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Catalase Research Paper

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Catalase, a heme containing enzyme, is found in tiny organs inside of cells called peroxisomes. Catalase is found all over the human body. When catalase turns alcohol into acetaldehyde the hydrogen which is released is bound to hydrogen peroxide molecules which then become water. Although catalase is active everywhere in the body, catalase is of particular interest to researchers because it metabolizes alcohol in the brain. The acetaldehyde released into the brain by the metabolism of alcohol by catalase has been suggested to play a role in the development of tolerance to alcohol, to voluntary ethanol consumption and to the positive reinforcing actions of ethanol, perhaps via interaction with catecholamines to produce various condensation products.[54]
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Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase
Alcohol metabolism results in the production of acetaldehyde, a compound that is much more toxic than ethanol itself. Accumulation of acetaldehyde has been thought to play a pivotal role in priming the liver to damage. Hepatic aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) is the main enzymatic system responsible for acetaldehyde clearance from the hepatocyte. The oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetate can be summarized as follows:
Acetaldehyde + NAD+ + Coenzyme A ↔ Acetyl-CoA + NADH + H+
Several isozymes of ALDH have been identified, but only the cytosolic ALDH1 and the mitochondrial ALDH2 metabolize acetaldehyde. ALDH2, is the key enzyme that oxidizes

acetaldehyde, which is crucial in the second step of oxidative pathway of alcohol metabolism. There is one significant genetic polymorphism of the ALDH2 gene, resulting in allelic variants ALDH2*1 and ALDH2*2, which is physiologically inactive. [55,

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