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Feminist In Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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There are many different views on the word feminist. In today’s world a feminist is someone who supports women's rights and equality. There are a lot of men who are negative towards feminists because the feminists typically believe that men are lesser than women. Women who stay strong during what ever situation is thrown at them is one way to look at what what a feminist truly is. Hawthorn really demonstrates true feminism through Hester in The Scarlet Letter. Hester was an extremely strong female character, many peoples ideas of women are that they are weak and helpless. Although Hester was faced with very difficult times in her life, she was able to raise her daughter alone and protect her lover while being shamed of wearing the letter “A” on her chest every day. Hester raised her daughter, Pearl, on her own without any help from …show more content…
Hester carried herself very well throughout this and stayed strong and moved on with her life without dwelling on the past. As her punishment for her sin of committing adultery, she had to stand on the scaffold and wear the scarlet letter for the rest of her life. A lot of women would have begged for mercy if they were given such harsh punishment but Hester faced her punishment with strength and bravery. She didn’t beg or cry while she stood on the scaffold with Pearl for hours and went through the embarrassment. She kept her pride while protecting Dimmesdale and her bravery did not stop her from keeping this secret. While wearing the letter Hester never hesitated to help others because she knew that she was obligated to help others that were even more miserable than her. It must have been very shameful and embarrassing to go out in public with the scarlet letter but Hester faced her situation with bravery. Hester is truly a feminist in every way, she never gave in to the humiliation she faced and learned to overcome

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