...individuals and institutions, but it also damages the consumer confidence of valid Internet businesses and e-commerce. There are many forms of Internet fraud which Internet patrons need to be aware of and cognizant of. This paper will explore major classifications of Internet fraud, provide information on how to deal with Internet fraud, relay actions taken by the government to thwart Internet fraud and prosecution thereof, and also take a detailed look into one type of Internet fraud especially, identity theft. According to the Department of Justice (http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/fraud/text/Internet.htm), Internet fraud is any type of criminal scheme that uses one or more components of the Internet to present fraudulent solicitations to prospective victims, to conduct fraudulent transactions or to transmit the proceeds of fraud to financial institutions. Major types include; online action and retail scams, business opportunities or work-at-home scams, investment schemes, phishing, and identity theft and fraud. Seventy-five percent of fraudulent parties contact their victims via web-sites, while the remaining twenty-five percent contact their victims via e-mail correspondence as reported by the National Consumers League’s National Fraud Information Center/Internet Fraud Watch program, Internet Scam Fraud Trends...
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...Abstract The Federal Trade Commission considers identity theft to be the fastest growing crime in the country. The Internet has become a hot zone for attracting identity theft thieves to steal personal information. Identity theft is divided into four basic areas – financial identity theft, criminal identity theft, identity cloning and business and commercial identity theft. Criminals obtain our personal information through methods such as using an insider, dumpster diving, computer hacking, war driving, phishing and pre-texting. The Department of Justice prosecutes identity theft under federal statutes. Congress passed the Identity Theft and Assumption Deterrence Act, Title 18 United States Code 1028 in 1998. One of the most noted identity theft cases was USA v. Cummings. The largest hacking and identity theft case ever prosecuted by the Department of Justice involved eleven people who stole more than forty million credit and debit card numbers. To severely curtail on identity theft, President Bush mandated Executive Order 13402 called the Identity Theft Task Force. Identity theft causes immeasurable damage to peoples’ names and reputations. Greater awareness and education will help us to combat identity theft. Identity Theft It’s a nightmare that can leave an unsuspecting person feeling violated and vulnerable. It doesn’t care who you are or where you live. Gender, race and age are totally irrelevant. In this modern technological age, it is a crime that can realistically...
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...Identity Theft James Middleton AIU Online Abstract In this paper we will discuss identity theft. What is identity theft, what are some of the more common ways that people have become victims to identity theft? We will discuss how the law has changed and what the law has accomplished. Also how the law now protects the victim. Identity Theft What is identity theft; which is often referred to as identity fraud, which refers to all types id crime involving someone wrongfully obtain and uses another person’s personal data in some way that involves deception (findlaw.com, n.d.). By definition of the Identity Theft & Assumption Deterrence Act (ITAD) of 1998, specified that it is a federal crime to knowing transfer or use without lawful authority, a means of identification of another person with the intent to commit, or to aid or abed any unlawful activity that constitutes a violation of Federal law, or constitutes a felony under any applicable state or local law (OVC, 2010). If a person steals another person’s identity but does not cause any monetary damage has a crime been committed? I would have to say yes, based on the definition of the ITAD Act. You transfer or use another person’s identity with the intent to commit a crime and you are caught; yes it is a crime. The most common ways to commit identity theft, is either to listen to someone’s conversation while they are giving out a credit card number over the phone, by “dumpster diving” when they can obtain...
