...27 collective effectiveness. This finding illustrates how the impact of social ties on individuals’ perceptions manifests itself in different ways. Moreover, it shows that there is a privileged path (highlighted with bold arrows in Figures 1 and 2) leading to strong participation in social movements. Of all perceptions, individual effectiveness is the factor in the decision process that most closely influences the level of participation in both the Bern Declaration and the WWF. Prospective members with a strong feeling that if they engage in protest, their participation will serve at least to a certain extent to bring about social change will actualize their potential for mobilization at the highest level of involvement. Individual effectiveness is also one of the perceptions of the model that is most influenced by social networks, directly but also indirectly via interest in the political issue and the perception of the organization’s effectiveness . This last result highlights the close interweaving between social ties and individual effectiveness. In other words, it stresses the interconnectedness of relational factors and human agency, and demonstrates that both structuralist and rationalist accounts are indispensable to explanation of individual participation. Conclusion Social networks matter, but they do so by performing various functions in the process of individual participation. They intervene at least three different ways. First, they intervene in the socialization...
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...Forage for Thought: Mobilizing Codes in the Movement for Grass-fed Meat and Dairy Products Klaus Weber Northwestern University Kathryn L Heinze Northwestern University Michaela DeSoucey Northwestern University This study illuminates how new markets emerge and how social movements can effect cultural change through market creation. We suggest that social movements can fuel solutions to three challenges in creating new market segments: entrepreneurial production, the creation of collective producer identities, and the establishment of regular exchange between producers and consumers. We use qualitative data on the grassroots coalition movement that has spurred a market for grass-fed meat and dairy products in the United States since the early 1990s. Our analysis shows that the movement’s participants mobilized broad cultural codes and that these codes motivated producers to enter and persist in a nascent market, shaped their choices about production and exchange technologies, enabled a collective identity, and formed the basis of the products’ exchange value.• The creation of new markets is an important engine of economic and cultural change. But new markets do not emerge naturally; rather, they often arise from collective projects that mobilize the necessary economic, cultural, and socio-political resources (Fligstein, 1996; Swedberg, 2005). A growing body of research suggests that social movements can play a central role in fueling such projects (Carroll and Swaminathan...
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...Politics have come a long way from Niccolo Machiavelli in the late 1400’s to current political philosophers of the twentieth century. Many of those great theorists had one single thing in common: they have strived to break old concepts of political thought, being it racial and gender inequality, or ideas on how to be a leader with less opposition. In modern politics, after a long period of centralized governments, the brief trend of gaining freedom and equality has been deteriorating and the creation of an illusion of freedom has slowly replaced the true freedom of speech and thought. In the times of Machievelli, governments were centralized under the power of a prince. Machiavelli discussed how a prince should act in order to be fully respected and maintain full power. He suggested that a prince should do whatever was necessary to achieve his objectives and never rely only on ideals; additionally, no price was too high to pay for success, and a prince should focus more on being loved than feared if not possible to have both at the same time. On the same thought, “a prince should not worry if he incurs reproach for his cruelty so long as he keeps his subjects united and loyal”, in other words, a prince should sometimes be cruel. Moreover, Machiavelli did not believe in individual freedom. Even the prince needed to follow rules to maintain his success and everyone else had to follow the prince’s orders and live with fear. Hobbes had a similar view of...
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...Characteristics and Diffusion of the Shantytown Protests: 1985-1990 1. In the research paper “The Student Divestment Movement in the United States and Tactical Diffusion: The Shantytown Protest”, by Sarah A. Soule of the University of Arizona, the focus was on a relatively recent phenomenon of how a single social movement organization could influence other organizations directly or indirectly. It all started in 1985 when news reports from South Africa swamped U.S. newspapers about their government-ordered beatings and shootings of peaceful demonstrators. These events in South Africa resulted in eleven thousand deaths due, in part, to the rising levels of political violence which stretched over a five year period. A concern about repression of political activism in South Africa sparked activist demonstrations in the U.S which spilled on to college campuses. One of the first protests took place in 1985 with a blockade of Hamilton Hall at Columbia University. The importance of the protest was that it got a lot of media coverage which advertised new protest tactics all over the U.S. Shortly after, the number of protests all over the U.S. against apartheid rose sharply, starting at Princeton then to the University of California Santa Cruz, Harvard, University of Iowa, and most importantly, sparking the innovative tactics practiced at Cornell University. At Cornell the students altered the normal sit-ins or camp-ins to the construction of shacks made from wood, tar paper, and plastics...
