...CASE STUDY 7 An understanding of the stages of group development could indeed help Christine in several ways. First, in the forming stage, Christine could have established some group rules to specify what is considered acceptable behavior. Indeed, she should have emphasized that attendance is mandatory, stated dates and times of meetings, personal lives should not interfere with teamwork, and that everyone analysis should be clear and typed. In effect, it is at this stage that a clear objective is set , everyone's roles is defined, direction is given, team members discover their respective task and understand how they will be held accountable for their contribution. However, Christine would have understood that she probably needs to be more strict with Mike because he acts as if he was excluded when he is not. Christine exchange with him at the first meeting and she had a first good impression. Therefore, just as it is required at this stage, Christine took some time to introduce herself to him to try to know each other better. In the forming stage, Christine would have then understood that it is imperative to clarify what is expected from anyone. Mike would have then understood that his analysis should have been more thorough and professionally presented. However, Christine should explain to Mike that other teammates are not meeting without him on purpose because Mike feels left out and this is probably one of the reasons he is skipping the meetings and that he doesnt...
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...What to do with Howard? Week 7- case study #3 Synopsis: Agrigreen, Inc. is a company that manufactures a verity of agricultural fertilizer. With plants located in the western United States and Canada, Agrigreen employees are certified surveyors to make sure the quality and safety of every project is correct. Tad Pierson position at one of Agrigreen plants is a project engineer which he enjoys being. As project engineer Tad is put over the operation of the plant surveying group. Since being there Tad Pierson is becoming more aware of some performance, safety, and conflict issues within the surveyor group. These issues are beginning to escalate in and is causing Tad to become worried and concern in regards to the safety of the employees, the issues are also interfering with the production schedules leaving Tad Pierson to consider possible actions that he may need to take to resolve the issue within the organization. After receiving his surveyor’s certificate from the local civil technologies college, Howard Lineberry had gone to work for the State Highway Department as a chainman but the job hadn’t paid him very well So, when a job for a lead surveyor had opened up at Agrigreen eighteen years ago, Lineberry had been glad to get it. Howard Lineberry became a lead surveyor and has been employed with Agrigreen for eighteen years. Over the years working at Agrigreen he has been supervised by five different managers, and a total of three surveyor helpers. Over the years of...
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...Week 7 Case Study 2 To Buy this Class Copy & paste below link in your Brower http://www.homeworkregency.com/downloads/bsop-209-week-7-case-study-2/ Or Visit Our Website Visit : http://www.homeworkregency.com Email Us : homeworkregency@gmail.com BSOP 209 Week 7 Case Study 2 BSOP 209 Week 7 Case Study 2 To Buy this Class Copy & paste below link in your Brower http://www.homeworkregency.com/downloads/bsop-209-week-7-case-study-2/ Or Visit Our Website Visit : http://www.homeworkregency.com Email Us : homeworkregency@gmail.com BSOP 209 Week 7 Case Study 2 BSOP 209 Week 7 Case Study 2 To Buy this Class Copy & paste below link in your Brower http://www.homeworkregency.com/downloads/bsop-209-week-7-case-study-2/ Or Visit Our Website Visit : http://www.homeworkregency.com Email Us : homeworkregency@gmail.com BSOP 209 Week 7 Case Study 2 BSOP 209 Week 7 Case Study 2 To Buy this Class Copy & paste below link in your Brower http://www.homeworkregency.com/downloads/bsop-209-week-7-case-study-2/ Or Visit Our Website Visit : http://www.homeworkregency.com Email Us : homeworkregency@gmail.com BSOP 209 Week 7 Case Study 2 BSOP 209 Week 7 Case Study 2 To Buy this Class Copy & paste below link in your Brower http://www.homeworkregency.com/downloads/bsop-209-week-7-case-study-2/ Or Visit Our Website Visit : http://www.homeworkregency.com Email Us : homeworkregency@gmail.com BSOP 209 Week 7 Case Study 2 BSOP 209 Week 7 Case...
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...WEEK 7 CASE STUDY 3 CASEY ANTHONY TRIAL To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/cis-417-week-7-case-study-3-casey-anthony-trial/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 417 WEEK 7 CASE STUDY 3 – CASEY ANTHONY TRIAL On July 5, 2011, Casey Anthony was found not guilty of first-degree murder in the 2008 death of her daughter, Caylee. Further research this incident using quality and reputable resources. Write a two to three (2-3) page paper in which you: 1. Provide a brief summary of the background, charges, and trial of this high-profile court case. 2. Explain, from a forensics perspective, the digital evidence found on the Anthony family computer that helped the prosecutors build a case against Anthony. 3. Describe what the prosecution was unable to prove based on the digital evidence found. Indicate whether or not you think this is a common problem with digital evidence and provide a rationale for your response. 4. Explain the software issue that was found to have caused inaccurate evidence to be admitted into the trial. More Details hidden… Activity mode aims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of CIS 417 Week 7 Case Study 3 Casey Anthony Trial in order to ace their studies. CIS 417 WEEK 7 CASE STUDY 3 CASEY ANTHONY TRIAL To purchase this visit here: http://www.activitymode.com/product/cis-417-week-7-case-study-3-casey-anthony-trial/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 417 WEEK 7 CASE...
