeh, 2006, p. 171). In 1962, Wal-mart began its story in Northwest Arkansas as the discount store and quickly expanded to the largest family owned business. “It is active in 11 countries and has stores in North and South America, Europe and Asia. It has over 4,400 stores, of which three quarters are in the USA...

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Carrefour and Pão de Açucar Negotiations

...Carrefour and Grupo Pão de Açúcar Merger Intercultural Negotiation Rafael Campos de Oliveira November 2012 Contents Table Introduction Background Information a. Background Information of Carrefour b. Background Information of Pão de Açúcar c. Background Information of Groupe Casino 1. Situation before the negotiation 2. The proposal 3. Groupe Casino position 4. End of Negotiation 5. Future for Carrefour and Pão de Açúcar 6. Final commentaries 7. References Carrefour and Pão de Açúcar merger Introduction This paper will describe the negotiation to merge Pão de Açúcar, the largest retailer in Brazil, and Carrefour, the second largest supermarket chain in the world. The initial plan was to create a Brazilian super retail chain with a global presence but due to several reasons the negotiation didn’t succeed. These reasons will be presented in the following chapters, along with an analysis comparing the theories learned in the Intercultural negotiation class. The methodology of this research was based in articles published by newspapers, containing both analysis of this case and interviews with the people involved. Background information BACKGROUND INFORMATION OF CARREFOUR Carrefour S.A. is a one of the largest hypermarket chains in the world – according to public information – it had more than 1395 hypermarkets at the end of 2009. Carrefour is...

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...should Mr. Duarant assess the opportunity in various countries around the world? Answer: Carrefour is the world largest hypermarket in terms of size, 2nd largest in terms of revenue and 3rd largest in terms of profit. It is the Wal-Marts biggest global competitor and has around 495,000 employees. But Carrefour is preparing for a global expansion and also for strengthening their current markets. However, different market has different levels of opportunities for Carrefour. So, Mr. Duarant, CEO of Carrefour, needs to properly assess what kind of opportunity is waiting for them in different countries. There are several factors that need to be judged for assessing opportunities in various countries. First of all, consider the quantitative factors, factors that can be measured in numerical terms. Carrefour is operating business in China and wants to enter in Indian market. China has a population of 1324.6 million and India 1139.9 million, which are very close. But both are bigger than all of the European markets. That’s why, these markets offer Carrefour more sales volumes that means profit, which is an opportunity for them. Another important factor to consider is qualitative factors, factors that are difficult to measure in numerical terms; examples of these factors are the political environment of a country, geographic location, product preference of the people etc. So, for Carrefour Western European, South American and Asia Pacific countries are more preferable because their...

Words: 420 - Pages: 2

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...Carrefour Company Background Carrefour means "crossroads" in French, arose in 1959 as a partnership among two industrialists, Marcel Fournier and Louis Defforey, in Annecy which is urban area around eastern France. However Carrefour had been progressively more developed since World War two. Fournier previously had created the branch store which is Grand Magasin de Nouveautés Fournier d'Annecy and which has networks in the Casino supermarkets, Defforey was the leader of Badin-Defforey in Lagnieu. This French international chain is the third lagest regarding profit after Tesco and wal-Mart, during the year 2008 the company changed its CEO to Lars Olofsson who believe the company “approach is to be only where it knows it can win”, there after it decided to terminate part of its business around Asia among countries which they did not benefit or gain profit from them such as Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore in year 2010, and focus on those countries with more customers and gain profit from them, one of the reason why the French international chain “Carrefour” failed in this countries is because the taste and living ways are different French style so it was hard for Asians to adapt quickly. Carrefour is actively committed to promoting local economic development. Since retail activities are all about contact with people, the group consistently emphasizes local recruitment plus management and staff training on the job wherever they work. Typically, the Carrefour group will be one...