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...Theories of Social Movements Relative Deprivation Theory Relative deprivation theory, developed by Denton Morrison (1971) is a more general theory about why individuals join social movements. A person experiences relative deprivation when she feels that she is not receiving her “fair share” of what seems to be available. Therefore, the people who are the worst off are not necessarily the ones experiencing relative deprivation. For instance, research in the Civil Rights movement showed that African Americans who were the most active were not most deprived but were fairly well-off, such as college students or religious leaders but they were the ones who felt the most relatively deprived. Key to the idea of relative deprivation is the notion of expectations, that is, what people think they deserve and want in life. If these expectations are met, people do not experience discontent or relative deprivation. On the other hand, if people compare themselves to their reference groups and find that they have less, they will experience relative deprivation. If an individual feels that everyone else seems to be wealthier or generally seems to have it better, they will experience relative deprivation. A second key to the idea of relative deprivation is the notion of legitimate expectations. Relative deprivation is not simply the idea that people want what everyone else has. It is the idea that they think they deserve it and have a right to it. Therefore, if they do not get what they...
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...America Then and Now: A Historical Analysis of America Since 1945 Dena Ferguson Pioneer Pacific College: History 410 February 16, 2015 America Then and Now: A Historical Analysis of America Since 1945 During his second inaugural speech Franklin D. Roosevelt stated, “The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much it is whether we provide enough for those who have little.” (Roosevelt, 1937). This statement would become the mantra of a new era in American history, as a young and powerful country began a long and arduous journey of progress. Progress that has had high cost, followed by great changes, and the inevitable growth of a new American society determined to improve their destiny. However, the great debate is “has America truly changed for the better?” A closer look at the positive changes developed through social movements, societal policy expansion, and technological advancements paints a picture of an improved American society. Social Movements After World War II ended in 1945, America experienced a brief moment of contented peacefulness and growth. However, this quickly changed as the country moved toward a decade of cold war in an effort to prevent the spread of Russian communism, which denied those under its rule the right to basic human freedoms. This cold war was founded on the principle of protecting global human rights, which would sparked an era of social unrest among American minority groups who desired to have...
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...Martin Luther King, Jr.: Charismatic Leadership in a Mass Struggle Dr. Mark Allen Organizational Behavior/Leadership (MBA-552) Harkaran Singh Hara & Aras Azarbay Martin Luther King, Jr.: Charismatic Leadership in a Mass Struggle Dr. Mark Allen Organizational Behavior/Leadership (MBA-552) Harkaran Singh Hara & Aras Azarbay 08 Fall 08 Fall Abstract The paper examines the myths associated with the life and leadership of Martin Luther King, Jr. during the African-American Civil Rights movements of 1950s and 1960s and scrutinizes King’s depiction by the mass media as the sole significant leader of the struggle. It also examines the charismatic label associated with King’s name, his exceptional oratory skills and also his weaknesses as leader. The paper further discusses the contributions of King towards the civil rights struggle and also suggests us not to forget the contributions of leaders to the movement and the social factors which led to King’s rise. It also suggests some lessons we can learn from King’s life and relates his beliefs and methods to various scholarly works. Finally, it reflects upon the role of charismatic leadership and how it relates with transformational leadership styles in today’s business environment. About the Author This article which was originally published in the Journal of American History, 1987 is written by Dr. Clayborne Carson, who is a professor of American History at the Stanford University and is also...
