...CATEGORY A-GOODS AND GENERAL SERVICES NIST/001 /2015/2016 - supply of fresh meat NIST/002/2015/2016 - supply of fresh bread (block) NIST/003/2015/2016 - supply of fresh milk NIST/004/2015/2016 supply of dry beans, dry maize and Ndengu green-Women & Disability NIST/005/2015/2016 - supply of sugar -Youth NIST/006/2015/2016 - supply of fresh fruits, potatoes and vegetables-Women NIST/007/2015/2016 - Supply of rice, tea leaves, cooking fat, blue band- NIST/008/2015/2016 Supply of maize flour and wheat flour-Women NIST/009/2015/2016 - supply of cleaning material, toiletries, detergents and soaps-Disability NIST/ 010/2015/2016 - supply of sanitary, and fumigation materials (pest control) NIST/011/2015/2016 - Supply of newspaper, journals and magazines-Youth NIST/012/2015/2016 - Supply of IT equipment, computers, laptop, printers, and scanners NIST/013/2015/2016 - Supply of general office stationary & printing services-Youth NIST/014/2015/2016 - Supply of Hardware materials, tools and paints. NIST/015/2015/2016 - Supply of electrical materials, and appliances NIST/016/2015/2016 - Supply of uniforms, protective clothes and equipment NIST/017/2015/2016 - Supply of games and sports equipment NIST/018/2015/2016 - Supply of building materials (sand, stones, hardcore, etc) NIST/019/2015/2016 - Supply of farm inputs (fertilizers...
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...Journal of Sports Sciences ISSN: 0264-0414 (Print) 1466-447X (Online) Journal homepage: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rjsp20 Do weight categories prevent athletes from relative age effect? Nicolas Delorme To cite this article: Nicolas Delorme (2014) Do weight categories prevent athletes from relative age effect?, Journal of Sports Sciences, 32:1, 16-21, DOI: 10.1080/02640414.2013.809470 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2013.809470 Published online: 24 Jul 2013. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 342 View related articles View Crossmark data Citing articles: 5 View citing articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?journalCode=rjsp20 Download by: [Universiteit Leiden / LUMC] Date: 31 May 2016, At: 04:05 Journal of Sports Sciences, 2014 Vol. 32, No. 1, 16–21, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02640414.2013.809470 Do weight categories prevent athletes from relative age effect? NICOLAS DELORME University of Bordeaux, Laboratoire Cultures, Education, Sociétés, Bordeaux, France Downloaded by [Universiteit Leiden / LUMC] at 04:05 31 May 2016 (Accepted 24 May 2013) Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate whether weight categories prevent young athletes from being exposed to a relative age effect. The dates of birth of all French female (n = 727) and male (n = 5440) amateur boxers who participated in the 2010–2011...
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...DMC Career Website --- Tips on Use of Search Categories The search categories are as follows, with the job titles listed being examples of some of the most frequently posted jobs from that category. Note: The jobs listed are NOT a list of ALL jobs that may be in this category, only examples. |Advance Practice Nurses |Rehabilitation Therapy (PT/OT/SLP) | |Nurse Practitioner |Occupational Therapist | |Clinical Nurse Specialist |Occupational Therapy Assistant | |Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist |Physical Therapist | | |Physical Therapy Assistant | | |Rehabilitation supervisor / management positions | | |Speech / Language Pathologist | |Nursing – Licensed |Respiratory | |Care Management Specialist |Certified Respiratory Therapist ...
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...RETAIL PRINCIPLES Category Management The principles outlined in the category management section are based on many years experience in retailing and proven fundamentals. They are presented in a format to encourage you the retailer to work on these principles within your business. By the very nature of retailing, markets and customers will change over time. Retailers must understand and mange this information through category management. Due to the limited amount of time available in the review, the principles will be limited in there scope to generic retail principles. Managing your retail business through category management improves your knowledge and ability to react quicker to the customer’s wants and needs. As a retail owner you need to have at least 15 categories based on product groupings within your store. You can also break down each category into sub categories for further analysis. The categories that you establish will be the basis of ongoing management across key performance indicators (KPI’s) that you want to manage within your business. The categories you chose should be based on product types or groupings. If you are in food for example your categories would be your menu offer for example: sandwiches, cold drinks, coffee, cakes, salads, donuts. If you are in home wares categories like: gadgets, dinnerware, saucepans, kitchen ware, and glass ware are some examples. How good is your collection of data? To collect information on categories you need to ensure that...
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...Both magazines categorise their audiences in different ways but a main factor is content. Content on ‘Mens Health’ clearly indicates a male audience; this is done by numerous masculine ways. One of which is the use of image, normally a masculine figure on the magazine, in my specific magazine edition it is a UFC fighter centralised in a fighting pose. This conveys masculinity and appeals to the average man to want to look like and the want to be tougher. This is categorising the audience to people who want to change or improve their body. Terms such as ‘best’ are repeated on the cover, which we can see using Young and Rubicon’s 4C’s table that the category ‘aspirer’ would fit in perfectly for this. A person who wants nothing but the best; this is reinforced immediately with terms such as ‘instant results’ which also apply to that category. The purpose of the magazine is not only to try and get people to buy it, but to believe in what they are selling and that the magazine can change your life physically and mentally. Exaggeration is used in the magazine heavily, with phrases like “Get NASA IQ”, which is absurd to think that...
