...TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory * Join * Search * Browse * Saved Papers ------------------------------------------------- Haut du formulaire Bas du formulaire ------------------------------------------------- Haut du formulaire Bas du formulaire * Home Page » * Business and Management Case Study: Chase’s Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (a) In: Business and Management Case Study: Chase’s Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (a) Case Study: Chase’s Strategy for Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan (A) Q1. How should Chase have bid in the first round competition to lead the HK$3.3 billion Disneyland financing? 1.Three ways to approach this deal 1) bid to win, 2) bid to lose and3) no bid. Chase chose to bid to lose on the first round, but just enough to make it to the short list. Also, since Chase is one of Disney's relationship banks, Chase would not want to ruin this relationship by not bidding on their project. If Chase wanted to lead the competition from the first round, they should have made a bid that was more aggressive and aimed to win. This bid would have been closer to the desires of Disney, making them more appealing and increasing their probabilities of leading the financing. However, they chose to bid to lose, with just enough terms to get into the second round to "protect their reputation", but not to lead. The...
Words: 591 - Pages: 3
...increase information flow between suppliers, departments and dealers resulting in a reduction of redundant inventory and focus towards just in time inventory. All of these factors will further drive up the already US industry leading profit margin per vehicle. In order to accomplish these goals FORD needs to refocus the Purchasing department’s responsibilities, consolidate and develop suppliers that deliver finished high level components and increase the information flow across all points of the supply chain. These steps will help to introduce a more pull-based system. Contents Issue identification 1 Environmental and root cause analysis 2 Alternatives/Options 3 Recommendations 4 Implementation 5 Monitor & Control 6 Issue identification • Current order to delivery (OTD) is more than 60 days. • Management of large supplier network. • Utilization of IT is lacking. • Purchasing isn’t integrated into Product development. • Independent dealership network has resulted in FORDs loss of control over customer service experiences. This network also breeds FORD vs. FORD sales battles not a Global entity mindset. Environmental and root cause analysis FORDs existing supplier base is a direct product of historical business practice. As the company has grown and demand has increased they have just increased the supplier base. Historically suppliers had been selected based on part/component price within little to no regard to...
Words: 410 - Pages: 2
...back with its brand new edition! Registrations have started! Just go to www.acemanager.bnpparibas.com and register, don’t miss the chance! We have now already 3 500 students registered from all over the world and this year we are expecting 25 000, so if you want to be part of our Acers’ community, just go to the link and register. The competition is totally free of charge and the registration process takes only 5 minutes. The Grand Prize pool includes: 15 000 euros + a trip to Paris + ticket to French Open Final + internship opportunities. You are more than welcome to join the competition which brings together young talents! Our last edition Ace Manager 5th Set successfully attracted almost 19,000 students from 136 countries. The game this year consists of seven business cases, compiled by BNP Paribas’ experts, and covers the three core businesses of the Group – Corporate & Investment Banking, Investment Solutions and Retail Banking. It is a great chance to enrich your knowledge in finance and banking as well as marketing and management through an exciting and competitive game with intriguing scenario, captivating characters and takes place in a virtual 3D universe. Ace Manager is a new pedagogical way to study business! Accept the challenge and join Ace Manager! Experience the professional life as a banker. Come and join the game as a team of 3, regardless of your level of education, field of studies, nationality or gender. Ace Manager is an asset to your...
Words: 378 - Pages: 2
...TermPaperWarehouse.com - Free Term Papers, Essays and Research Documents The Research Paper Factory Join Search Browse Saved Papers Home Page » Other Topics Accenture In: Other Topics Accenture Masters of rural markets: Accenture Research Report The Hallmarks of High Performance Contents Foreword: Unleashing India’s rural multiplier effect Growing business confidence in rural opportunities The attractions and distractions of rural markets 03 05 09 Distinctive capabilities that enable 15 companies to succeed in India’s hinterland Framework factors critical to nurturing distinctive capabilities Developing the right capabilities—and acting on them Last word 28 29 31 2 Foreword Unleashing India’s rural multiplier effect But rural India’s contributions to the nation’s economic success—and the obvious potential for profitable growth—is just a part of the promise of wholehearted commitment to doing business beyond the city centers and suburbs. India’s rural markets offer unprecedented opportunities for global and local companies to experiment with approaches and business models, which if successful, may be replicated in rural markets of other emerging economies. India is on the march. Its momentum is not only evident in metros— it is apparent in small towns and villages as well. Collectively, all over India’s rural heartland and in its teeming cities, India is readying for an even more impressive era of economic growth...
