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Catholic School Research Paper

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Catholic schools have been around for a while. Have you wondered how they originated or how they started? this year kids and parents have been making huge sacrifices to get their kids into a private catholic school. They know that sending their children to a catholic school is a huge advantage in life. Being a student at St.Pancratius has made me realize how much of an advantage is really is. Catholic schools have been around since the colonial era. They first began to appear in Maryland and Louisiana. In both states, there was a small amount of families that were catholic. Rich and wealthy families sent their kids to private school. These private catholic schools were operated by nuns. They would later become more and more popular and rich and wealthy families started to send their children to …show more content…
This is due to the fact that catholic schools have been loosing students, if they loose students they make less money. If the school is making less money then that means that they have to increase the price and this causes parents to stop paying for the tuition, this will bring catholic schools to an end. However, in San Antonio,FL, catholic schools are beginning to grow again. Population In catholic schools has increased and enrollment rates have increased by 2.7% in the last 5 years. Being in a catholic schools has really changed my life.
Being a student at St.Pancratius catholic school has really changed my life In a variety of ways. Being a student here has taught me many new things about life. It has helped me by helping me understand why I must be nice and caring for others. It has taught me many virtues such as, Cooperation,responsibility,honesty, and respect. These virtues matter a lot to me because these virtues should always be applied to my life. Being in a catholic school has also helped me strengethen my relationship with God. This is how being in a catholic schools has affected my

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