...EN E FO CASE TUD EACHIN N IENCE NATIONAL CENTER FOR CASE STUDY TEACHING IN SCIENCE HIN A Light Lunch? A Case in Calorie Counting by Brahmadeo Dewprashad Department of Science Borough of Manhattan Community College The City University of New York and Geraldine S. Vaz Ambulatory Care Department Jamaica Hospital, Queens, New York Before Class A. Read the following case study. B. Locate and read the following article: United States Department of Health and Human Services and United States Department of Agriculture. 2005. Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005. http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/Publications/DietaryGuidelines/2005/2005DGPolicyDocument.pdf C. Complete the Pre-Case Study assignment individually and submit two weeks prior to undertaking the case study in class. The assignment will be graded and returned to you at least a week before you undertake the case study. Also, attempt answering the case study questions as you will be required to share your responses with group members during the in-class case study session. In Class D. Work in your assigned group and formulate responses to the case study questions. Select a team member to moderate the discussions. After Class E. Complete the Post-Case Study questions and submit along with an individual write-up of answers to the case study questions. “A Light Lunch?” by Dewprashad and Vaz Page 1 NATIONAL CENTER FOR CASE STUDY TEACHING IN SCIENCE The Case “Look at this pair of jeans. Don’t you think I will look...
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...EN E FO CASE TUD EACHIN N IENCE NATIONAL CENTER FOR CASE STUDY TEACHING IN SCIENCE HIN A Light Lunch? A Case in Calorie Counting by Brahmadeo Dewprashad Department of Science Borough of Manhattan Community College The City University of New York and Geraldine S. Vaz Ambulatory Care Department Jamaica Hospital, Queens, New York Before Class A. Read the following case study. B. Locate and read the following article: United States Department of Health and Human Services and United States Department of Agriculture. 2005. Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2005. http://www.cnpp.usda.gov/Publications/DietaryGuidelines/2005/2005DGPolicyDocument.pdf C. Complete the Pre-Case Study assignment individually and submit two weeks prior to undertaking the case study in class. The assignment will be graded and returned to you at least a week before you undertake the case study. Also, attempt answering the case study questions as you will be required to share your responses with group members during the in-class case study session. In Class D. Work in your assigned group and formulate responses to the case study questions. Select a team member to moderate the discussions. After Class E. Complete the Post-Case Study questions and submit along with an individual write-up of answers to the case study questions. “A Light Lunch?” by Dewprashad and Vaz Page 1 NATIONAL CENTER FOR CASE STUDY TEACHING IN SCIENCE The Case “Look at this pair of jeans. Don’t you think I will look...
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...CASE STUDY Group 5: Jammila Zamuco Irish Espallardo Angelyn Mailum Falcon Nayre Ian Malacad BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY GINTONG HIYAS CASE TITLE TIME FRAME: PRESENT/ CURRENT TIME POINT OF VIEW: ELIZABETH SANTOS STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM (SOP) How to supervise, monitor, and control the employees effectively? OBJECTIVE To be able to maintain the good relationship among the employees To sustain the increase of store profitability To know the best incentive scheme that would be implemented to the other branches. AREAS OF CONSIDERATIONS I. Internal Environment STRENGHTS Hand made gold and other jewelry Offered a wide assortment of lady’s gold ornaments Manage directly by Santos Family Added new lines of jewelry as sales expended HR F OP M Day-to-day operations Careful staff selection and training Bonus incentive system for motivating employees to increase sales AREAS OF CONSIDERATIONS I. Internal Environment STRENGHTS Increased attentiveness of staff to customers Significant increase in store sales HR F OP M Incentive system had increased store profitability AREAS OF CONSIDERATIONS WEAKNESSES HR F OP M Expansion created a host of new problems in operation Closing of the main branch of Gintong Hiyas The staff tended to talk to each other less and kept to their own sections of the store most of the time Change in working relations among the staff in her...
