...strongly believe that there are multiple perspectives to be uncovered. Qualitative researchers focus on the study of social phenomena and on giving voice to the feelings and perceptions of the participants under study. This is based on the belief that knowledge is derived from the social setting and that understanding social knowledge is a legitimate scientific process. The following are the key characteristics of qualitative research: • Studies are carried out in a naturalistic setting. • Researchers ask broad research questions designed to explore, interpret, or understand the social context. • Participants are selected through nonrandom methods based on whether the individuals have information vital to the questions being asked. • Data collection techniques involve observation and interviewing that bring the researcher in close contact with the participants. • The researcher is likely to take an interactive role where she or he gets to know the participants and the social context in which they live. • Hypotheses are formed afterthe researcher begins data collection and are modified throughout the study as new data are collected and analyzed. • The study reports data in narrative form. How does Rayna’s study fit into the description provided for qualitative research? At this point, you might want to reflect on why Rayna would want to choose a qualitative study to examine her questions. Steps in Conducting Qualitative Research Qualitative researchers use scientific...
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...How to do a Case Study There are common steps that most approaches recommend be followed in tackling a case study. Beforehand (usually a week before), you will get: 1. the case study, 2. (often) some guiding questions that will need to be answered, and 3. (sometimes) some reading assignments that have some relevance to the case subject. Your work in completing the case can be divided up into three components: 1. what you do to prepare before the class discussion, 2. what takes place in the class discussion of the case, and 3. anything required after the class discussion has taken place. For maximum effectiveness, it is essential that you do all three components. Here are the subcomponents, in order. We will discuss them in more detail shortly. 1. Before the class discussion: 1. Read the reading assignments (if any) 2. Use the Short Cycle Process to familiarize yourself with the case. 3. Use the Long Cycle Process to analyze the case 4. Usually there will be group meetings to discuss your ideas. 5. Write up the case (if required) 2. In the class discussion: 6. Someone will start the discussion, usually at the prompting of the Instructor. 7. Listen carefully and take notes. Pay close attention to assumptions. Insist that they are clearly stated. 8. Take part in the discussion. Your contribution is important, and is likely a part of your evaluation for the course. ...
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...CIS 417 COMPLETE CLASS ALL ASSIGNMENTS AND CASE STUDIES To purchase this, Click here http://www.activitymode.com/product/cis-417-complete-class-all-assignments-and-case-studies/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 417 COMPLETE CLASS ALL ASSIGNMENTS AND CASE STUDIES CIS 417 WK 2 Assignment 1 - Computer Forensic Overview, CIS 417 WK 3 Case Study 1 - BTK, CIS 417 WK 4 Assignment 2 - Forensic Lab Design, CIS 417 WK 5 Case Study 2 - External Intrusion of the PlayStation Network, CIS 417 WK 6 Assignment 3 - Securing the Scene, CIS 417 WK 7 Case Study 3 - Casey Anthony Trial, CIS 417 WK 8 Assignment 4 - Data-Hiding Techniques, CIS 417 WK 10 Term Paper - Investigating Data Theft, Click Here to Buy this; http://www.activitymode.com/product/cis-417-complete-class-all-assignments-and-case-studies Activity modeaims to provide quality study notes and tutorials to the students of CIS 417 Complete Class all assignment in order to ace their studies. CIS 417 COMPLETE CLASS ALL ASSIGNMENTS AND CASE STUDIES To purchase this, Click here http://www.activitymode.com/product/cis-417-complete-class-all-assignments-and-case-studies/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM CIS 417 COMPLETE CLASS ALL ASSIGNMENTS AND CASE STUDIES CIS 417 WK 2 Assignment 1 - Computer Forensic Overview, CIS 417 WK 3 Case Study 1 - BTK, CIS 417 WK 4 Assignment 2 - Forensic Lab Design, CIS 417 WK 5 Case Study 2 - External Intrusion of the PlayStation Network, CIS 417 WK 6 Assignment 3...