Words: 441 - Pages: 2
...SERVICES Robin Hood Case Analysis BA 422W Aaron Labin, Curt Matthews, Rich Miller 4/14/2009 This is the case analysis for the Robin Hood case study provided by the text. It includes our competitive forces in the industry analysis, key success factors analysis, current strategy determination, SWOT analysis and the recommendations we have made for Robin Hood. Aaron Labin Curt Matthews Rich Miller Robin Hood Case Study ARC Consulting Services Robin Hood and his band of Merrymen is the subject of this case study. Throughout this study, you will find several problems that face the group and several possible solutions to these problems. We will treat this group as though they are a legitimate business in need of consulting services. The organizational structure of the Merrymen is that of a typical top-down management style, with Robin Hood as the CEO and a few lieutenants serving in roles that have been delegated, i.e. information gathering, discipline, finances and provisioning. The four tasks that have been delegated and Robin Hood’s personal vendetta serve as the basis for many of the problems encountered by the Merrymen. Competitive Forces in the Industry Substitute Products— Determined to be a low to moderate Suppliers— Determined to be a high threat Rivalry—Determined to be a high threat Buyers— Determined to be a low threat New Entrants— Determined to be a low threat Aaron Labin Curt Matthews Rich Miller Robin Hood Case Study The two main threats facing...
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...the Study Today in our society, there are many Fraternities that can be joined. Some are for brotherhood, some are for religious purposes, professions and many other forms of fraternities. Many students are interested to join fraternities for various reasons. Unfortunately, the real meaning of the word fraternity has changed. People nowadays think of a fraternity as a group of notorious brats claiming for brotherhood, who does chaotic and immoral acts. And that’s why people try to create their own small fraternities doing as such. In a certain community in a mabalacat, there are small fraternities created by students from a school in the community. These small fraternities make trouble in the community. They sometimes make riots and rambles in the streets of the community. This is a problem that the authorities are having a hard time to deal with since the members of these fraternities are high school students and they are not yet at the legal age to be imprisoned. Not only that, but these small fraternities ruin their lives. For example, instead of going home after class and spending the time studying or spending quality time with their families, they get involved into riots and rambles in the park or outside their school. These rambles sometimes are more than just fist fighting; these fraternities sometimes throw fragile bottles at each other or even stab each other with a knife. We believe that these teenagers are more than what they do. That is why we want to study this...
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...Procedure 21 Focus groups 21 Interviews 22 Analysis plan 22 Validity and reliability 24 Assumptions 25 Scope and Limitations 27 Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations 32 References 36 Summary This research aims to study and clearly express why firms joins foreign markets. In addition, the paper also shows the whole process of entry. This is whereby firms have to make strategies before they join these foreign markets. The paper shows how firms can survive after they finally make this decision. To expound on this, it is of great importance that firms regularly explore and join foreign markets. This helps them with significant number of benefits, among them coping with stiff competition. In addition, firms gain more knowledge based on these strategies on the survival means in the new markets. This makes it important for firms to speculate on how to make entries to foreign markets. In addition, the paper expounds further on this whole procedure. Abstract This research paper aims to find out more about the operations of a service firm. This mostly happens in often cases where the service firms have the need to expand their operations with an aim of further of realizing huge profits. This often becomes efficient in cases where the firm joins a foreign market. In the foreign market, a firm is able to expand its operations if it had prior strategic plans on how to survive in such markets. Apparently, most service firms...
