Premium Essay

Case Analysis Walmart


Submitted By ashschaffer
Words 2508
Pages 11
Case Objective:

This case objective is to study Wal-Mart’s history, external environment, internal environment, perform a SWOT analysis, analyze its business strategy, performance measures, and to provide strategic recommendations. Moreover, Wal-Mart’s “glory days are over” and its stock is “dead money”. So, what had worked in the past for Wal-Mart was no longer sustainable in the current competitive environment. The president Lee Scott wondered whether he should somehow adjust Wal-Mart’s course or to change efforts he had started over the past few years would begin to have a positive effect.
These statements and facts will be addressed and discussed in the course of the paper and presentation.
Wal-Mart's Mission: "To give ordinary folk the chance to buy the same thing as rich people"
Wal-Mart's Vision: "To become the world leaders in retailing" (, 2011)

Introduction: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. is an American public corporation that runs a chain of large, discount department stores. It is world’s largest public corporation by revenue and was founded by Sam Walton in 1962. It is the largest private employer in the world and the fourth largest utility or commercial employer. Other key facts about Wal-Mart are that “at the end of fiscal year 2010 Wal-Mart has over 4,300 stores and clubs in the U.S., and more than 8,400 units worldwide.”(, 2011) They employ 1.8 million in over 6,700 stores in 14 countries and on a weekly basis “they serve 200 million customers.”(, 2011)

Introduction to the Company:
Wal-Mart has been in the industry since 1962, founded by Sam Walton. The company has over the years, developed a brand image and market place to become the biggest company in the industry. Wal-Mart has been able to gain a position so big that it is thrice as big as its closest competitor. The company's signature for

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