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Case Study 2-Ac 505


Submitted By hotmomma
Words 938
Pages 4
Mr. Leverage,
I was recently informed through a colleague about your upcoming decision of going public with your company. Let me first congratulate you on making such an executive decision. This decision will not only change your company it will also change your life. There is much entailed in going from a private entity to a public one. There are many advantages as well as disadvantages, and you must be well prepared and informed of both in order to deal with these issues. From the information which was conveyed to me, I feel you would prosper greatly by making many important changes and decisions before doing so. I have conferred with a business partner in order to make crucial, necessary and appropriate internal control requirements which will be viable to your company. As you may know, there are mandatory compliances that have to be met by every company (corporation) all across the nation. These compliances, recommendations and requirements are essential for the effectiveness and efficiency of the company. These laws are implemented not only to help you manage the finances of the business, but also to keep up with the liabilities and expenses.

I will begin by informing you of the internal control requirements that will allow you to safeguard your financial assets that will come under public scrutiny once you go public. Being a part of the accounting profession, I feel it is my obligation to inform you of the essential internal control requirements that you must implement within your company and uphold at all times.
1. It is the utmost importance for all companies to maintain adequate and accurate financial statements and accounting records within that financial year. These records help to safeguard your assets, increase the efficiency of the company, ensure that the company complies with all laws and regulations and increases the accuracy of all data needed

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