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Catching Fire Research Paper

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People are born in the wrong place and times because we can not choose our own birth. And those who are lucky enough to be born in the right place and time do not appreciate their birth. They destroy their own lives instead. Catching Fire written by Suzanne Collins and directed by Francis Lawrence is about a game called Hunger Game where 2 people from the 12 districts are selected to join the game every year. The contributors face all kind of challenge such as wild animal, and poison which set up by the game maker. Other than that, they have to kill one another in order to win the game. In the book Catching Fire, the government takes full control over people. The people have no right to speak up or going against the government otherwise they would get killed on spot. There are 3 differences between the futurism world of Panem and the 21st century American society; Human rights, Government rules, and the rich vs poor. These differences make people who live in the world of Panem struggle to survive because they are living …show more content…
They all have an equal right to vote for the changes. The children go to the same school and are given the same education. On the other hand, The rich and poor are separated in the Panem world. The poor are put to live in districts while the rich live in the capitol. " The idea of throwing away food, as I see so many people doing so casually, is abhorrent to me."(Collins78) Katniss joined a party in Capitol where there are all kind of foods which will be thrown away at the end of the party makes Katniss think of people in her districts who are starving. The rich in the Capitol are wasting foods while the poor in each district are struggling to survive. If the rich have just a little bit of sympathy for poor people, it would makes a lot of difference between classes. And the world of Panem would be a happy place to live in with each other

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