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...Case Study By Virgilio John Costin For GM591 – Leadership and Organizational Behavior Professor Bhupinder S. Sran Keller Graduate School of Management March 24, 2013 Contents 1. Group Development 3 2. Problem Identification 3 3. Retrospective Evaluation 4 4. Reflection 4 Bibliography 5 1. Group Development According to the text, there are five stages of group or “team” development which are as follows: a. Forming – where the team members get to know one another b. Storming – at this stage, the group is defining tasks to be performed and are also dealing with any group tensions. c. Norming – where the group begins to work together and building relationships d. Performing – the stage where the group’s relationship matures and complex tasks are handled creatively. This is when the group is most stable. e. Adjourning – the stage where the work is completed and the group disbands. I believe that Christine’s group is still at the storming stage because the group has not reached cohesion to be classified as being within the norming stage. The fact is, Mike seems to be in limbo somewhere and sees himself as still somewhat of an outsider especially when he encountered the group in the cafeteria having an impromptu meeting. Although Christine seems to be an organized person, her demeanor in dealing with Mike’s issues shows a lack of leadership skills. Having knowledge of group development would have given her concise...
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...1. The first thing that we would ask the patient is about his sleeping habits. How many hours a night are you sleeping? How often do you get up during the night? Do you have any medical conditions or take any medications? By obtaining a complete health history on the patient we will be better equipped to make a nursing diagnosis. VS and O 2 saturation Pertinent medical history: lung diseases such as asthma or emphysema, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism Environmental factors: wood-burning stove, animals in the home (especially birds and cats) Pertinent nasal problems: deviated septum, chronic sinusitis Allergies: particularly airborne particles such as animal dander, dust mites, cockroach droppings Medications he is currently taking: opioids, modafinil (Provigil), amphetamines (prescribed and illegal), OTC drugs, and herbals 2. The two main types of sleep apnea are Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea (CSA). OSA is the more common type and is usually a result of obesity. Obstructive sleep apnea occurs when the muscles in the back of your throat relax. These muscles support the soft palate, the triangular piece of tissue hanging from the soft palate (uvula), the tonsils, the side walls of the throat and the tongue. When the muscles relax, your airway narrows or closes as you breathe in, and you can't get an adequate breath in. This may lower the level of oxygen in your blood. Your brain senses this inability to breathe and briefly rouses you from...
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...revelation-inspiration-illumination introduces the subject, and other biblical testimony on the nature of revelation is subsumed under the discussion of biblical authority. The paper also includes a brief historical treatment of the Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment understandings of biblical revelation/authority and an analysis and critique of their basic presuppositions in light of Scripture. Following the conclusion, a selected bibliography of sources cited and other useful books and articles on the subject is provided. Appendices include: (1) a chart schematizing the two major modern approaches to the Bible's revelation and authority (Appendix I, A-D); (2) some of Ellen White's insights on biblical revelation/authority (Appendix I, E); (3) the Methods of Bible Study Committee statement on the historical-critical method (Appendix I, F); and (4) a compilation of Ellen White references to "higher criticism" (Appendix II). A. Revelation-Inspiration-Illumination:...
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...Kellie Boudreaux CMCN 301 Case Study #7 1. The Leader-Member Exchange Theory (LMX) is one that I find to be the most applicable to leadership in the workplace. LMX theory says that leadership is based on interactions between leaders and followers, and that effective leadership comes from a vertical relationship between the leader and the follower (PSU WC, L.8). These vertical relationships are described as the in-groups and the out-groups. In-group members go above and beyond the job description. They receive more confidence and concern from leaders and their responsibilities are more open ended (Northouse, 2013). The out-group members come to work, do their job and go home. They do not strive to build their responsibilities, but are happy doing what’s expected of them. In my past work experiences, this trend rang true. As I was completing this week’s lesson, I could picture vividly in my mind those I have worked with in the past that have been a part of the in-group and those in the out-group. I have worked an array of jobs; I was a cook/waiter at a small diner, an intern at a facility manager’s office, and an intern for a construction contractor. While working for all of these employers, it was easy to see those who were a part of the in-group and out-group. I think the biggest takeaway from these experiences was that those in the in-group were usually there because of their interest in the job. To create the relationship needed with the in-group, the follower...