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... understanding and identifying the fashion elements in the Renaissance ; Deconstructing the dress component of Elizabeth I of England, which is the most signature and luxury icon in the Renaissance period ; Demonstrating competency in analysis and judgments, such as silhouettes, styles and materials; Nourishing our creative minds when learning fashion history ; Executing visualized idea using modern means and Demonstrating mastery in the study of fashion history through cooperative learning and research Methodology A case study based on the Renaissance Costume on Tudor Dress of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603). To analysis focus on silhouette and layers of the dress, intimate, textile and accessory. Finding the influence of Renaissance Costume to fashion world today. Literature Review Look into the few centries of Renaissance, the re-birth period of Europe society and cluture, an exaggerated luxury costume style was developed in the northern Renaissance in the 16th century, which is believed as the golden era in Renaissance evolution in term of fashion. Case Study: Tudor Dress of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603), icon of Northern Renaissance in 16th centry This was an era of great richness in dress and a time of constriction and padding of the human figure, female more than male. The Queen, shown in the protrait as Prinese Elizabeth dressed modesetly in the fashion of the period, adopted after her accession, particularly in her middle and later...
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...Case Study: Sound Analysis The use of sound elements within a seven-minute sequence from Joe Wright’s Pride and Prejudice (2005). This case study will focus on the scenes in which Elizabeth and Colonel Fitzwilliam discuss Darcy in church, and the following scene in which Darcy initially confesses his love for Elizabeth, and is rebuked. In these scenes, sound is used to transfer information regarding the genre, tone, characters and setting. Pride and Prejudice is a typical “novel of manners”, period and romantic genre, drawing on classical music elements to set the film style. This sequence begins with Elizabeth Bennet speaking in hushed tones to Colonel Fitzwilliam whilst in church, discussing Mr. Darcy’s actions of separating a couple; briefly, Elizabeth’s pitch becomes higher and her voice louder, suggesting she feels strong emotions towards this information, perhaps outrage. That they are speaking in whispers proposes that they do not wish to be overheard, giving the idea that the subject on which they are speaking is something secretive and inappropriate given their current environment. At the discovery of new information regarding Darcy’s split of her sister from his friend, Elizabeth appears overcome with emotion, and gasps audibly when Darcy catches her eye. In these last few moments of the scene, the non-diegetic soundtrack slowly increases in volume, until it is suddenly at the same intensity as that of the diegetic sound within the film...
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...that Jack the Ripper committed these crimes because he or she enjoyed killing. However the source describes the work of Jack the Ripper as the ‘work of a demented being’ which suggests that Jack the Ripper was mad. 2. Study Sources A, B and C Does the evidence of Source C support the evidence of Sources A and B about the Ripper murders? Explain your answer. (8) Sources A and C comment on how the victims were poor so money was not the murderer’s motive. Also the details of how the victim was murdered in source C supports the fact, in source A, that the murder was peculiar and had extra-ordinary violence. However source C is more detailed on the method of murder whereas source A is general describing the murder but not the method. Source C supports source A to a very little extent. Sources B and C agree on the fact that the murder was committed with the use of a knife – ‘In the neck there was a long incision’ ‘cutting the windpipe completely in two’ and ‘use the knife’. However source C concentrates on the method of murder but source B is focusing on who the murderer could be ‘No mere slaughterer of animals could have carried out these operations.’ Again source C supports B but t o a little extent. 3. Study Sources D and E How useful are Sources D and E in helping you to understand why the...
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...I. Background of the Study The company offered a wide assortment of lady’s gold ornaments including several lines for the B, C and D markets. For more than 10years, it remained a small single store business managed directly by the four members of the Santos family and a few trusted employees. In the early and later parts of the eighties, however, the family took advantage of the establishment of new shopping malls in Metro Manila and opened four new outlets located in different parts of the city. It added new lines of jewelry as sales expanded. Among the new lines were gold medallions that could be made in different sizes and shapes with various decorative inscription and/or images using a specialized imported machine. II. Time Context The Santos family opened its first outlet for selling a line of handmade gold and other jewelry in Quezon City in 1968. The family decided in 1989 to close the original store located in Quezon City and defer the opening of new sales outlets. Elizabeth Santos, the youngest among the Santos children, joined her parents and brothers in the management of Gintong Hiyas after completing her bachelor degree in commerce in 1992. In 1995, Elizabeth was gives management responsibility for another store previously run by her father who wished to be relieved of the task of day to day store supervision so that he could concentrate...
