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Meta Analysis: Sin Taxes

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Meta Analysis Like many others, this essay scared me. I wanted to get a jump start on this essay so I immediately began looking for argumentative topic. I looked for one that I would enjoy writing about and I found one, Gap year. While waiting for Mrs. Bain to come over to my desk to see if my topic would work, I heard another classmate call over Mrs. Bain and tell her that she is doing Gap year. I immediately got frustrated because I had that topic chose before a came to class that day and I felt as if my topic got stole from me. As I began to look for other topics, I realized nothing was jumping out at me. I got nervous that I would get stuck with a topic that I would not like. When I sent in my Topic sheet, I decided to do it on smoking. Smoking plays a big role in my life because my father is a smoker and although he is fully functional I can see the toll it …show more content…
So I wanted my paper to be about limiting places that smokers can smoke in.My topic was declined by Mrs. Bain. I was determined to inform people about the effects smoking has on people, so I kept my topic kind of the same but added a twist. My research paper was about Sin Taxes. It was not quite what I wanted and that made me nervous, writing eight pages about something I was unsure about did not sound like the best plan. As I began to plan out my essay, I started with an outline. I planned on writing about two pages a week, I stuck to that schedule for the most part but sometimes I would fall behind because I would get so caught up on catching all the little things. I thought the paper would be harder but I really learned to understand that sin taxes goes so much deeper then just taxes and I think that is way my paper went smoother

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