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...AC 504 E EXTERNAL AUDITING FALL 2015 Final Exam Case Study: Auto Parts Inc. Instructor: Héri RAKOTOVOLOLONA 1 “Auto Parts Inc.” Final Exam Case Study AC504 – External Auditing Date: December 1, 2015. Instructions 1. This final exam case study is the second element of the assessment to the course and represents 60% of your overall grade. It has to be completed individually or in group of up to three (3) persons, maximum. 2. Whilst there is no formal limitation of pages, you are requested to be very synthetic, clear and straightforward in your answers and recommendations as if it should be for a structured and argued management consulting report prepared for your executive manager. 3. Upon completion, your contribution work should be UPLOADED on the e-learning platform (Moodle) in WORD format no later than Saturday 19 December 2015 (11:59 pm). Other electronic formats such as PDF or JPG are NOT accepted. 4. File identification to be sent (very important): AC504 (FE) – Students names (F2015). At least, the name of one (1) group member should be included in the file name, AND the names of ALL group members mentioned on the cover page. 5. In case of emergence (ONLY), your message could be sent or forwarded to heri.rakoto@esc-rennes.com Guidance Notes I. You should primarily refer to the International Accounting Standards (IAS/IFRS) to analyze the different accounting issues raised in the case or, at least, to the French accounting rules. II...
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...Case Study Analysis_WK5 PSY322/Consumer Psychology and Research June 16, 2013 Case Study Analysis The subject case studies are designed in order to conceptualize the cross-cultural consumer behaviors, their effects on business and company activities while analyzing the case study. The main realm of subject study is the consumer behaviors in global perspectives. The studies are also aimed to create the sense in the students about how to analyze the case study. So to achieve the said objectives the extensive literature review is conducted including the evaluation of consumer behaviors and their decisions regarding purchases while including the lessons learned by the Apple regarding the differences in consumer behavior and purchasing decisions between the Japanese market and the market outside of Japan. The consumer behaviors during the field survey administered under subject study are found dissimilar across the cultures. These dissimilarities in behaviors of the customers across the cultures affect the company’s marketing mix strategies. These effects are discussed in sections created below. Likewise the lessons learned from the Walt Disney Company about consumer behavior and purchasing decisions at Hong Kong Disneyland has also been added as a part of study while explaining various issues that may influence the behaviors of the consumers. Lastly the survey administered identifies the reasons behind the Japanese consumers’ behaviors of hating the iPhone...
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...| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Subject Code | ECAU607202 | Subject Title | Accounting Information System | Credit Value | 3 | Pre-requisite/Co-requisite/Exclusion | Introductory to Accounting 2Management Information System | Role and Purposes | This subject provides students with an understanding of various business cycle in a company, system documentation techniques to document those cycles, documents and information flow within each cycle and internal control required in each cycle. Students will be required to attend a computer laboratory class to learn system documentations techniques and basic database design. | Subject Learning Outcomes | Upon completion of the subject, student will be able to:Technical competence: in Governance, Risk Management and Internal Control a. Analyze the components of internal control related to financial reporting (T4) * Understand the accounting information system and its position in an organization’s information system * Understand various system documentation techniques * Apply system documentation techniques to describe an accounting information system in an organization * Differentiate the general audit and the IT audit * Understand internal control principles in an organization * Understand the business cycles in a company (in general) * Analyze an accounting information system in a company with respect to the internal control procedures employed in each cycleTechnical competence:...
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...Review Case Study 5.1: Live Racking at B.M.W. found in Chapter 5 of the text. Assume that you are the warehouse director for B.M.W. B.M.W. has learned that the 39-second cycle time described in the case is inadequate for 21st century operations and has asked you to reduce the cycle time down to 30 seconds or less. In 200-300 words, identify a technique described in Chapter 4 or 5 that could potentially be used to reduce cycle time down to 30 seconds or less As the warehouse director for B.M.W for the new facility, I believe the measures put in place will assist the organization in the efficient movement of product. However the one change I would advise is the implementation of the Adjustable pallet racking (APR) technique. This system is identified by the use of adjustable horizontal beams between the vertical uprights. This will allow for flexibility in changes to the production line run. The only problem would be need for wider aisles. The fix would be In the text it states “APR rack lengths of around 25 to 30 meters favor good flow movements with gaps as needed to give cross gangway access” (Emmett, 2005, p 124). This improved access will allow for faster movement in the facility and in turn reduced cycle time. References Emmett, S., (2005). Excellence in warehouse management, 1st Edition. West Sussex, England: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, ISBN:...