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...For each category, please allocate 25 points across all team members (including yourself) based on your assessment of each individual contribution. Accordingly, there will be a total of 100 points distributed across all four categories. Give more points to those who made the biggest contribution and less points to those who made least contribution. For each category, please allocate 25 points across all team members (including yourself) based on your assessment of each individual contribution. Accordingly, there will be a total of 100 points distributed across all four categories. Give more points to those who made the biggest contribution and less points to those who made least contribution. For each category, please allocate 25 points across all team members (including yourself) based on your assessment of each individual contribution. Accordingly, there will be a total of 100 points distributed across all four categories. Give more points to those who made the biggest contribution and less points to those who made least contribution. For each category, please allocate 25 points across all team members (including yourself) based on your assessment of each individual contribution. Accordingly, there will be a total of 100 points distributed across all four categories. Give more points to those who made the biggest contribution and less points to those who made least contribution. For each category, please allocate 25 points across all team members (including...
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...Life Styles Inventory Janessa Herron JDH2891@aol.com MGMT 591 Leadership & Org Behavior Dr. Kimm July 15, 2012 As indicated by the Life Style Inventory assessment, I scored in the highest percentiles for humanistic encouraging, achievement, and self-actualization. The three of these categories scored 40 and ranked in the 99th percentile, these would be considered my primary thinking styles. My secondary style is the affiliate style, which received 38 and ranked in the 93rd percentile. Pertaining to the 12 o’clock position, self actualizing, I feel that I relate to this style, however it is not the style I self identify with the most. Per LSI description, Self-Actualizers are effective because they seek possibilities in all opportunities. It also states that I have a strong concern for self-development, strong instincts & intuition, and I have an energetic and exciting approach for life. The achievement style is another style that I can relate to, but do not self identify with. I feel as though I have a personal need to be the over achiever; Especially in the academic world. I also like to have things in order, I lead by example as the descriptions say. Humanistic encouraging is the 1 o’clock position. This is the style that I scored high on and feel I can self identify. The LSI description says that I have a concern for the growth and development of others as well as nurturing side. I fully agree with this. I feel this allows me to better my relationships...
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...is to represent all products in a store in a catalog, either in a print format, or in case of online store, an electronic catalog. To simplify the catalog building process and customer browsing of a catalog, products are often classified into categories where similar products that share common attributes are in one broad category. An example would be footwear, where each product in this category shares some common attributes like size, material, color, gender (male, female, or children), and then can have more specialized sub-categories like sports footwear. Another example would be an appliances category where all have more specialized sub-categories like sports footwear. Products share common attributes as an operating voltage, color, energy consumption, dimensions (height, width and length), and further have some special sub-categories like refrigerators. An online store would be interested with categorizing its products to be able to add new products efficiently, as it would only need to add the new product to its sub-category and specify values for its attributes that were defined in the product subcategory and all the parent categories. Therefore, re-using previously defined attributes for a product category. A typical customer would be interested with selecting a product based on certain attributes, like selecting a stainless steel refrigerator, and then to compare on other attributes like getting...
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...subcategory by giving examples of each. These categories are given the acronym STEPPS, which stands for social currency, triggers, emotion, public, practical value, and stories. Berger explains these six categories in depth. It was really interesting to see why people do what they do. While reading these examples, I realized that we go through everyday life trying to make ourselves look good whether it would be the way we dress or changing our personality. Berger allowed his audience to put a name to each category and demonstrated with examples, which made it very clear to understand. I really enjoyed the book because I felt Berger had a great sense of humor. He would link a small quote to each category that really stuck with the reader. I think overall this helped contribute to a better grasp on the information. For the public category, he said, “monkey see, monkey do” which I felt was the perfect description. If people start wearing yellow live strong bracelets, you obviously can’t be the person without one, hence you almost feel obliged to purchase one. What I took away from this book is being able to look at these examples and categories from a business point of view. As a consumer I definitely feel more informed with why things actually do catch on, but as a business student I feel that I now understand how business may be able to use these concepts to increase their efficiency. This book gave me insight on how businesses can use these categories especially in their marketing department...
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...The definition of racial identity could put into two meanings, either from its “biological dimension” or its “social dimension.” In the biological dimension, race can be defined as an persons “physical features, gene pools and character qualities.” Europeans used these features as characteristics that differentiate to categorized people hierarchically based by physical ability and moral quality, “with Caucasians as the pinnacle, followed by Asians and Native Americans, and Africans last on the racial ladder” (Spickard, “The Illogic of American Racial Categories.”14). Looking past those certain characteristics are “more similarities than differences between racial groups and more differences than similarities within these groups” (Littlefield,...
