...THE PROTOCOL ON THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN AND PEACE BUILDING IN AFRICA Protocol refers to an international agreement that adds to an existing international instrument. Ratification refers to a formal action under international law that makes a state a party to particular treaty and indicates a state’s consent to be bound by the treaty The African union protocol is an African law made by Africans for Africans and it does among other things call for: * An end to all forms of violence against women in all its forms and in all situations * It promotes the use of corrective measures (Affirmative action) for women’s equal participation and representation. In elected and appointive offices * It clearly provides for the reproductive health rights of women and girls * It provides for remedies for any woman whose rights and freedoms are violated and denied * It also entitles her to seek and obtain redress through accessible government and non governmental agencies mechanisms and services Defending women’s human rights is often seen by state authorities, and even by communities, as a challenge to culture, tradition and a way of life. Through their work, many directly or indirectly challenge social stereotypes regarding the proper role and status of women. As a result, women activists not only face repression by governments, but also by their families and other community members. Ongoing armed conflicts on the continent place women at even further risk of violence...
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...Managing a Mediation Process offers an overview of the process of mediating interstate and intrastate conflicts. Each of its six chapters covers a different step in the process, identifying what needs to be done at that step and how best to accomplish it: ● ● ● ● ● ● SMITH AND SMOCK MANAGING A MEDIATION PROCESS Assess the Conflict Ensure Mediator Readiness Ensure Conflict Ripeness Conduct Track-I Mediation Encourage Track-II Dialogue Construct a Peace Agreement Managing a Mediation Process is the first of several handbooks in the Peacemaker’s Toolkit series and deals largely with Track-I efforts. Each handbook in the series addresses a particular facet of the work of mediating violent conflicts, including such topics as negotiating with terrorists, managing public information, constitution making, assessing and enhancing ripeness, and Track-II peacemaking, among others. MANAGING A MEDIATION PROCESS Consolidating practical wisdom distilled from the hard-won experience of seasoned mediators into an easily digestible format, this handbook is designed to help mediators identify areas where they may need more research or preparation, as well as options and strategies relevant to the particular case on which they are working. Examples from past mediation efforts are provided. CT ST RU CE T CONA PEA MEN E AGRE Managing a MEDIATION PROCESS AGE OURC II E ENCTRA GU O DIAL UC T ONDAC I ON C R T DIATI ME Amy L. Smith and...
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...Introduction The origin and development of ADR in Mongolia Concept and stages of administrative proceeding Necessity to adopt mediation procedure on Mongolian tax case and dispute Conclusion References Abstract Tax law covers a significant presence in administrative law sectors. Tax dispute and cases are part of the administrative law disputes and resolving tax dispute and cases through ADR is much peaceful mechanism. Despite the mediation procedure on tax cases and dispute is occupying great position in the national legal systems of countries, international level dispute resolution based on the principles of mutual trust is a flexible and effective method. Countries tend to implement mediation procedure on tax cases in accordance with their legal culture, consciousness level and characteristics of the population regardless of their legal family. Reconciliation and mediation on tax cases and dispute is system which settling cases by parties making dialogue to find mutual consent that can fit to the actual situation without getting restricted by a tight law regulation. Therefore the necessity to resolving tax cases through reconciliation and mediation is seen as a pressing problem in many countries. Key words: Reconciliation And Mediation, Mediator, Mediation Technique, Mediation Procedure, Administrative Case Proceeding, Mediation in a Framework of Tax Dispute Abstract 세법은 행정법 분야에서 중요한 존재를 다루고 있습니다. 세금 분쟁 및 사례 관리 법률 분쟁의 일부 ADR 을 통해 세금 분쟁과 사건을 해결하는 것이 훨씬 더 평화로운 ...
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...Chapter I INTRODUCTION Background of the Study Conflicts among inhabitants of a community is inevitable and the necessity of establishing a formal institution such as trial courts or courts of justice, to address conflict resolution is indispensible. The establishment of this formal institutions is based on the social contract theory wherein the government is duty bound to maintain order in a community and to protect and enforce the fundamental rights of its inhabitants in exchange for the surrender of some rights of the latter. All these, follow the course of administration of justice. Administration of Justice examines the structure, function, laws, procedures, and decision-making processes of agencies that deal with crime management. Courts of justice plays a very important role in the administration of justice. Almost all countries experience problems in the administration of justice. The degree of seriousness of these problems varies depending on several factors. The most common among these problems is the increasing number of court dockets and flaws in the laws being interpreted and implemented. In the Philippines, Courts, in the administration of justice, follows a hierarchy of courts. There are four (4) levels of courts in the Philippines, wherein it is the Supreme Court that is at the apex of this four-tiered hierarchy. At the lowest level of the hierarchy are the first-level courts, consisting of the Municipal Trial Courts (MTCs), Metropolitan Trial...
