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Teen Athletes Research Paper

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During teen years is when a human being uses most of his energy. Their body grows rapidly and with the amount of exercise they do they burn a lot of calories! The calories are burnt mainly through sports and other physical activities that teens constantly do. Since they burn a lot it is necessary for them to also consume enough calories so that they can go on the entire day without running out of calories. Teen athletes especially need to consume more calories as they exert more energy than regular teens. So does that mean they can eat any kind of food they want as long as they consume the required calories? Definitely not.
For a teen athlete it is recommended to consume approximately 2000-5000 calories depending on the amount of energy they require. Consuming calories doesn’t only mean eating any kind of food that you like. It is necessary to have a balance of each type of food group in order to attain the energy and nutrients that you require. For teen athletes especially is it needed as they play sports in which they use their muscles so the right amount of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, …show more content…
Carbohydrates and proteins. It is said by dietition that a teen athlete’s calorie consumption should have 60-65% on carbohydrates in them. Again it is necessary that the carbohydrates should be the good kind that will give you energy such as, whole grains, whole wheat, oatmeal and most importantly fruits and vegetables. These are healthy choices of carbs as they are rich in vitamins and minerals. Teen athletes use their muscles the most, and the main source of making the muscles stronger is proteins. It is recommended for a teen athlete to consume 12-15% of its calories through protein, again the healthy type of protein such as, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, etc. Like every food group its necessary to have proteins in a limit, over consumption of protein could lead to thing like liver

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