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Catch Me Research Paper

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“Catch Me” Toys for children have changed drastically from one generation to the next. Most toys have a very powerful influence on a child’s thinking and interaction with peers. When choosing a toy, you strive to find a toy that balances your child’s behavior and social development. So for this paper I have designed a toy called, “Catch Me”, for kids around the age of four to enjoy. My paper will discuss the toy’s age range, the toy’s characteristics, its developmental advantages and domains, how the toy actually looks and how the toy can stimulate a child’s development.
I designed a toy and named it “Catch Me”; the toy itself is like a car. It is four inches wide and six inches in length with rugged all over wheels. The car is equipped with Bluetooth, sensors, bright lights, and a speaker for prerecorded commands. The toy would also include four wristbands for tracking the players. The car comes in a candy apple red color and can move pretty fast. The toy, “Catch Me,” is pretty much a version of hide and seek with some cool ways of play. The toy is intended for children four and older, and it is a very active toy. To play with “Catch Me,” the car has to be synced to the wristbands included with the car, and the car has to try and find you and put you out of the game. Anytime the player gets within six …show more content…
The “Catch Me” car is pretty much safe, and it does not go too fast because it is intended to catch its players, not run them over. For the safety of all players, it is advised that the parents supervise them while they play to prevent any possible injury. Some possible suggestions for catch me would be to designate a certain area to play in so the kids don’t wander too far to find a hiding place; another is to have a safe word for the kids playing the game so if a child is not found after so long they know the game is over and they can rejoin the rest of the

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