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...Five case studies from civil society sponsored by February 2010 About ECCR The Ecumenical Council for Corporate Responsibility (ECCR) is a church-based investor coalition and membership organisation working for economic justice, environmental stewardship, and corporate and investor responsibility. ECCR undertakes research, advocacy and dialogue with companies and investors. It seeks to influence company policy and practice and to raise awareness among the British and Irish churches, the investor community and the general public. For more information, please visit www.eccr.org.uk. Acknowledgements ECCR would like to thank the five civil society organisations that contributed case studies based on their work in the Niger Delta; Cordaid for generously sponsoring the report; members, partners and independent experts who advised, read and commented on the text before publication; Royal Dutch Shell Plc and Shell Petroleum Development Corporation of Nigeria for providing company information and commenting on the text. Cover photo credits: Friends of the Earth International; IRIN/UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs; Milieudefensie/Friends of the Earth Netherlands; Stakeholder Democracy Network. Disclaimers ECCR has commissioned and published these case studies as a contribution to public understanding. The text has undergone a careful process of fact-checking and review to achieve accuracy and balance. Nevertheless, the views expressed in the case studies do not...
Words: 40025 - Pages: 161
...Introduction “We, as peace-keepers, represent the United Nations and are present in the country to help it recover from the trauma of a conflict. As a result we must consciously be prepared to accept special constraints in our public and private lives in order to do the work and to pursue the ideals of the United Nations Organization” United Nations DPKO [1] These words illustrate the highest standards of integrity and conduct that need to be maintained and performed by the UN peacekeepers as required by the United Nations Organization. The world’s largest “club” embodies the aspirations of all the people of the world for maintaining peace and security of all its member states. It also at a glance demonstrates the main role or aims that have been made the responsibility of UN peacekeepers in relieving a conflict-torn country, although it relies on their dignity and restraint. Despite the many motivations behind UN peacekeepers (soldiers) joining the UN peace operations, such as compulsory military service, the opportunity for travel or adventure, to pursue a career, adding some skills that can be useful after retiring from service, or simply for better pay; many express their interest to bring peace to people and stability to an area wrecked by conflict.[2] My experience as a former UN peacekeeper in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) from 2004 until 2005 encouraged my intention to analyze what was going...
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...EMMERGING ROLE OF UN IN THE MANAGEMENT OF FUTURE CONFLICTS INTRODUCTION Since the end of cold war, the world has been in a constant flux of changes, resulting into serious security risks. These risks range from border disputes to ethno-religious conflicts, most of which are likely to cause regional and global destabilization. In today’s unipolar world no single or group of states has the capacity to counter balance by themselves and therefore, the world is looking more towards United Nations (UN) for establishing World peace. The Collective power to shape the future is greater now than ever before. The world needs a new vision that can mobilize people everywhere to achieve higher levels of cooperation in areas of mutual interest. The foundation of UN some fifty five years ago was an expression by world leaders towards a new world wherein the international behavior and governance was about to begin. The domination of power blocks and less respect for use of UN forum for vested interest has curved the UN role. The potentialities of international organization led by UN are immense in this regard though not utilized to its full potential. At this new millenium every ones expectations are of more peaceful world order. But the natures of conflicts in future days are likely to be more diverse and complicated to be handled by UN. The causes of these conflicts will be mainly of race for nuclear power, global militarization, prolong economic sanction on...