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...Business Analysis & Decision Making Monday, November 16, 2015 William Morrison Case Study Companies used a lot of techniques that can help them against competitor and their weaknesses. As we all know to win a fight you need to train. Even if your strengths is bigger than the opponent that does mean the opponent won’t obtain that strength one day. This is why you always need to work on your strengths to get better and better. A lot of companies tend to fail in increasing their strength more. One techniques that business tend to utilize is the SWOT Analysis. According to Kimmons, Ronald SWOT analysis is a representation of a business's competitive capabilities in a given market, breaking down its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in an easily understandable way. One thing that make the SWOT Analysis particularly powerful is that with a little thought, it can help you uncover opportunities that you are well-placed to exploit. And by understanding the weaknesses of your business, you can manage and eliminate threats that would otherwise catch you unawares. More than this, by looking at yourself and your competitors using the SWOT framework, you can start to craft a strategy that helps you distinguish yourself from your competitors, so that you can compete successfully in your market. Before making an analysis from your SWOT Analysis, it is better to find out what are your internal and external factors. All businesses owner should keep track of...
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...Case Study Guidelines Objective: This course uses case studies to bring real-world perspective to course material about how information systems are used in organizations. Some cases focus on global and ethical situations. Students learn how to apply systematic problem-solving techniques to decision-making problems in the information systems area. Students also build teamwork and oral skills through a group presentation of a case to their peers. A traditional Harvard Business School guideline for case analysis follows. You should be aware that this is essentially the same as the traditional systematic approach to problem-solving. Mastery of this approach will serve you well in any problem-solving situation in your professional career. 1. “Problem ” or “Opportunity” Statement: Provide a single statement of the problem (dissatisfactory condition) or opportunity (awareness of need) facing the organization. If servable problems are apparent, identify them in priority order. Generally, several problems are all symptoms of one overriding problem. Try to abstract up to the overriding problem after the symptoms are known. Often the symptoms are really key factors related to the problem. 2. Key factors: List the key factors that give evidence that there is a problem or opportunity condition in the organization. Identify them in priority order. Explain why they are relevant. It is often best to start the case study here. 3. Alternative Solutions: ...
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...MGMT 20124: Preparing a Report for a Case Study In addition to the correct format of your report there are content issues you need to consider. It is useful to read through the case a couple of times and get a feel as to what you will need to find before you go searching for articles. This is always problematic, but you do need to summarise the articles for support in your report, using the content, findings and conclusions. Therefore it is important that the articles are used in the detailed analysis, and argument in development of alternatives. The ‘knowledge & understanding, as well as “research skills” can be satisfied by finding arguments (through the literature) for and against, the issues that are raised within the facts of the case. That is, how well you critically analyze the facts and refer to theories, models and concepts. It will also have a bearing on how well the recommendation/s put forward will have the predictive likelihood of success. To get to that point means that you will have to put forward a range of options and on balanced argument make your decision as to what you recommend and why. Essentially it falls under what can be termed as, triangulation. (see the diagram below.) Your “Guide for Students” also gives good advice re this format. There is no “right or wrong” answer here. The marks to be gained will rise or fall based on the decision (recommendation) you make, as in the real world, and the quality of your ‘reasoned’ argument. Always...
