...A Case Study on How to Manage the Theft of Information Robert M Polstra III Kennesaw State University 2004 Westwood Rd Smyrna, GA 30080 404-641-8937 rpolstra@hotmail.com ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION This paper shows the importance that management plays in the protection of information and in the planning to handle a security breach when a theft of information happens. Recent thefts of information that have hit major companies have caused concern. These thefts were caused by companies’ inability to determine risks associated with the protection of their data and these companies lack of planning to properly manage a security breach when it occurs. It is becoming necessary, if not mandatory, for organizations to perform ongoing risk analysis to protect their systems. Organizations need to realize that the theft of information is a management issue as well as a technology one, and that these recent security breaches were mainly caused by business decisions by management and not a lack of technology. After counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence, cyber crime is the third highest priority for the U.S. Federal Bureau [4]. With the rise of the theft of information and the lure of big profits for this stolen information, it is necessary for information systems to have the ability to protect this valuable asset. It is estimated that a credit card number unsupported by any other documentation is worth $10, and a credit history report retails for $60 [2]...
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...DOI: 12/15/2014. Patient is a year old male bookseller who sustained a back injury while lifting bag of books. Based on the progress report dated 02/19/16, the patient presents with neck and middle back pain. He reports an aching neck pain he currently rates at a 6/10, right side worse than left. He experiences shooting pain that extends into the right shoulder/trapezius region. He also reports pain traveling from his neck to his upper back region. He reports headaches that travel from his posterior neck region to the posterior aspect of his head. In regards to the mid-back, he reports a constant aching pain which he currently rates at a 7/10 on the pain scale. He states that the pain starts in his neck and travels to his mid and upper back regions. He says he occasional has difficulty breathing due to muscle spasms in his mid back region. He says he had seen a chiropractor for adjustments prior to this injury due to some mild and occasional pain in his back and neck. He says he had last seen a chiropractor about 2 years ago. He says that following injury, his pain had become constant and severe. He says he completed a total of 3-4 sessions of chiropractic treatment for the back. It was noted that the patient has not tried physical therapy, acupuncture, injections or surgery. On examination of the spine, there is tenderness to palpation in the right rhomboid region. Sensation is decreased over the right C6 dermatomes. Motor strength is 5-/5 over the bilateral...
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...Women Theft Cases in Naga City Elaine France Z. De Quiroz* and AmanteAma Engineering and Science Education Program Camarines Sur National High School Peñafrancia Ave., Naga City *Corresponding Author: allaine_euphemia18@yahoo.com Abstract Naga City is the “Heart of Bicol” and one of the first class independent component cities in the Philippines. Needed informations were gathered from the three different police stations in Naga City to observe the number of reported theft cases for the last three months of 2011 involving women suspects. After tabulating and contour mapping the datum, it was concluded that Barangay Dayangdang and Barangay Triangulo had the most number of the said case with a total of four reported cases covered by the given months. Keyword: theft 1. Introduction Naga City is stated as one of the first class independent component city in the Philippines. Being the commercial, financial, religious and cultural center of the Bicol region, Naga is the “Heart of Bicol”. [1] Theft is the unauthorized taking of other person’s property with the suspect’s intention to permanently deprive the person with rightful possession of that property. Unlike other crimes, theft is committed without forcing the victim to give its property. The act of theft is also known as stealing, thieving and filching.[2] Usually, women are the victims of crimes like robbery, theft, murder, rape and abuse. But in some cases, women are the main suspects like illegal recruiting...
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...IDENTITY THEFT PENALTY ENHANCEMENT ACT Name Course School Date Introduction The Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act is an amendment to Title 18 of the United States Code. The Act was brought in to define and establish penalties for aggravated identity theft. It is also an enhancement of the definitions of identity theft found in the provisions of Title 18 (Congress.gov, 2004) (Finklea, 2014). Identity theft is an issue that has affected the nation for many years. Advances in technology have made it possible for many people to have access to the tools and resources needed to forge documents which are a critical part of identity theft. The most common form of identity theft is associated with credit card fraud. Credit card fraud on the internet has substantially increased due to the opportunities present in the Internet environment. However, this represents some of the simplest forms of identity fraud. Such is the case since it is very easy to discover credit card fraud by both the credit card company and the victim as well. However, according to the Federal Trade Commission (2002), other forms of identity theft are more severe since they take a longer time to materialize (Federal Trade Commission, 2002) This view is also by Finklea (2014) in his article where he points out the issues and trends of identity theft. The Identity Theft Penalty Enhancement Act comes in the context of increased awareness of the difficulties posed by emergent technologies. So far, identity...