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Wal-Mart Foreign Expansion

...Taking Wal-Mart Global Lessons From Retailing's Giant Vijay Govindarajan and Anil K. Gupta [pic] During 1992-93, Wal-Mart agreed to sell low-priced products to two Japanese retailers, Ito-Yokado and Yaohan, that would market these products in Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia and the Philippines. Then, in 1994, Wal-Mart entered Hong Kong through a joint venture with the C.P. Pokphand Company, a Thailand-based conglomerate, to open three Value Club membership discount stores in Hong Kong. MODE OF ENTRY Once Wal-Mart had selected the country or countries to enter, it needed to determine the appropriate mode of entry. Every company making this move faces an array of choices: It can acquire an existing player, build an alliance with an existing player or start greenfield operations, either alone or in partnership with another player. Wal-Mart entered Canada through an acquisition. This was a logical move for three reasons. First, Canada is a mature market - an unattractive situation for greenfield operations, since adding new stores (i.e., new capacity) will only intensify an already high degree of local competition. Second, because there are significant income and cultural similarities between the United States and Canadian markets, Wal-Mart faced relatively little need for new learning. Thus, entering through a strategic alliance was unnecessary. Third, a poorly performing player, Woolco, was available for purchase at an economical price. Furthermore...

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Corporate Strategy

...Executive Summary The wave of globalization is everywhere and the food retail industry is not spared. Hypermarkets such as Tesco and Carrefour have long been in existence and is rapidly making its presence felt in further expansion plans in the Asia Pacific region. Started in North and America and Europe, hypermarkets became the dominant retail grocery today. Consumers’ expectations for ease in grocery shopping, together with the increased of car ownership made shopping in big supermarkets a trend to last for a long time to come. With higher income and change in lifestyles, coupled with an increasing middle income group – it has opened a whole new market for the retail chain industry. Due to the saturated local market, hypermarkets are bent on expansion in finding new markets internationally. Even though governments have opened up their economies to foreign players, there are rules and regulations imposed on new players in order to protect their own local retail industries. Global retail industry has come a long way since commencement. Worldwide retail sales is now valued at $USD7 trillion (Source: Deloitte :2003). Invention of bar-coding system enables stores to manage tens of thousands of items and also assisted in ‘Just-In-Time’ store replenishment system. This report would explain the emerging markets to be tapped, and the different opportunities and threats faced by the entrants; various rules and regulations imposed by the local government in which hypermarkets...

Words: 2693 - Pages: 11

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...International Borrowing at Carrefour S.A. Briefly discuss the background of Carrefour SA and its financing practices. What are the borrowing alternatives? Carrefour S.A. is operating as a chain of hypermarkets, combining a supermarket, drugstore, discount store and gas station. Carrefour is originating from France, however, during 40 years it has expanded its operations to ten other European countries, six South and North American countries and nine Asian countries. The largest sales and profits of the company come from operations in France. But only in 2001 sales coming from France were less than from foreign operations. Carrefour management had generally financed company growth through securities denominated in the currency of business operations. More than 90% of borrowings are in Euro, and the remaining 10% - in other currencies (US dollars, Argentine peso, Swiss franc, etc.). Foreign currency exposure was generally hedged through currency-forward contracts. Now Carrefour needs to borrow EUR 750 million. The Carrefour management has to decide in which currency the company should borrow, and if all of the borrowing should be via bond issue. Using the parity forward rates calculate the cost of borrowing in CHF, GBP and in USD. In order to identify the internal rate of return (IRR) for each of currency options, we have projected cash flows in each currency based on the respective coupon rate. In order to translate cash flows in euro and make them comparable, we have...

Words: 323 - Pages: 2

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...why different firms adopted different strategies even in the same environmental context. Question To analyze the strategies of Carrefour and how these strategies interact with Chinese government policies and local market conditions? CARREFOUR The Carrefour Company was created by the Fournier and Defforey families in 1959 in France, with the meaning of its name— “crossroads” expressing convenience. Today, Carrefour has reached 30 countries in Europe, Latin American and Asia. Currently, Carrefour has opened over 12,500 stores all over the world, with sales in 2006 of $114.9 billion and 456,000 employees. Store Formats. Carrefour operates three store formats in China: Carrefour hypermarkets, Champion supermarkets, and Dia discounted convenience stores. Since Carrefour entered China in 1995, hypermarkets were the principal format for Carrefour expansion. Carrefour opened 150 Dia discounted convenience stores in Shanghai and 100 in Beijing in 2003 (, but faces fierce competition from 7-Eleven stores from Taiwan. Carrefour would more likely to learn from and follow 7-Eleven in the convenience store niche . Store Location. China is still a country with a relative low income level and hence the mainstream power of consumption remains in large and prosperous cities and city centers. Therefore, Carrefour establishes their stores in first tier cities and also in more prosperous and business areas . Yan (2003) argues that Carrefour’s ...

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