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...1. Yes there are moral concerns with subprime leading; they are loans lenders provide to those who have been disqualified from borrowing with prime loan companies (Thibodeaux, n.d.). There is a need for them but care must be taken not to take advantage of those individuals that get them. The moral concerns are the fact that predatory lenders seem to target those groups that are vulnerable and in need of housing and money to make ends meet. Let me make this perfectly clear that there is a place for subprime loans, they give the person that had some issues earlier on in their life to be able to acquire money for bills and buy a home for their family however, using immoral acts as forcing insurance that they may not want and charging very high interest rates are not call for. The moral concerns are based on utilitarian, which chooses the action that yields the greatest good (Baron, 2010). Moral good should be judged on consequences (is harm done by forcing single premium insurance and very high interest) the consequences are evaluated by human well-being (is customer better off before or after the loan) evaluation of individual preference (did the consumer have a choice) the action was aggregate and yielded good (was the customer gaining more from the loan or in the end losing more) the morally justified maximizes aggregate well-being (giving the customer a choice to take insurance and charging a reasonable interest rate). 2. CitiFinancial should stop the practice that the Associates...
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...Question 1: In what wats does Bezo's decisions to develop and deliver Kindle, Kindle Fire, and Fire Tv lines show systematic and intuitive thinking? Bezos shows both intuitive thinking in his products by continiously coming up with new products to compete with his competitors such as adding Fire TV lines to compete with apple TV or allowing Amazon Prime members to stream videos and TV shows for no additional cost. He also uses systematic thinking by carefully planning and choosing which products he will come out with next and how he can improve on previously existing items such as developing the newer kindle fire from the original kindle idea. Question 2: How do you describe the competitive risk in Amazon's enviroment as other retailers, including Walmart, strengthen their online offerings? The competitive risk that other online stores have against amazon is that on amazon, you can find multiple versions of the exact same product from different places and for carrying prices. while online shopping at walmart, you only find one product for one price if the product is sole there. i would suggest to strengthen online offerings, having special online sales for products at a lower price found anywhere else such as amazon. Question 3: Amazon is continuously looking for new markets to exploit. As CEO jeff bezos addresses the strategic opportunity of streaming video, he calls on you to advice on gaining more customers from the younger generations. Amazon's presence...
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...Chapter 7 Case 1 1. What kinds of limitations do you see for users of telepresence? Is it really a substitute for face-to-face meetings? Make a list of features of face-to-face meetings. Then consider a range of business situations as an employee, from initial hire, to working with a team, to understanding what your boss wants, and even a termination meeting. How would telepresence work for you in these situations? Face to face meetings have eye contact, spatial orientation (sounds come from the direction of speakers), and non-verbal gestures (body movements) are visible. The technology is reliable and easy to use. On the face of it, tele-presence would seem to be lacking the kind of personal warmth (or heat) of a face-to-face meeting. Eye contact is difficult even though you can see eyes move on screen; in large screen versions, non-verbal communication might be possible, but not in smaller screen versions. At the least, people’s expectations of a “business relationship” will change from personal contact to “telescreen” contact. However, these tele-relationships might be perfect satisfactory for business purposes. 2. What are the business benefits of telepresence described in these videos? What is the benefit of a hologram? Benefits predicted in the videos include strategic communications solution; productivity gains; decreased time to market; building stronger relationships with customers, suppliers, and partners; reduce geographical limitations;...
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...Calendar Overall for Case-Study Presentation & Mid-Term Exam – MGT 4760 (Strategic Management) Sem 1, 2012/2013 Sec 8 (M-W) No. | Week | Topics | Class Day | Date | Schedule | Details | | 1 | Chapter 1: The Nature of Strategic Management | 1- Mon 2- Wed | 10/912/9 | | | | 2 | Chapter 2: The Business Vision and Mission | 3- Mon 4- Wed | 17/919/9 | | | | 3 | Chapter 3: The External Assessment | 5- Mon 6- Wed | 24/926/9 | | | | 4 | Chapter 4: The Internal Assessment | 7- Mon 8- Wed | 1/103/10 | Quiz 1 (Chapter 1.2.3) | | | 5 | Chapter 4: The Internal Assessment | 9- Mon 10- Wed | 8/1010/10 | | | | 6 | Chapter 5: Strategies in Action | 11- Mon 12- Wed | 15/1017/10 | | | | | BREAK(22/10 – 28/10) | 13- Mon 14- Wed | 22/1024/10 | | | | 7 | Chapter 5: Strategies in Action | 15- Mon 16- Wed | 29/1031/10 | Case Presentation Session 1Case Presentation Session 2 | Group 1:L: Lia Hilaliah (Case Study 3)Group 2:L: Mas Syairah bte Mohamad (Case Study 5) | | 8 | Chapter 6: Strategy Analysis and Choice | 17- Mon 18- Wed | 5/117/11 | | (Mid-Term Exam 7/11 Wednesday)Seminar Room 1.1 | | 9 | Chapter 6: Strategy Analysis and Choice | 19- Mon 20- Wed | 12/1114/11 | Case Presentation Session 3Case Presentation Session 4 | Group 3:L: Mohamed Sheikh (Case Study 9) Group 4:L: Izzati Nor binti Salleh (Case Study 14) | | 10 | Chapter 7: Implementing Strategies: Management and Operations...