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...gov/news-events/press-releases/2015/02/identity-theft-tops-ftcs-consumer-complaint-categories-again-2014 http://blog.fraudfighter.com/bid/94512/Aug-14-2013-Identity-Theft-The-Fastest-Growing-Crime-in-America How can I prevent identity theft? Some of the things you can do and not a victim yet is to monitor your credit and keeping your information safe. We talked about not only making sure your information is safe when you’re out in the public, such as only carrying one credit card when you really need it, not carrying your social security card and birth certificate just to name a few, We don’t need to have these things with us everyday. Just keep the common things you need with you every day, like your drive’s license, one credit card, just to be safe. Don’t carry your checking account if you don’t need to write a check because again someone could take that information and really start writing checks that aren’t yours and can start causing a lot of damage down the road. Another things is when you’re checking credit, make sure that you’re checking it on a regular basis. You can get one free copy of your credit report from each of the three credit bureaus each year. So if you want to check that systematically, you could pull your first one from Equifax, and then three or four months later pull the next one from Experian, and then three or four months later pull the next one from Trans Union. So keeping up to date with what’s going on is key when preventing or avoiding identity theft. Another thing...
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...phone and explained that he never purchased anything from them, and she asked if he was who he said was, he said yes. The lady commanded him to pay the money as soon as possible or she would involve the police. Peter realized that he may have identity theft, and with that thought he never went back to sleep. "Identity theft occurs when an unauthorized person obtains another's name and a piece of critical identifying information about that person such as a credit card or bank account number, social security number or driver's license number. With these two pieces of information, someone can open credit card accounts in someone else's name and go on spending sprees for personal items or for things that can easily be sold. When bills are not paid, the delinquent account shows up on that person's credit report. The identity thief can change the mailing address on the victim's credit card account thus delaying the discovery of the theft. The imposter then runs up big bills on the victim's account, and since they are being sent to the new address, one would have no way of knowing any of this was going on” ( Poster, 119). Identity theft is one of the biggest and most costly crimes committed today. Every second of the day someone’s identity is stolen. This often results in a person losing almost everything including their most valuable asset, their name. However, who pays for all of the transactions and purchases? Who is the actual victim? What...
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...CRIMINAL ACTS IN THIS SCENARIO ARE AS FOLLOWS: Criminal conspiracy / Conspiracy to commit a crime: is defined as an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime or to perpetrate an illegal act. Conspiracy crimes that are federal can include conspiracy to engage in criminal activity such as money laundering, conspiracy to violate federal laws, or conspiracy to manufacture drugs or weapons. http://criminal-law.freeadvice.com/criminal-law/criminal- terms. Jane committed this crime when she agreed to accept the five hundred dollars, in exchange for the key. Thinking that Jack was going to commit some sort of crime or / “steal some of her valuables”. For this reason I do think that the woman should be convicted easily of this crime. although the mitigating factor I found should help her during the sentencing phase, and my even provide an adequate defense. Identity Theft: is the crime of obtaining the personal identifying information of another person and using that information to obtain property or information to which he is not entitled, and doing so without the permission of the person whose personal identifying information is used. This is a very rapidly growing area of white collar crime, is international in scope, and is often done with sophisticated computer hacking techniques, but can also be accomplished by simply surfing trash cans. Shredders are good protection against identity theft. Penalties vary from state to state, but many identity theft offenses...
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...How Identity Theft Affect the Culture of our Society Sections I, II, III and IV Rodrekus Baskin DeVry University How Identity Fraud and Theft Impact the Culture of Our Society Section I Identity theft affects millions of Americans every day. Scam artists and hackers lay in wait for an unsuspecting person to get caught up their scheme through ignorance or naivety so they can take full advantage of their personal information to do as they desire with it. Problem is, it infiltrates and depreciates the integral infrastructure of our society which creates a cultural lapse through the declination of economic and cultural growth and double jeopardizes an already unstable system to the brink of its destruction. To understand how identity theft works or happens, one need to know and understand what identity theft is, the different forms of identity theft, cyber security and the impact on its victims, the methods used by identity thieves to obtain identifying information about their victims, and preventive solutions. How Identity Theft Affect the Culture of Our Society A single mother looking forward to advancing her financial situation comes across what appears to be the opportunity she has been waiting for. A real estate agent has provided her with the fortune of owning her own home and without skepticism of any impending dangers or foul play, even though he displayed what appeared to be proper credentials, she relinquished all of her personal data...
