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Latin America Movie Themes

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The film Reportero encapsulates many of the ideals and themes that have been examined in the Human Rights in Latin America Class. These themes contribute to the frantic and dangerous dynamic that many journalist face in Mexico on a regular basis. The idea of borders and corruption are physical ideas that are not regularly seen with a person’s eyes, but are rather recognized by their mind. Death is another theme, though unlike the previous two, present a real, noticeable physical response. Born out of these physical themes, the idea centered on the motivation of Fear and Resilience is found. These two metaphysical thoughts are encouraged and enlightened by the other physical themes associated with Human Rights. However, before diving into a …show more content…
As read in WOLA (CITE), there is the notion that America’s colonialist powers are unable to help those that suffer without mutual benefit in return. American exceptionalism is the primary motivation in leaving Mexico to suffer. NAFTA, PTD (Prevention through Deterrence) are just a few policies that allow for America to keep its power and wealth without helping out its foreign neighbor. The reasoning around this comes from the thought that if you do not follow American ideals, then you are not worthy of American Sacrifice – or you do not offer enough monetary compensation for their involvement. (Why they refrain from Mexican Involvement, but get involved in Central American Country’s America will continue to put itself and its country before any other nation. This sense of American Involvement, directly counters the idea of the global policeman attitude that America has come to embrace. This allows for one to see through the veil and understand the root of American Involvement. Neocolonialism supports this idea, as it really promotes the American Way and the American Advantage. This as a policy seems counter to the fight for equitable Human Rights. The lack of involvement ultimately allows many to suffer in situations where the United States could …show more content…
These are similar to death, because death ultimately prompts both fear and resilience. These themes are key to what we discuss in class. The idea of resilience is an essential theme to Human Right, because it allows for the fight for human equity to continue. Without resilience, there would have been many moments when the Human Rights movements would not have worked. The UDHR embodies the idea of being resilient, because it captures what we should have and cherish as important parts of our identities. However fear is another big theme of the class. A lot of the moments and periods that we have discussed have all embodied fear as a central theme, whether this was the conquests or the Ashanikas, fear is something that kept people in line and allowed for them to really grow and support their movements. In the Ashanikas1)’ case, the fight against the Shining Path initially led many to go into hiding and flee the scenes of the crimes. However, fear, and the people’s choice to fight against it, allowed for them to take a stand one town at a time (Town Name,

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