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...1 EJISDC (2013) 56, 7, 1-17 ICT BARRIERS AND CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Almamy Touray Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Jyväskylä, Mattilanniemi, Agora, 40351 Jyväskylä, Finland almamy.2.touray@jyu.fi Airi Salminen Department of Computer Science and Information Systems, University of Jyväskylä, Mattilanniemi, Agora, 40351 Jyväskylä, Finland airi.salminen@jyu.fi Anja Mursu Salivirta & Partners, Kauppakatu 28, 40100 Jyväskylä, Finland Anja.Mursu@salivirta.fi ABSTRACT Since the early 1990s, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has been perceived as a catalyst for development. However, the UNICEF State of the World’s Children Report 2011 acknowledges that the poor in many developing countries remain largely excluded from ICT and its benefits. This paper aims to address three issues. Firstly, identify ICT barriers in the literature from 2000 to 2011. Secondly, identify ICT barriers through empirical findings and thirdly, categorize these barriers into critical success factors. These aims are achieved by comparing the findings in the literature to our recent empirical results. Two methodologies are used in this study, namely, a systematic literature review and a case study; the empirical data for our case study was collected from The Gambia in autumn of 2012. The systematic literature review covers 1107 studies (2000-2011) published in the top five ranked ICT4D journals in terms of journal citation ranking. The...
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...GCE Media Studies Advanced Subsidiary GCE Unit G322: Key Media Concepts (Television Drama) Mark Scheme for June 2011 Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA) is a leading UK awarding body, providing a wide range of qualifications to meet the needs of pupils of all ages and abilities. OCR qualifications include AS/A Levels, Diplomas, GCSEs, OCR Nationals, Functional Skills, Key Skills, Entry Level qualifications, NVQs and vocational qualifications in areas such as IT, business, languages, teaching/training, administration and secretarial skills. It is also responsible for developing new specifications to meet national requirements and the needs of students and teachers. OCR is a not-for-profit organisation; any surplus made is invested back into the establishment to help towards the development of qualifications and support which keep pace with the changing needs of today’s society. This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and students, to indicate the requirements of the examination. It shows the basis on which marks were awarded by Examiners. It does not indicate the details of the discussions which took place at an Examiners’ meeting before marking commenced. All Examiners are instructed that alternative correct answers and unexpected approaches in candidates’ scripts must be given marks that fairly reflect the relevant knowledge and skills demonstrated. Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the published question papers and...
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...Netflix is the largest subscription service for sending DVD’s by mail and streaming movies and TV episodes over the internet. Netflix’s revenues grew from $500 million in 2004 to $519.8 million in 2010. Company’s net income increased from $21.6 million in 2004 to $141-156 million in 2010. It attracted 1.6 million subscribers in 2004 and had to 15 million subscribers by 2010.Reed Hastings founder and CEO of Netflix have pushed the company to outcompete its movie rental competitors by building the world’s best internet movie service. Netflix is the world largest online entertainment subscription service and revolutionized the way that people rent movies. Netflix has outcompete its rivals on the basis of differentiation features, with their higher quality, wider product selection, added performance and services, and has superior technology. Netflix has a large selection of DVDs to choose from. It maintains relationships with entertainment providers to expand the title selection. Movies are prescreened for customers based on peer reviews. This allows Netflix to increase their inventory with movies chosen by viewers. There are no late fees. Netflix technology is superior because movies and TV episodes can be streamed directly onto nearly any device in a matter of seconds. Netflix business model and strategy can be analyzed with the 5 competitive forces in the movie rental marketplace: 1-substitute, 2- buyers, 3- suppliers, 4- potential for new entrants, 5- rivalry Substitute-It does...
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