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...Case Study Assignment Major Depression Case Study Helga Garces Psychiatric Disorders Treatment Strategies Instructor: Zeida Gutierrez Keiser University Major Depression Major depression, also known as clinical depression is a mood disorder that causes a continuous loss of interest and feeling of sadness (Blazer, 2014). According to Blazer (2014) Major depression affect all aspects in an individual; it affects how the person thinks, feels and behave. It also affects the performance of the daily activities and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems (Blazer, 2014), as well as significant impairment in social, occupational, and other important areas of functioning (Mitchell and Coyne, 2009). According to DSM-5;...
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...Elizabeth Loftus: Biography and False Memoires Psy/310 When looking at the field of psychology, we will learn about males who have contributed to the growth of psychology. Some examples of men we study in beginners psychology are E.G Boring, Robert I. Watson and of course Sigmund Freud. There is little mention of females who have contributed to psychology. Why is it that females are not really mentioned in the history of psychology? Females have contributed to the growth of psychology just as men have. A woman that has spent her whole life trying to understand memory is Elizabeth Loftus. We will begin with a short biography and also touch on how she has helped psychology to grow. Elizabeth Loftus was born Elizabeth Fishman on October 16, 1944 to Sidney and Rebecca Fishman in Los Angeles, California (Born, 1997). She was raised in Bel Air with both her parents. Then in 1959 her mother passed away, she had drowned in a swimming pool when Loftus was only 14 years old. Loftus wanted to be a high school math teacher, but after attending a psychology class at UCLA she changed her mind. She continued in school to receive her Bachelors in 1966 in math and psychology. She met Geoffrey Loftus in 1968 while attending graduate school at Stanford, and married him. While attending Stanford she was introduced to the study of long term memory and was very interested in this subject. Loftus got her Masters in 1967. She continued her education at Stanford and got her Ph...
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...I. Point of View The case study is viewed from the point of view of Elizabeth Santos who is currently assigned of the task of designing the store management systems and procedures for all the stores of Gintong Hiyas and the management of the company's two branches. The focus of the case are two the stores managed by Elizabeth so taking her point of view is the most appropriate since she has the knowledge and authority to these stores. The staff incentive system was also implemented under her supervision. II. Analysis of the Case Situation The original store opened in Quezon City in 1968 and sold a line of handmade gold and other jewelry. It expanded in the 1980s by opening four new outlets in different parts of Metro Manila. New lines of jewelry were added as sales expanded. Managing five stores became too difficult for the Santos Family; the original store in Quezon City was closed in 1989. Elizabeth Santos joined the management of Gintong Hiyas after completing her Bachelor's Degree in Commerce in 1992. She designed the store management systems and procedures for all stores while managing one of the Gintong Hiyas stores herself. In 1995, she was asked to manage a store previously ran by her father. In October 1995, Elizabeth introduced an incentive system to increase sales. Thirty percent of the daily wage of the salesgirl will be paid as bonus if the daily quota is exceeded. This resulted in increased sales and morale in the first few months. Employees in other...
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...Motivation Reconsidered Posted on October 24, 2011 by admin ABSTRACT I review a social ecological model of human development that stimulates recon- sideration of some traditional views in personality and motivational psychology. I propose that the quality of lives is contingent upon the sustainable pursuit of core personal projects. Project pursuit may occasionally require the suspension of biogenic fixed traits and the adoption of ‘free traits’, and I review some prelim- inary research on this recent topic. Free traits are culturally scripted patterns of conduct that are strategically crafted to advance projects about which a person cares deeply. Biogenic introverts, for example, may act as extraverts in order to advance projects requiring expressions of enthusiastic assertiveness. This may not only enhance well-being by promoting successful project pursuit but may also compromise well-being because of challenges to the autonomic nervous system. The costs of free-traited behavior can be mitigated by the provision and use of restorative resources. When viewed through this perspective seeming inconsistencies and paradoxes of daily life become less puzzling as well as more intriguing. By tracing these themes through the lives of a hypothetical couple, George and Elizabeth, I hope to provide a stimulant to theory, research, and applications that can both explain and enhance the quality of lives. Elizabeth seems to be an agreeable extravert. Recently, she has been partying heartily...
