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Case Assignment


Submitted By xiz98
Words 942
Pages 4
To: Ellen Schall, Commissioner New York City Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ)
From: Lei Liu, Consultant
Subject: Recommendations for a New Mission Statement
Date: January 27, 2013

Recommendations To draft the new mission statement, I suggest following the process: * Review the New York City Charter for DJJ
The Charter provides the major duties that DJJ must fulfill. Therefore, when creating the new mission statement, reviewing the content of the Charter is necessary. * Clarify the Core Purpose of DJJ
The core purpose guides the employees and the organization, and helps the daily decision-making. * Target the Stakeholders and Expectations Stakeholders’ expectations reflect what the DJJ should do. The stakeholders include both internal and external part. * Analyze the Values of DJJ The value of the organization motivates the employees and mirrors the belief that they are willing to devote themselves. * Consider the Future Position The mission statement should provide the versions of success and help develop the organization in the three or five years.

Reasons for Creating the New Mission Statement
After reviewing the situations of DJJ, a new mission statement is necessary to clarify and restate the core purposes and values of DJJ. According to the New York City Charter, DJJ has two major duties: to provide secure or non-secure facilities for the temporary care and to develop programs like Aftercare for the previously detained juvenile offenders. According to the Charter, DJJ could either provide secure or non-secure facilities. However, DJJ chose to do both. Spofford, the most important part of DJJ, detained those juveniles who had been accused of serious violent crimes; and the “non-secure” detention (NSD), held the younger children and those juveniles charged with less serious crimes. These two different

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