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...Health care Fraud Health care fraud is a crime that has a significant effect on the private and public health care payment system. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, all health care programs are subject to fraud with Medicare and Medicaid being the most visible. It is estimated that fraudulent billings to both private and public health care programs are between 3 and 10 percent of total health care programs expenditures. The most recent Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) statistical estimates project that total health care expenditures are estimated to total $2.4 trillion, representing 14 percent of the gross domestic product. By the year 2016, CMS also estimates that by the year 2016, the total health care spending is to exceed $4.14 trillion, representing 19.6 percent of the GDP. As one can see, the tens of billions of dollars lost due to health care fraud is a serious financial issue that affects the healthcare system as a whole and affects patients, taxpayers, and government through higher health care costs, insurance premiums and taxes. Health care fraud is defined in Title 18, United States Code (U.S.C) s. 1347 as “whoever knowing and willfully executes or attempts to execute a scheme or artifice to defraud any health care benefit program or to obtain, by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations or promises, any money or property owned by or under the custody or control of, any health care benefit program.” In other words, it is intentional...
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...Internet Fraud Today we live in a modernized society that is dependent on computers and the internet like the human body is dependent on its brain and heart for ordinary daily function. In 1973, the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) initiated a research program to investigate techniques and technologies for interlinking packet networks of various kinds. The objective was to develop communication protocols which would allow networked computers to communicate transparently across multiple, linked packet networks. This was called the Inter netting project and the system of networks which emerged from the research was known as the "Internet. (2) The Internet is constantly developing, becoming a greater power each day and it has affected our world in various negative and positive ways. The internet serves as an important data base worldwide. It is the greatest source of information, news, entertainment, education and even local and global interactions such as sales and trade are performed through the internet making life so much easier and hustle free. Computers are emerging almost in every aspect of our lives usually they are making everything very convenient for us, permitting us to shop from home, research information, work online, and communicate with our friends, family and acquaintances all around the world with speed. As technology continues to improve more benefits and disadvantages start to evolve. Internet access is no longer a luxury...
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...faster and easier accessibility. As it is another mode of commercial and personal transaction and one that is heavily dependent on interaction through computers and automatic agents rather than face-to-face meetings, which increases distance and allows anonymity, it is another avenue for crimes to perpetuate. “Computer Crime” encompasses crimes committed against the computer, the materials contained therein such as software and data, and its uses as a processing tool. These include hacking, denial of service attacks, unauthorized use of services and cyber vandalism. “Cyber Crime” describes criminal activities committed through the use of electronic communications media. One of the greatest concerns is with regard to cyber-fraud and identity theft through such methods as phishing, pharming, spoofing and through the abuse of online surveillance technology. There are also many other forms of criminal behaviour perpetrated through the use of information technology such as harassment, defamation, pornography, cyber terrorism, industrial espionage and some regulatory offences. The existing criminal laws in most countries can and do cover computer-related crimes or electronically perpetrated crimes. Offences against the computer are relatively new as they arise from and in relation to the digital age, which threatens the functionality of the computer as an asset of a borderless information society. New laws are required in order to nurture and protect an orderly and vibrant digital...
Words: 24175 - Pages: 97
...Identity Theft Abstract This research paper will examine what is known about identity theft. The paper begins with defining the crime and its background, followed by a review of the patterns and incidences of identity theft. This review will include data on the extent and costs of this crime. Discussion will then focus on victims and perpetrators of identity theft. Common techniques used by identity thieves will be explored along with tips to protect consumers and businesses from having their identities stolen or data breached. Legislation in place to prevent and prosecute identity theft will be discussed. How to report identity theft is also explained. Defining Identity Theft The U.S. Department of Justice defines identity theft, also called identity fraud, as “all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person’s personal data in some way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain” (U.S. Department of Justice, 2015). Identity thieves use personal data such as Social Security numbers, bank account or credit card numbers to personally profit at the victim’s expense. These breaches allow thieves to take funds out of bank accounts or in the worst cases, take over a victim’s identity completely, running up huge debts and committing crimes using the victim’s name. Victims not only suffer the out-of-pocket financial losses, but they may have to rebuild their reputation in the community due...