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...Should You Listen to the Customer? Introduction Situation This case study presents the Delacroix Company which has to face with new objectives: identify new channels of distribution of their shows. Goals are setup by the member’s boards and we have three persons involved in a new challenge: should they listen to the customer feedback? Natalia it is an experimented member of the company who hired Elizabeth as an marketing responsible . They have to propose a new marketing strategy based on client feedback, but Henry fonder of the company has a different opinion. Why doesn’t Henry want to listen to the customers? Does he have a point? Are there some businesses where you should not listen to the customer? What about his Smurf comment? Henry don’t want to take in consideration client feedback because of: - His business activate in a domain where the quality of the shows generate new clients. Henry believe in his staff and their quality. Dance members are talent people which can generate best shows and also assure a profitability. - In Henry opinion , listen to the customers is not related to the direct activity (dance shows ). Delacroix company wants to go on a new road of business: film and media. So, he wants new channels of distribution. It is possible after they will enter on this channels to be oriented to direct client feedback. - He is very confident in his business and the way of do it. In my opinion I don’t think in business which don’t need customer feedback, regardless...
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...Assignment1: Biddy`s Bakery Case Study Odontuya Erdenebileg Bus 515 Professor, Dr. Travis Davidson July 18, 2012 Explain the challenge Elizabeth faced in meeting her capacity needs and what she should have considered before moving into the larger facility. However, initially sales were slow at the beginning, after a few years Biddy`s Bakery began to attract an attention of customers thus, first floor of “Biddy`s” home couldn`t provide all demand. Therefore, Elizabeth decided to move larger facility. After Biddy`s Bakery moved into larger facility which is more capacity than needed, Elizabeth noticed that her sales volume had not been met with what she expected and she was paying for a facility with unused space. In my opinion, she should have calculate carefully how larger facility needs for Biddy`s Bakery, how much costs the location, and whether she can make more sales than now she is doing. In other words she needed to consider Capacity Planning. Capacity planning is the process used to determine how much capacity is needed in order to manufacture greater product or begin production of a new product. (Burack, E.H & Cassell, F. H. 1967). If she had considered it before moving into larger facility, she might choose the different place which is more convenient for Biddy`s Bakery`s capacity and thus, they were not spend money for useless expense. Business might have been successful. Determine what`s wrong with the proposal made by the team of the business...
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...Case Study of Elizabeth Visits GPC’s French Subsidiary This is a period in history of corporate globalization and in today’s business environment the single leading obstacle to the success of any organization looking for global expansion is the lack of cross-cultural communication. Elizabeth Moreno is on an assignment to visit her company’s French subsidiary to study a problem, along side GPC’s French management, regarding a new drug on the market. Apparently, one of the new anti-allergy drugs they have created has been experiencing a stunted shelf life where “the product’s active ingredient is degrading sooner than the expiration date” (Deresky, 2011). Besides figuring out the chemical background behind the problem, Elizabeth is faced to deal with colleagues who have a different and unfamiliar cultural background than her own who may look at business and her chemical field from a very different perspective. GPC understands that there French managers distrusts technology when it comes to meetings and therefore have sent Elizabeth for a face-to-face meeting regarding the problem. She will have to work hard on and pay close attention to her verbal and non-verbal gestures when dealing within the subsidiary as to not offend anyone so that progress and creativity is not hindered. “When one interacts with people from very different backgrounds-- people who have been exposed to different historical and social development, who speak different languages and have different values, and...
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...CASE OF STUDY: This CEO is out for blood Mircea Muntean Nov 8 2014 Cohort 12 Abstract The documents contains questions and answers about Elisabeth Holmes and its company Theranos, a revolutionary concept for health care. 1. What are the factors that have shaped Elizabeth Holmes as a leader? Elizabeth Holmes was actually born as a leader. She has all the characteristics and has been raised into the most appropriate environment for reaching the actual performance, no matter the operating field. She is brilliantly smart, highly innovative and very ambitious. Her genius was the main reason for her to start this business and do it so well. However, there are many other reasons, usualy small things which can, to a certain time, change somebody’s life completely. Her fear for needles and blood taking was the reason for her to start thinking about a revolutionary way of having blood tests in an easier, faster and as reliable as the standard procedure is. Her genius combined with great courage to give up the college education and to start the business created the conditions for her to become a truly leader, although, as stated before, she is a natural born leader, characteristic obvious since she was a child and she stated that she will do something special . As I can deduct based on limited informations about her, I can see her pretty similar to Steve...
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