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...An Introduction to the UN System: Orientation for Serving on a UN Field Mission (Intro to the UN 070329) A Course Produced by The United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Programme of Correspondence Instruction (Revised 2003) Course Author Lt.Col. (Retd.) Christian Hårleman Senior Special Fellow, UNITAR Series Editor Harvey J. Langholtz Copyright 2003, UNITAR POCI UNITAR Training Programme of Correspondence Instruction in Peacekeeping Operations Dag Hammarskjöld Centre Box 20475 New York, NY 10017 Programme UNITAR de Formation Par Correspondance Aux Opérations de Maintien de la Paix Palais des Nations 1211 Geneve 10 Suisse An Introduction to the UN System: Orientation for Serving on a UN Field Mission (Intro to the UN 070329) A Course Produced by The United Nations Institute for Training and Research, Programme of Correspondence Instruction (Revised 2003) Course Author Lt.Col. (Retd.) Christian Hårleman Senior Special Fellow, UNITAR Series Editor Harvey J. Langholtz Copyright 2003, UNITAR POCI Address all correspondence to: UNITAR Training Programme of Correspondence Instruction in Peacekeeping Operations Dag Hammarskjöld Centre Box 20475 New York, NY 10017-0009 USA An Introduction to the UN System: Orientation for Serving on a UN Field Mission TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents................................................................................. i Foreword.....................................................
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...this writes up especially for those who have no legal background but want to have an idea about it is interesting to note that the concept of ADR is developing in Bangladesh as a performance of public duty by civil society groups advocating in support of progressive ideologies. I have collected all the materials from different books, scholars’ articles and offices from Law organization. I have collected the information about International aspect of ADR from different site of internet. At first I have collected different books relating to ADR. For the laws regarding ADR of Bangladesh and international, I have followed different Acts and Convention. INTRODUCTION The attempt to settle a legal dispute through active participation of a third party (mediator) who works to find points of agreement and make those in conflict agree on a fair result. Mediation differs from arbitration in which the third party (arbitrator) acts much like a judge but in an out-of-court less formal setting but does not actively participate in the discussion. Mediation has become very common in trying to resolve domestic relations disputes (divorce, child custody, visitation), and is often ordered by the judge in such cases. Mediation also has become more frequent in contract and civil damage cases. There are professional mediators, or lawyers who do some mediation for substantial fees, but the financial cost is less than fighting the matter out in court and may achieve early settlement and an end to...
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...Armed Conflict in Syria: Background and U.S. Response Jeremy M. Sharp Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs Christopher M. Blanchard Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs September 6, 2013 Congressional Research Service 7-5700 www.crs.gov RL33487 Armed Conflict in Syria: Background and U.S. Response Summary The popular-uprising-turned-armed-rebellion in Syria is in its third year, and seems poised to continue, with the government and an array of militias locked in a bloody struggle of attrition. Members of Congress and Administration officials are debating options for responding militarily to President Bashar al Asad’s forces’ reported use of chemical weapons in attacks on rebel-held areas and civilians. After the U.S. intelligence community concluded that Asad’s forces used weapons in limited attacks earlier this year, the Obama Administration had signaled a pending expansion of U.S. civilian and military assistance to the opposition. Earlier in the conflict, U.S. officials and many analysts asserted that President Asad and his supporters would be forced from power, but had difficulty articulating how that outcome would take place within the timeframes they set forth. Recent developments suggest that both the opposition and the Asad regime face considerable challenges in their attempts to assert greater control over Syria. Increasingly, analysts have focused on the potential for the regime and its opponents to carve out strongholds and prolong the fighting. Rapid escalation...
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...Ladwig III Predoctoral Fellow Miller Center of Public Affairs University of Virginia A paper prepared for International Studies Association Annual Conference 16-18 February 2009 New York ***Note: This paper is a provisional study of India’s attempts to manage separatist insurgency movements in the Northeast, consequently it provides only a preliminary analysis of the counterinsurgency campaigns in Mizoram and Nagaland.*** 1 From the time of its independence in 1947, India has been plagued by a host of separatist movements as the central government has struggled to integrate a number of religious, racial and ethnic groups into a single multicultural state. Impressively, despite facing a multitude of secessionist movements, India has yet to lose any of its territory. This paper examines the Indian government’s response to the outbreak of separatist violence in Nagaland and Mizoram in the state of Assam. Not only were these insurgencies the Republic of India’s first experience with the phenomenon of separatist insurgency, they were among the most severe. They required an untested government and military to adapt to a form of political warfare with which they had little experience. Through a process of trial and error, India developed an approach to political violence in the Northeast that would guide its response to future insurgencies. The Mizo case is also significant because it was India’s first successfully concluded counterinsurgency campaign, while in Nagaland, political...