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...Briefing Case: People v. William • Facts of the case In 1990, April 30 the defendant stole a purse that belongs to Frances Cirrencione from her car in the front seat. At that time, Cirrencione who is 72 years old and Eliette Strabourg had finished their shopping together. The defendant shoved her while she was sitting in her car and snatched her purse from the front seat. Then she shrieked asking for help. When Strabourg noticed the defendant, he pushed her and broke her kneecap. On the other side, when Jane Raymond first heard Cirrencione calling he caught sight of the robbery. • Summary of the case Frances Cirrencione and Eliette Strabourg sued Charles Edward William for the bodily injury that he had caused and for the felony of theft, which he committed against the victim. For that, the jury issued its verdict stating the accused guilty of third-degree theft....
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...Abstract The Federal Trade Commission considers identity theft to be the fastest growing crime in the country. The Internet has become a hot zone for attracting identity theft thieves to steal personal information. Identity theft is divided into four basic areas – financial identity theft, criminal identity theft, identity cloning and business and commercial identity theft. Criminals obtain our personal information through methods such as using an insider, dumpster diving, computer hacking, war driving, phishing and pre-texting. The Department of Justice prosecutes identity theft under federal statutes. Congress passed the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act, Title 18 United States Code 1028 in 1998. One of the most noted identity theft cases was USA v. Cummings. The largest hacking and identity theft case ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice involved eleven people who stole more than forty million credit and debit card numbers. To severely curtail on identity theft, President Bush mandated Executive Order 13402 called the Identity Theft Task Force. Identity theft causes immeasurable damage to peoples’ names and reputations. Greater awareness and education will help us to combat identity theft. Identity Theft It’s a nightmare that can leave an unsuspecting person feeling violated and vulnerable. It doesn’t care who you are or where you live. Gender, race and age are totally irrelevant. In this modern technological age, it is a crime that can realistically...
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...Theft Cases in 2007 and 2008: Is There any Significant Change 1. Introduction Human society is faced with criminal activities of different kinds like theft, burglary, robbery, robbery, arson, rape, assault, murders etc. All these are unpleasant and something none of us will like, but unfortunately, we all have to live with it and learn to cope with it. To minimize and control these unpleasant occurrences there is police. Police has mandate to ensure a safe life for citizens by controlling and minimizing occurrence of criminal activities, which is evident from reduced criminal cases year after year. The data on criminal cases are logged and a suitable statistical analysis can be made to see if really there is any significant drop in criminal cases in subsequent years. Statistics is the branch of knowledge in which data pertaining to different variables are either collected or generated by suitable experimental design. However, the data is generally very huge in volume and the useful information and underlying trends are hidden in the noise. Therefore, data needs to be processed to extract suitable information and underlying trends. There are many statistical procedures, which helps in extracting suitable information and underlying trends from a large pool of data. One such procedure is “Descriptive Statistics”, which provides useful statistics pertaining to a variable like mean, median, mode, standard deviation, kurtosis, skewness etc. These...
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...Project on theft - Section 378 of IPC INTRODUCTION In common usage, theft is the taking of another person's property without that person's permission or consent with the intent to deprive the rightful owner of it. The word is also used as an informal shorthand term for some crimes against property, such as burglary, embezzlement, larceny, looting, robbery, shoplifting and fraud. In some jurisdictions, theft is considered to be synonymous with larceny; in others, theft has replaced larceny. For the offence of theft there is punishment of imprisonment of either description which may extend to 3 years, with fine, or both according to the Indian Penal Code. The offence of theft is even though cognizable [1] and non-bailable [2] it is compoundable[3]. So according to the criminal justice jurisprudence when the offence is compoundable then generally it cannot be term as serious category of an offence. Otherwise also the seriousness and gravity of an offence can be assessed by the fact and circumstances involve in any incidence of crime. Every citizen in a free country is having right to do fair, law based analysis of any judgment given by any courts in India without challenging the integrity of the person working as judge. According to SECTION 378 OF INDIAN PENAL CODE, Whoever, intending to take dishonestly any moveable property out of the possession of any person without that person’s consent, moves that property in order to such taking, is said to commit theft. OBJECTIVE ...