Words: 11027 - Pages: 45
...The Examination of the Willingness of the Individual in Taking Apart of Australia’s Drinking Culture (Title) Keaton Hanly n9261605 PYB 307 Deanne Armstrong Thursday 1-2pm (?) Words Abstract: Introduction: In Australia, binge drinking “…refers to drinking heavily over a short period of time with the intention of becoming intoxicated, resulting in immediate and severe intoxication.” (DrugInfo) In order to be a binge drinker one would have to drink… “more than four standard drinks at any one time.” (DrinkWise) However, binge drinking isn’t just defined as drinking four standard drinks at one time, it can also refer to drinking “...continuously for a number of days or weeks, occasional or irregular bouts of heavy drinking or drinking to deliberately get drunk.” (DrinkWise) The growing trend of binge drinking has led it to become a social concern for Australia., especially in the younger generation. According to the Australia Bureau of statistics, “In 2011-12 almost three times as many men than women aged 18 years and over consumed alcohol in quantities that posed a health risk over their lifetime (29% compared to 10% respectively)…” (ABS) The problem with binge drinking is that it can cause many different health problems, such as short-term or long-term health problems. Some short-term health problems caused by binge drinking are hangovers, headaches, nausea, shakiness, vomiting, memory loss, and potentially overdosing from alcohol due to alcohol poisoning the blood...
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...to participate" (Hazing Defined 1). Most hazing deaths occur because the act goes too far; the hazers get carried away. Their intention is to have a team building activity or make sure members are up to snuff (Facts.com 2). However, this is not what really happens. The acts often cross the line, and the victims do not complain because they want to join the group (Facts.com 2). Teens often want to outdo one another; each year, teens do something more dangerous than what happened to them while they were the victims (Bowers 1; Bushweller 3). Not only can these acts be dangerous, but they are also an "abuse of power and [a] violation of human dignity" (High School Hazing). If teens can be educated that this hurtful and inhumane act of bullying is forbidden in high school, then they will know that it is not acceptable in college, where hazing becomes the most dangerous. Although high school hazing starts out and seems harmless, it can quickly escalate to being harmful, dangerous, and illegal. However, in most cases, the victim will still take part because they want to join the group. Take for instance, Casey Culpepper. She wanted to join the volleyball team her first year in high school. All through the summer, the threat of the "initiation" haunted her. One day she and her friends were attacked by seniors after class and smeared with concoctions that included canned dog food, eggs, ketchup, mustard, horse manure and pet feces. They were then hosed off so hard that it hurt (Bowers...
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.......................................................................4 D. Argument and Hypothesis........................................................................................4 2nd Chapter: Theoretical Framework A. Definition of Key Terms............................................................................................5 B. Literature Review......................................................................................................6 C. Collection of Data…………………………………………………………………………………….…..7 3rd Chapter: Case Study………………………………………………………………………………………….8 4th Chapter: Conclusion……………..…………………………………………………………………………11 References…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A. BACKGROUND President Joko Widodo, often regarded as Jokowi, announced in Washington during his first official visit to the U.S. on 26th October 2015, said that Indonesia intends to join the Trans Pacific Partnership which contains measures to lower trade barriers such as tariffs and non-tariffs. It is a 21st century free trade agreement. In the period of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, Indonesia, refused to...
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...Fraternity Hazing Google App Integrated Collab https://www.google.com.ph http://www.planetpapers.com http://www.gannett.cornell.edu http://www.termpaperwarehouse.com 1. Hazing (subjecting newcomers to abusive or humiliating tricks and ridicule) has always been seen as a secretive campus activity when it comes to fraternities and pledging. As a result, Dr. Mark Taff resorted in his article that, "..a series of 168 cases of injuries and deaths related to fraternity hazing activities...[occurred] in the United States between 1923 and 1982" (2113). Young college men are being hospitalized and even worse, dying, just for a couple of friends that give them a sense of belonging. The major causes of hazing are the students' wanting a sense of belonging in a big college campus, the college's infrequent knowledge of what occurs in fraternities, and the unwillingness of fraternities to change tradition. Since hazing has been around for more than a century, one cannot expect the practice of hazing to stop all together. It will probably take years before hazing perishes from the fraternity scene. Nevertheless, until an end is put to hazing, solutions can be used to make hazing less common, until it no longer exists. These solutions that may be able to put an eventual stop to hazing, in the long run, are better education about fraternity hazing, stricter laws to prevent hazing from occurring, and more intervention from college administrators. Stories of hazing incidents are...