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...card expense and the other was an out-of-pocket reimbursable expense. Suspicious Keyword Match Validate all transactions are for authorized purposes. Identify all T&E transactions that contain words from the Restricted Word list anywhere in the merchant name, transaction description, business purpose field that indicates a potentially unauthorized purchase. Round Amounts Detect potential fraud and abuse for unauthorized gift cards, cash advances, or excessive tips, identify T&E transactions that are evenly divisible by . Excessive High-Risk Detect potential fraud and abuse of expense types that require less documentation. Identify Expense Categories employees who have transactions in High-Risk expense categories that exceeded thresholds for either the count or total amount. Common High-Risk expense categories: Tips, Miscellaneous, Baggage Fees, etc. Group Meal Amount per Attendee Ensure that all attendees are properly documented and prevent excessive group meal expenses. For each expense identified as a group meal, calculate the amount per attendee, and report group meals where the amount per...
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...Fe’nix Del Sur a Company with its headquarters in Phoenix, Arizona is in the business of acquiring a wide variety of artifacts from Southern America and Africa and selling them to their customers. Also, it sourced Hopi and Navajo-authentic jewelry and pottery from Southern India. Originally stationed in Tucson Arizona in the early 1900s. The company has presence in Los Angeles, Miami, and Boston. Fe’nix Del Sur, takes pride in stocking high quality, reputable and authentic jewelry and pottery. As time progressed, the firm’s sales scope increased warranting it to encompass products from the Colombia, Peru and burial artifacts from the continent of Africa. As a diversification strategy, the firm added to their growing product lines replicas of authentic artifacts. Essentially Africa fertility gods and masks were made by craftspeople who were so dexterous that it took the ingenuity of a seasonal purchaser to distinguish the real items from the replicated ones. However, this accounted for an insignificant proceed to their entire sells. The decision by the firm to delve into replicas was the behest of their clients desirous of varieties. The replicas became favorite among gift buyers and persons in search of decorative items. The firm used three medium to push and market their products namely selected interior designers and decorators firm-sponsored showings, and a few exclusive department stores. The South American and African artifacts, contributed to the firm’s gross of about...
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...Data Categories Data categories are groupings of data with common characteristics or features. Master Data | Master data describe the people, places, and things that are involved in an organiza- tion’s business.Examples include people (e.g., customers, employees, vendors, suppliers), places (e.g., locations, sales territories, offices), and things (e.g., accounts, products, assets, docu- ment sets).Because these data tend to be used by multiple business processes and IT systems, standardizing master data formats and synchronizing values are critical for successful system integration.Master data tend to be grouped into master records, which may include associated reference data. An example of associated reference data is a state field within an address in a customer master record. | Transactional Data | Transactional data describe an internal or external event or transaction that takes place as an organization conducts its business.Examples include sales orders, invoices, purchase orders, shipping documents, pass- port applications, credit card payments, and insurance claims.These data are typically grouped into transactional records, which include associated master and reference data. | Reference Data | Reference data are sets of values or classification schemas that are referred to by systems, applications, data stores, processes, and reports, as well as by transactional and master records.Examples include lists of valid values, code lists, status codes, state abbreviations...
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...Criminology addresses three categories of hypothesis, which endeavored to clarify criminal behavior. These categories are Psychological, sociological and Biological speculations. All three theories attempted to make great efforts to establish credibility and dependability. In spite of the fact that ideas that included crime causation and establishment of current criminology started with a basic and reasonable methodology of classic criminology. Recognizing the reason for criminal behavior from the hypothesis stance turned into a particular and significant assignment of criminology. Classic theorists accepted that criminal conduct is represented by an independent and free choice and their perspectives were simply philosophical. Enrico Ferri, an Italian Criminologist Suggested a characterization of criminal sorts. These classifications were: • Born or instinctive • The insane • The passionate • The involuntary • The occasional • The habitual...
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...ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY A Model Theory for Generic Schema Management Models Kinan M Al Haffar UM4699SIT10550D 07/08/2007 Abstract The core of a model theory for generic schema management is developed. This theory has two distinctive features: it applies to a variety of categories of schemas, and it applies to transformations of both the schema structure and its integrity constraints. A subtle problem of schema integration is considered in its general form, not bound to any particular category of schemas. The proposed solution, as well as the overall theory, is based entirely on schema morphisms that carry both structural and semantic properties. Duality results that apply to the two levels (i.e., the schema and the data levels) are established. These results lead to the main contribution of this paper: a formal schema and data management framework for generic schema management. Implications of this theory are established that apply to integrity problems in schema integration. The theory is illustrated by a particular category of schemas with object-oriented features along with typical database integrity constraints. 1 Introduction This paper presents the core results of a model theory for generic schema management, by which we mean schema and database transformation capabilities that are independent of a particular data model. Such transformations require major database programming tasks, such as integrating source schemas when building a data warehouse...
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