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...Brooke Sandoval Paralegal 110 Professor Castle November 20, 2014 Research Project/Case Summary For this research project which was to find a statute from the Illinois criminal code and find cases that deal with the select statute that we chose. The statute that I chose to find cases on and write about is retail theft. The reason I chose retail theft is because retail theft happens a lot and sometimes it even happens right in front of our eyes. Sometimes we don’t even catch people who commit retail theft. Therefore, the cases I chose to write about are cases that surround the statute of retail theft. The first case I chose is The People v. Shawn Moore, 2014 WL 4629606 (Ill.App. 3 Dist.) In this case, the defendant Shawn Moore was charged with retail theft after the incident that occurred on March 4, 2012. The defendant took the merchandise from Home Depot intending to deprive the business permanently of that item. They charged him with a Class 4 felony...
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...The property offence of theft is laid out in s.1 of the Theft Act 1968 which provides that a person is guilty of theft if they dishonestly appropriate property belonging to another with the intention to permanently deprive the other of it. S 2-6 of the Theft Act 1968 provide definitions of each of the elements of theft. S. 7 sets out the maximum penalty for theft of 7 years. There are many criticisms foe theft and they have been a few reforms on the law of theft, the theft act of 1968 does not provide any legal definition for the word ‘dishonest’. Due to the fact that there is no definition of dishonest within section 1 of the theft act which makes it quite confusing on how the law will be interpreted. This also means that the way it will be interpreted will be inconsistent. With different cases providing conflicting interpretation. An example of where the cases interpretation differs is from Ghosh 1982, feely (1973) and light foot (1993). The law is normally told to the jury members however for the word ‘dishonest’ the jury make their own definition. Many legal academics have said that the jury shouldn’t define the word dishonest but the word dishonest should be determined by Parliament. Another criticism for the theft act would be for the word ‘appropriates’ which is contained within section 1 (1) which has a too wide of a definition. Before the 1968 Act, the law required the physical taking of property for an appropriation to be considered. After the 1968 Act, this is no longer...
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...Discuss employee theft, how employees steal from their employers, the different levels of employee theft and possible employers’ responses to employee theft. Employees theft continues to be a challenge for any employer in the US. For example, we can read in the National Retail Security Survey, 2013 (1) that “employee theft still constitutes the largest majority of losses at 43.9 percent or approximately $15.1 billion, followed by shoplifting, which makes up 35.7 percent of shrink or $12.3 billion.” Therefore, it is not a surprise that such huge losses are one of the biggest problems that employers are facing in the today’s economic environment or have always faced for that matter. Employee theft is manifesting in different ways but, somehow, a theft done by a low-level worker is almost always comes first to our minds when we hear about this form of white-collar crime. However, we should not forget that any person who is paid by an individual, an owner or a business is an employee by the definition; therefore, a highly paid manager or a CEO can also commit a theft. According to the book Trusted Criminals by David O. Friedrichs, page 114, “executives and managers are responsible for the largest proportion of losses business suffer at the hands of employees.” In the above-mentioned book we can read examples where lower level employees can embezzle significant sums of money or property. In one case, a Goldman Sachs secretary managed to embezzle at least $7 million by forging...