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...1 A (VERY) BRIEF REFRESHER ON THE CASE STUDY METHOD The case study method embraces the full set of procedures needed to do case study research. These tasks include designing a case study, collecting the study’s data, analyzing the data, and presenting and reporting the results. (None of the tasks, nor the rest of this book, deals with the development of teaching case studies—frequently also referred to as the “case study method”—the pedagogical goals of which may differ entirely from doing research studies.) The present chapter introduces and describes these procedures, but only in the most modest manner. The chapter’s goal is to serve as a brief refresher to the case study method. As a refresher, the chapter does not fully cover all the options or nuances that you might encounter when customizing your own case study (refer to Yin, 2009a, to obtain a full rendition of the entire method). Besides discussing case study design, data collection, and analysis, the refresher addresses several key features of case study research. First, an abbreviated definition of a “case study” will help identify the circumstances when you might choose to use the case study method instead of (or as a complement to) some other research method. Second, other features cover the choices you are likely to encounter in doing your own case study. Thus, the refresher discusses the •• definition of the “case” in case study research, •• benefits of developing a theoretical perspective in conjunction with your...
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...|AA Hamilton College | |BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business – Level 5 | | | |Unit 53: Study and Communication Skills for Business Credit Value: 15 | | | |Assignment: Developing reading strategies, listening techniques, and producing a written analysis. | | | |Tutor: Date Set: 19th May 2014 | | | | | |Learner’s Name: ...
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... thanks to its outstanding and engaging view of strategy in the world we live in. It equips readers with a detailed understanding of the issues and techniques of strategy, using illustration from real companies to make sense of the subject. With unique and powerful learning tools such as inspiring case studies, a new strategy simulation and video assignments, Exploring Strategy provides a proven high quality resource that you shouldn’t be without. Exploring Strategy has sold a staggering 900,000 copies worldwide, thanks to its outstanding and engaging view of strategy in the world we live in. It equips readers with a detailed understanding of the issues and techniques of strategy, using illustration from real companies to make sense of the subject. With unique and powerful learning tools such as inspiring case studies, a new strategy simulation and video assignments, Exploring Strategy provides a proven high quality resource that you shouldn’t be without. Exploring Strategy has sold a staggering 900,000 copies worldwide, thanks to its outstanding and engaging view of strategy in the world we live in. It equips readers with a detailed understanding of the issues and techniques of strategy, using illustration from real companies to make sense of the subject. With unique and powerful learning tools such as inspiring case studies, a new strategy simulation and video assignments, Exploring Strategy provides a proven high quality resource that you shouldn’t be without. Exploring...
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...Case Study Research Method Definition of a Case Study: * “Investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident.(Case studies focus on understanding the dynamics present within a single setting. (Eisenhardt, 1989)). * “A case study is an empirical enquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon in depth and within its real-life context, especially when the boundaries between phenomenon and context are not clearly evident.(Robert K.Yin)” Historical background: Case study method emphasizes the study of a single individual. And it comes in the category of single-case research designs. Single-case designs have been used since scientific psychology began in the19th century. Psychophysical methods had their origin in the work of Gustav Fechner and were described in his 1860 book, Elemente der Psychophysik. Fechner,and countless other psychophysicists since, relied on data obtained through experiments with one or two individuals. Hermann Ebbinghaus is another major figure in the early history of psychology who used a single-case design. In fact, the single case that Ebbinghaus studied was himself. He was both the participant and the experimenter for the research he published in his monograph on memory in 1885. Over a period of many months he learned and then attempted to relearn hundreds of series of nonsense syllables. His data provided psychologists...
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...TASK - 1 TECHNIQUES OF JOB ANALYSIS RECRUITMENT: It is a process of attracting applicants either from within the organization or from outside for a vacant job to be filled in the organization. In the words of Torrington et al (2011): “ includes those practices and activities carried out by the organization with the primary purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees.” In order to fill the vacancy, it is very important that the description about the job should be clear. It helps in hiring the candidate whose profile match with that of the job. As per Torrington et al (2011), ”The approach involves breaking the job down into its component parts, working out what its chief objectives will be and then recording this on paper.” In other words, it is the set of information about the job. Job description can be made by using the data contained in job analysis. There are various techniques which can be used to make a good job analysis. There are many writers who have talked about and researched on the various techniques of job analysis. Following two literature reviews makes clear about these methods. LITERATURE REVIEW – 1 In a book by Foot and Hook (2008), they described job analysis as follows: “Job analysis is a process of gathering together all data about an existing job, which activities are performed and what skills are needed.” Foot and Hook (2008), also described that this job analysis is further used for making job description and job specification...
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