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Case Study: Washington Capitals Owner Ted Leonsis

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WASHINGTON (WUSA9)--Washington Capitals owner Ted Leonsis has already proven that he is the world's greatest boss by treating 200 of his employees to Games 1 & 2 in Las Vegas, but he wasn't done giving.

According to the Washington Post, Leonsis casually bumped into 90-year-old Caps fan Grace Cohen at a game during the Eastern Conference Final.

“I must have lost my mind,” Cohen recalled. “I said: ‘You know, Mr. Leonsis, I really think you are the best owner in sports. I’m an original season-ticket holder for 44 years, and I’ve never had the honor or the privilege of being in the owner’s box.’ He said, ‘If we get to the finals, you will be.’ ”

Well what do you know?

The Caps made it to the Stanley Cup Final, and Ted Leonsis stayed true to

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