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...Bus Radio Theft Investigation Case Charles Roberts SEC/430 June 2, 2014 David Lastra Bus Radio Theft Investigation Case One word or term you will always here when you hear about a crime or theft is the word investigation. An investigation will take place after a crime or theft in order for authorities to learn more about the case they are undertaking, and also to find out the reasons for the thefts, possible reasons for the thefts, and why they chose the location or victims of the theft. The case in this example we will discuss is known as Kelsey more specifically as the “Bus Radio Theft Case.” This incident took place at one of the schools in the town of Kelsey, which is known as the Unified School District. The perpetrators, another term known during investigations, were stealing radios from school buses at the Kelsey bus yard. This case took place a few years ago, but there are lessons to be learned by doing a study of the facts, and in doing that one should be able to solve the mystery of the bus radio thefts. I will evaluate how the investigation team of this case produced and accumulated their information, how they made observations, and the consequences from these resolutions built from this information. We will also take a look at a few of the important and very helpful techniques the team used to make this investigation into a success, including conducting interviews with the right people and asking the right questions, as well as how the...
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...Ethics Case Study Peter Paulson's offer to provide the previous case documents to Steven Craig is professionally unethical but morally permissible. In addition, I believe that the offer was not theft but possession by entitlement and permission. His actions are a great example of how professional ethics and morals don't always align in the analysis of a case. Part (1) Peter Paulson's offer although helpful commits the Texas Board of Professional Engineers code. As an expert witness for a previous case against PPC, Peter Paulson was exposed to certain documents which would help with the current case against the same company. The code states in 137.63.c.4 that "The engineer shall not give, offer or promise to pay or deliver, directly or indirectly, any commission, gift, favor, gratuity, benefit, or reward as an inducement to secure any specific engineering work or assignment." In Peter's case he was asked to "secure specific engineering work" for a fee. The practice of sharing the public documents is legal and professionally ethical but when a fee is procured for the transaction the act becomes unethical. The documents in both cases were public because they were documents of court which could be obtained by any lawyer. When Peter placed a fee on documents that were public his actions were in violation of the code and made his offer professionally unethical. Part (II) Table 1. Line drawling of "The Offer" showing non-theft (Peter's perspective) Feature Theft The Offer...
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...Identity theft is the biggest crime in the world today. For over ten years, identity theft (in all forms) has been the number one consumer complaint. In 2012 identity, theft affected more than 16.6 million Americans alone. With the 16.6 million people affected, there was a financial loss of 21 billion dollars. That number only went up in 2013 to 24.7 billion dollars and so far, for 2014 we beat that number by over one billion dollars. Finklea, Kristin 2014) With this growing epidemic, we need to educate ourselves on what identity theft is, how it affects us and how to protect ourselves in this new cyber world. Types of Identity Theft It may surprise people to know that there are many different types of identity theft. The most common and often the first thing people think of when they hear identity theft is financial identity theft. This is when a person’s credit cards and/or bank accounts are accessed and used without the owner’s permission or knowledge. The thief can do this by withdrawing money from the victims back account or by maxing out their credit cards. Another way a criminal could commit financial identity theft is by opening new accounts in the victim’s name; such as credit card and even loans. This type of financial identity theft could take the victim years and thousands of dollars to correct. One of the first cases that received the attention of national headlines of financial identity theft was from 1992. In one notorious case of identity theft, the...
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...Identity Theft David Arcila Professor Jim Manning White Collar Crime 08/14/13 “But he that filches from me my good name, robs me of that which not enriches him, and makes me poor indeed.” – Shakespeare, Othello, act III. Sc. 3. “Once in a time before identity theft was a federal crime, there was a particular case where a convicted felon stole more than $100,000 of credit card debt, motorcycles, federal home loans, houses, and handguns in the victim’s name.” (Knox, Jeffrey) “He also called his victim to taunt him and let him know that he could do this as long as he wanted to because identity theft was not a federal offense yet.” (Knox, Jeffrey) “Both the victim and his wife spent more than four years and more than $15,000 trying to repair their reputation and credit.” (Knox, Jeffrey) “As for the criminal, the offender served a small prison sentence for trying to buy the firearm but other than that made no repayments to the couple for the damage he caused.” (Knox, Jeffrey) “This was one of the many cases that made Congress decide to implement a new federal law in 1998 against identity theft.” (Knox, Jeffrey) Identity theft is a type of crime where someone’s identity is stolen in order to pretend to be the victim’s identity. “Many times the offender obtains valuable resources such as credit card and debit card information or social security numbers in order to gain economic through deception or fraud...
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