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Cassie Cooper Monologue

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“Let me guess, you’re an actress wannabe,” he said.

“How did you know?” I asked.

“They all are. Everyone’s an actress or an actor. Busboys, waitresses, even hookers, they’re all actresses and actors, or at least that’s what they went there for. But, things don’t always turn out the way people plan.”

“Well, that’s not going to happen to me. I will make it big, just you wait and see. You’ll see my name in lights, and watch me walk red carpets. Cassie Cooper, remember that name, you’ll be seeing a lot of it. I’m a rising star in the making, and with a little luck I’ll hit the big time.”

“I see. So. You have big dreams do you? Tell me about your passions and your dreams.”

My passions? I have a passion for life, for everything. I just want to act. I don’t care what roles I get. I just want to …show more content…
Shilo Smith, Director extraordinaire at your service. Now, let’s talk more about your career.”

“Really, you’re a director? Oh wow, what are the chances. This is so exciting.”

“Cassie, how do you feel about taking direction, because Hollywood is all about that. A director will tell you what to do, and you’ll have to do exactly what he says. Do you think that’s something you can do?”

“Well, of course. If the script calls for it, I would do whatever the director asked.”

“It’s not always in the script Cassie. Sometimes there are things for the greater good of a film that aren’t in the script. Sometimes you have to go off track a little bit to get a really good scene. Are you willing to do everything you’re told if it’s for the good of the film?”

“Yes, yes of course. Improvisation is the language of the theatre. I’m ready for anything. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

Okay, that’s good. Now tell me, how do you feel about nude scenes?”

“What?” I knew what he said, but his forwardness took me by surprise.

“Nude scenes, you know naked.”

“Are you

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