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Health And Social Care Level 3 Unit 2 D1

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Installing assignment 1 task 2- D1

I have been given the task of justifying why upgrading antivirus software is advisable to the manager’s. Nowadays there are over 1.8 billion people all around the world who are accessing the internet, some people are on it to play games, watch funny videos, online shopping etc. however, with this many people accessing the internet at one time and with the rapid rate at which technology is growing, hackers enter any backdoor that they can find and exploit it. From here they can gain access to people’s details e.g. banking details, address etc. in order to stop this from happening antivirus softwares was created, and in this report i am going to explain why upgrading is imperative

Antivirus was designed for …show more content…
customer data etc.
The smart scan for this application allows the user to combine antivirus, software updates, network security and performance scans into one.
There is a Wi-Fi inspector where the user can find any problems that may be putting your computer system at risk (done by using the network scan tool).
If the user has any “risky” files in which they want to run, Avast have a sandbox feature which allows the user to put the file into a safe space and run it from there and won’t affect the PC in any way as the file has been isolated.
Real site is a feature that informs the user whether the website is real and safe to visit.
There is an Anti-spam feature that removes any phishing emails from you and your employees inbox.
And finally there is the Rescue disk feature where if the user has a special external drive they are able to scan the computer before the OS starts up, this can help combat deep rooted malware that could be damaging your computer.
Overall this piece of software for 20 devices costs over, £428.60 for 1 year, £643.00 for 2 years and £771.60 for 3 years.


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