Words: 4583 - Pages: 19
...faster and easier accessibility. As it is another mode of commercial and personal transaction and one that is heavily dependent on interaction through computers and automatic agents rather than face-to-face meetings, which increases distance and allows anonymity, it is another avenue for crimes to perpetuate. “Computer Crime” encompasses crimes committed against the computer, the materials contained therein such as software and data, and its uses as a processing tool. These include hacking, denial of service attacks, unauthorized use of services and cyber vandalism. “Cyber Crime” describes criminal activities committed through the use of electronic communications media. One of the greatest concerns is with regard to cyber-fraud and identity theft through such methods as phishing, pharming, spoofing and through the abuse of online surveillance technology. There are also many other forms of criminal behaviour perpetrated through the use of information technology such as harassment, defamation, pornography, cyber terrorism, industrial espionage and some regulatory offences. The existing criminal laws in most countries can and do cover computer-related crimes or electronically perpetrated crimes. Offences against the computer are relatively new as they arise from and in relation to the digital age, which threatens the functionality of the computer as an asset of a borderless information society. New laws are required in order to nurture and protect an orderly and vibrant digital...
Words: 24175 - Pages: 97
...Principles of Information Security, Fourth Edition Chapter 3 Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Information Security Learning Objectives • Upon completion of this material, you should be able to: – Describe the functions of and relationships among laws, regulations, and professional organizations in information security – Differentiate between laws and ethics – Identify major national laws that affect the practice of information security – Explain the role of culture as it applies to ethics in information security Principles of Information Security, 4th Edition 2 Introduction • You must understand scope of an organization’s legal and ethical responsibilities • To minimize liabilities/reduce risks, the information security practitioner must: – Understand current legal environment – Stay current with laws and regulations – Watch for new issues that emerge Principles of Information Security, 4th Edition 3 Law and Ethics in Information Security • Laws: rules that mandate or prohibit certain societal behavior • Ethics: define socially acceptable behavior • Cultural mores: fixed moral attitudes or customs of a particular group; ethics based on these • Laws carry sanctions of a governing authority; ethics do not Principles of Information Security, 4th Edition 4 Organizational Liability and the Need for Counsel • Liability: legal obligation of an entity extending beyond criminal or contract law; includes legal obligation to make restitution...
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...Requester’s name and address (optional) Part I Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) Social security number Enter your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on the “Name” line to avoid backup withholding. For individuals, this is your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Part I instructions on page 3. For other entities, it is your employer identification number (EIN). If you do not have a number, see How to get a TIN on page 3. Note. If the account is in more than one name, see the chart on page 4 for guidelines on whose number to enter. – – Employer identification number – Part II Certification Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and 2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) I am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) I have not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result...
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...Information Systems Security By: Jessica Burnheimer, Kathleen Cline, Brian Weiss Outline for Group paper I. Introduction II. Issues concerning Information Systems Security A. Define IS security B. Why IS security is necessary? C. History and Back round of IS security D. Current issues concerning IS security 1.) Spamming 2.) Hacking 3.) Jamming 4.) Malicious software 5.) Sniffing 6.) Spoofing 7.) Identity Theft III. Solutions to contemporary IS security issues A. Solutions for “Spamming” B. Solutions for “Hacking” C. Solutions for “Jamming” D. Solutions for “Malicious Software” E. Solutions for “Sniffing” F. Solutions for “Spoofing” G. Solutions for “Identity Theft” IV. The Future of Information Systems Security A. New technologies and techniques effecting the future of Information Systems Security B. Tips and information regarding maintaining a Secure Information System C. How security issues will continue to shape Information Systems Management V. Conclusion Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss the pressing issues pertaining to Information Systems security. We will be covering the history of Information Systems Security, the current security issues, and why it is important to be knowledgeable in Information Systems security. Also, we will cover some solutions to the issues that...
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