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...wage inequalities, working conditions. As our textbook states on page 346, the National Labor Relations Act also known as Wagner Act requires employers to bargain in good faith over mandatory bargaining issues like working conditions, hours, wages, term and conditions of employment. Labor laws are authorized by the government to allow employees to not only join, but also to organize and/or create if they decide so. West University’s study shows that the Graduate Employee Organization (GEO) is affiliated with the United Auto Workers (UAW) union, and used it as the collective bargaining representative. Although the employees are in its majority unionized, the non-union employees are not required to join in because Arizona is one of the right-to-work states.my believe is that a union is as strong as the rights it fights for and the strength it utilizes to achieve its goals. Employers can decide to ignore the petitions of the unionists. 2. I do believe that teaching assistants should be considered employees, following the definition which is a person who assists teachers with instructions and responsibilities. In the case...
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...hazing deaths occur because the act goes too far; the hazers get carried away. Their intention is to have a team building activity or make sure members are up to snuff (Facts.com 2). However, this is not what really happens. The acts often cross the line, and the victims do not complain because they want to join the group (Facts.com 2). Teens often want to outdo one another; each year, teens do something more dangerous then what happened to them while they were the victims (Bowers 1; Bushweller 3). Not only can these acts be dangerous, but they are also an “abuse of power and [a] violation of human dignity” (High School Hazing). If teens can be educated that this hurtful and inhumane act of bullying is forbidden in high school, then they will know that it is not acceptable in college, where hazing becomes the most dangerous. Although high school hazing starts out and seems harmless, it can quickly escalate to being harmful, dangerous, and illegal. Hazing can very quickly turn from a harmless prank into a dangerous situation. In most cases, the victim will still take part because they want to join the group. Take for instance, Casey Culpepper. She wanted to join the volleyball team her first year in high school. All through the summer, the threat of the "initiation" haunted her. One day she and her friends were attacked by seniors after class and smeared with concoctions that included canned dog food, eggs, ketchup, mustard, horse manure and pet...
Words: 2044 - Pages: 9
... Part A - Four step process The case study which students are required to resolve using the four step process is set out below. Students are required to apply the relevant legal concepts and principles to analyse and solve the legal issues arising in the case study by explaining and applying their knowledge of the legal principles and rules arising in Australian legal system: topic four to five inclusive. Please note also that the information contained in the course materials (the Source Book, computer based tutorials and seminar materials) are sufficient when completing your assignment. It is not necessary to research beyond these materials for the purpose of completing assignments. NOTE: The fact scenario used in this assignment is fictitious. Students are to focus on answering the questions in Part A with reference to the relevant issues raised by the question as they arise from topics 4 and 5. Students do Is this essay helpful? Join OPPapers to read more and access more than 650,000 just like it! get better grades not need to (and should not) undertake any additional research. The level of detail and information contained in the course materials is sufficient to answer the assignment. Note the four step process requires students to refer to case law or legislation as authority for the rules of law explained in step two. Where appropriate you will need to refer to any applicable legislation or case authorities contained in the materials for...
Words: 351 - Pages: 2
...Gestão Estratégica e Comercial 2014/2015 Robin Hood Case Study 1 II. Table Index Table 1. Market Segmentation………………………………………………………………..6 Table 2. PESTL Analysis……………………………………………………………………...7,8 Table 3 Benchmarking ……………………………………………………………………...12 III. Image Index Figure 1. Porter Analysis Diagram …………………………………………………………...9 Figure 2. Porter’s generic Value Chain………………………………………………………10 Figure 3. SWOT analysis……………………………………………………………………...13 2 IV. Index 0. Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………....4 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………………...5 2. Definition of the Market – Market Segment………………………………………………..5,6 2.1. Geographic segmentation…………………………………………………………….....5 2.2. Demographics………………………………………………………………………….....5 2.3. Psychographic…………………………………………………………………………….5 2.4. Behavioural………………………………………………………………………………..6 3. Analysis of the External Environment…………………………………………...…………....6 3.1. PESTL Analysis…………………………………………………………………………..7 3.2. Porter Analysis………………………………………………………………..……..…8,9 4. Analysis of the Internal Environment…………………………………………………….10,11 5.Analysis of the Competitive Position of the Organization…………………………..….11,12 5.1. Critical Success Factors………………………………………………………...….11,12 5.2. Benchmarking……………………………………………………………………….…..12 6. SWOT Analysis……………………………………………………………………...…….13,14 7. Recommendations………………………………………………………………………...
Words: 3963 - Pages: 16