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...: Adolescents affected by armed conflict A review of programs and policies U N TA P P E D P OT E N T I A L : Adolescents affected by armed conflict A review of programs and policies Wo m e n ’s C o m m i s s i o n f o r R e f u g e e Wo m e n & C h i l d r e n N e w Yo r k W O M E N ’ S C O M M I S S I O N for refugee women & children Copyright © January 2000 by Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America ISBN: 1-58030-000-6 Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children 122 East 42nd Street New York, NY 10168-1289 tel. 212.551.3111 or 3088 fax. 212.551.3180 e-mail: wcrwc@intrescom.org www.intrescom.org/wcrwc.html w cover photographs © Rachel K. Jones, Marc Sommers, Sarah Samson, Holly Myers, Anne-Sophie Rosette, International Rescue Committee M I S S I O N S TAT E M E N T The Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children seeks to improve the lives of refugee women and children through a vigorous program of public education and advocacy, and by acting as a technical resource. The Commission, founded in 1989 under the auspices of the International Rescue Committee, is the only organization in the United States dedicated solely to speaking out on behalf of women and children uprooted by armed conflict or persecution. Acknowledgments The Women’s Commission expresses its sincere thanks to the scores of practitioners who participated in the study and to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation...
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...the human element of the company. Since human capital is the most important asset of any organization, having an efficient and quality human resources department is key to the quality and success of the organization. Human resources functional activity supports strategic initiatives. Strategic planning drives functional or transactional processes. HR managers are capable of implementing strategy and carrying out activities that support their strategic plans. Typically, a human resources manager or director develops department strategy depending on the functional expertise of HR specialists. Generally, HR is the process of managing and motivating employees. Some roles of HR vary based on the organization, but there are a number of common functions that are constant. If HR is effective, employees across the company produce optimal results. The functional roles of any Human Resource department varies but the duties are key to the success of any organization. Recruitment and hiring the right people, putting them in the right positions for their abilities and skills is crucial to the success and efficiency of any organization. The human resources department plays a role in this process, as it recruits and interviews prospective employees and administers various ability or psychological tests. This role can be particularly important in a small business that is just beginning to experience growth. It would be critical for a small business to not have the right...
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...“SOLD IN WAR: Women Trafficking and Armed Conflicts Introduction: A universal attribute of any society, tribe, or nation is its capacity and obvious willingness to wage wars. Whether or not to vanquish, to colonize, to protect, to develop, or to with ease set up a symbolic superiority, a nation’s use of military actions performs an primary function within the definition of that nation’s identification. Whatever the marketed purpose of a war, nonetheless, it is finally a social occasion that regularly allows for the dying and suffering of each warring parties and civilians and for the exploitation of thousands of men and women, children and adults on a grand scale. The chaos and turmoil of wartime seems to carry out the worst qualities in human beings. In an article published in the University of St. Thomas Law Journal it highlights that a major tenet of the laws of war is that “civilians, and women and children in particular, are to be protected from the trials and suffering of war to the fullest extent possible”. Therefore, it is ultimately the task of each military and its members to make sure their behaviors are consistent with the specifications in International Humanitarian Law (IHL). Even though the complete avoidance of civilian deaths and suffering is not realistic, it is the responsibility of an armed force to not intentionally target civilians and to consider operations in terms of the concepts of distinction, military necessity and proportionality. By their very nature...
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...Introduction: Organized crime was characterized, in 1994, as: "group organization to commit crime; hierarchical links or personal relationships which permit leaders to control the group: violence, intimidation and corruption used to earn profits or control territories or markets; laundering of illicit proceeds both in furtherance of criminal activity and to infiltrate the legitimate economy; the potential for expansion into any new activities and beyond national borders; and cooperation with other organized transnational criminal groups."1 ------------------------------------------------- Criminals are on the go up all over the world, and their illegal activities go further than local or national restrictions. This article explores the economic penetrations of criminal enterprises to run their strongly ordered activities. ------------------------------------------------- Generally, illicit activities of a conspiratorial group of criminals are known as Organized Crime (OC). Criminal actions are surreptitiously synchronized through a nexus or syndicate for making money. Structured in a pyramidal hierarchy, criminals employ violence and bribery in carrying out operations. Threats of grievous consequences are made to the targets for internal and external control in their connections. ------------------------------------------------- Among the numerous types of political crimes, secret killing, violent politics, campus violence and militant actions are salient in Bangladesh...
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