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...Four Stages of Social Movements Social Movements & Collective Behavior > Four Stages of Social Movements Table of Contents Abstract Keywords the four stages of social movements. The four stages of social movement development are emergence, coalescence, bureaucratization, and decline. The Decline stage can result from several different causes, such as repression, co-optation, success, failure, and mainstream. The four stages of development model can be applied to understand how movements form, grow, and dissipate. It has limitations, however, in its application to new social movements and movements that are not rooted in political action. Despite these limitations, the four stages model is still highly useful in understanding collective action and provides a useful frame of analysis for sociologists considering social movements and their effects in the past and present. Overview What is a Social Movement? Four Stages of Social Movements Stage 1: Emergence Stage 2: Coalescence Stage 3: Bureaucratization Stage 4: Decline Repression Co-optation Success Failure Establishment with Mainstream Overview There have been many social movements throughout history that have dramatically changed the societies in which they occurred. There have been many failed social movements as well. Throughout the history of the United States alone there have been a number of important and notable social movements. These movements have varied widely in their ideologies; some movements have been revolutionary...
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...wherein they experience social problem, social movement and social change. They overcome these situations after a long period of time through tough situations and countless meetings of the British Government and Nelson Mandela. 2. What social problems have you observe in the movie? Explain why it exists. The social problem that existed in the movie was the discrimination being received by the South African citizens in their own country. They were treated as slaves. This is what triggered them to revolt and fight for their rights. This social problem started small from opinions in neighborhood to group organizations. They wanted to overthrow the government and fight for their rights. 3. Define the meaning of social movement and social change by citing scenes in the movie. Social movement is a collectivity acting with some continuity to promote ore resist a change in society or group of which it is part. (Turner and Killian) It may also refer to those activities in which people unite in an organized, long-term effort to change their society or in which they resist and express dissatisfaction with the existing order through outright and prolonged actions. (Hollnsteiner) 4. Define the stages of a social movement by citing scenes in the movie. The stages of social movement are emergence, coalescence, bureaucratization, and decline. 1. Emergence * Potential movement participants may be unhappy with some policy or some social condition, but they have...
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...NEW INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES | SOCIAL MOVEMENT OF NETWORK AND SOCIAL MEDIA | Critical essay | SOYEON PARK 20122455 2012-12-05 | SOCIAL MOVEMENT OF NETWORK AND SOCIAL MEDIA Malcom Gladwell printed an article in The New Yorker, the article is entitled ‘Small Change : Why the revolution will not tweeted’. The article is giving criticism in principle about the social media disseminator’s ideas that social media such as facebook and tweeter will bring enormous changes on social activities and movements. His article provides us with amount of food for thought about what is behaviorism and social movement in the age of social media and what is relations between social media and social movements. Of course, there would be a sharp division of opinions between those who approve and disapprove. He argues that it is impossible to reform the society radically by social media such as tweeter and facebook based on weak ties. And he pointed out the limit of ordinary unimportance of weak ties. It means, in spite of extensivity and quantitative expansion of weak ties, it does not have materiality of solidarity showing in the 1960s’ a civil rights movement. And he’s opinion is that the connection of information is different with the solidarity of people. A movement, which goes along with human body, makes people blood boil and heat them up, unlike when they are absorbing information by using their brain cells. It is hard to banish the lingering and regret about that kind of...
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...Amr Amr 12/10/2013 Egypt Burning: How one Egyptian revolutionary movement overthrew a dictator while one another overthrew a democracy. On the 17th of December, 2011 a vegetable vendor lit himself on fire in response to the corrupt and inefficient bureaucratic system in Tunisia. This small event by an unknown vendor led to the biggest and fastest spread of social movements in the history of the Arab world known as the Arab spring. Yet while the Tunisian example has been seen as relatively successful, in Egypt things seems to be more complicated and difficult especially with two different social movements, the first mobilized on the 25th of January and overthrew the long time autocratic ruler Hosni Mubarak, while the second had its beginnings in December of 2012 led to the overthrow of the first democratically elected president on June 30th of the following year was able to rally the biggest protest in modern history. This research paper’s goal will be to analyze the two social movements, their origins, make-up, organizational structure, their image abroad and finally their conclusion. For example why did the January 25th movement, which had clear goals from the onset and an extremely diverse make up ranging from secular liberals to conservative Islamists get sidelined and collapsed after achieving their first goal? And why did the Tamarod movement (rebel in Arabic) which had its origin in a petition form and was able to garner more active support, including...
