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Cultural Differences In American Culture Essay

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Since 2008, American Forces have suffered a drastic increase in the number of insider (Green on Blue) attacks in the Afghanistan Area of Responsibility (AOR). Although the Taliban typically claims responsibility for these attacks, an estimated 90% are due to cultural differences.1 As America increases its role in advisement, the need for a complete cultural understanding is essential to ensure the survival of our troops. Using aspects of the Afghan culture as an example, we can see how the most basic awareness, if taught prior or during deployment, could potentially prevent the needless loss of life.

The Pashtun code of conduct is based off of eight guiding principles: Seyali (competition), Ezzat (honor), Gundi (rivalry), Qawm (tribe), …show more content…
Honor is viewed as one aspect of Afghan life that if disrespected, may be regained through the use of any means necessary. In American military culture, constructive criticism is often sought after. The American military believes that this criticism develops better professionals who learn from identified mistakes. When advising the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF), it is important to consider their beliefs regarding honor and respect preceding conveyance of corrective action so that is will be well received and …show more content…
Historically, Afghans do not seek compromise when their honor is questioned or family has been shamed; violence against the offender is the culturally accepted response. In Knowing this, a mentor, when making corrective action, should do so with positive reinforcement allowing the subject of the corrective action to save face in front of his men. Therefore, he would not feel dishonored or shamed and would not be required to defend his honor. Understanding these aspects prior to a deployment and partnership will give American forces the ability to develop an approach to mentorship and

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