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...2015 Music and The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960’s All forms of Black music, from jazz to rock and roll, played an important part in the Civil Rights Movement. The songs were sung for multiple purposes and played a critical role in inspiring, activating, and giving voice to the people involved. The evolution of music during the early 1950’s and 1960’s in the Black freedom struggle reflects the evolution of the Civil Rights Movement itself. The progressive thought of the 1950s nurtured new ideas and cultures including the Civil Rights Movement and the fast spread of rock and roll. One such cultural revival occurred after the end of World War II during a time of change, prosperity and restoration. The “Puritan dicta” outlined by Baldwin represents the American ideology before the Second World War. As the first settlers of this nation, the Puritans set the mold for many common American ideologies. In the Puritan view white represented good and black represented evil, including Africans and their culture. After the war, Baldwin states that the former puritanical views of whites will be challenged. Musicians such as Elvis Presley were the first to issue this challenge to white society. Early rockers like Elvis would pave the way for social commentary in music that would add much fire to the Civil Rights Movement. To fully understand the explosion of popularity of Black music in the years following World War II, one must understand the social conditions in which Blacks and...
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...Resource Mobilization McCarthy and Zald (1997) explain resource mobilization as both the societal support and constraint of social movement phenomena (p. 1213). They extend this to include the variety or resources required for movement mobilization: links of the social movement to other groups, external support, and both formal and informal networks (McCarthy & Zald, 1977, p. 1213). Jo Freeman and Anne Costain expand off of this theory, and use it to explain the emergence and mobilization of the American women’s movement (Jeydel, 2004, p. 655). The women’s movement has “incentive to act when their chances for success are high” (Jeydel, 2004, p. 655). They take advantage of new opportunities while simultaneously making new ones for themselves...
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...New Social Movements In Nepal Introduction Nepal has undergone three major movements during and after the end of the hundred years of Rana Oligarchy in 1950, 1990 and 2006. These movements did not only change the political power, but also substantively affected the structure of the prevalent Nepalese society. Hereupon, ethnic, Dalit, women and Madesh movement with the demand of identity and inclusion have been reaching their peak in these recent years. We can analyze all these movements of Nepal under the important and essential theory of New Social Movement. The Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) fought twelve years People's war under the doctrine developed by Mao Tse-tung of China, but raised many issues highly influenced by the New Social Movement such as ethnic, gender, Dalit and Madesh related to the identity and human rights, not based on socialism or communism. The article 'New Social Movements: of the Early Nineteenth Century' written by Craig Calhoun is important to make our perception on the various social movements of Nepal. It is new concept in the sociological theory which was developed after only 1968, different than old social movements like the Marxism, socialism and labour movement of the past. Most of the contemporary social movements are emerged outside the mainstream political system, political parties and formal institutional life and inspired by the non-hierarchical, participatory form of democracy, human rights, social justice, environmental preservation...
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...Faizan Ahmed Khan 15020568 Professor Erum Haider Pol 320 6 May 2014 How do social media shape the social movements in modern times? A comparative study of Ukraine Crimea crisis and Egyptian revolution for democracy! A social movement can look like and be called many things. Whatever their appearance or name, the goal of all social movements is presumably the same: a change for the better. If this is indeed the ultimate objective of a social movement, it is well worth considering how successfully a movement achieves that objective. In the past ten years, several social movements have grabbed the world’s attention for the change they promised. Deemed successful for achieving their goal of change, though not necessarily change for the better, further evaluations have been sparsely performed. However, in judging social movements, what happens is shaped to a greater degree by the media, specifically. We shall look at modern day Egypt and Ukraine in our analysis. The effect of social media—and the Internet more generally—in both sets of protests is undeniable yet also distracting. Like most historic events, these protests and revolutions were in part possible due to a new technology. Flipping through the pages of history we see that The Reformation in Europe was aided by the invention of the printing press; the revolutions of 1848 occurred in some respect thanks to the invention of the telegraph which transmitted news across Europe of one set of protests overnight; the age of modern...
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