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Wild Orca Captivity

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Just ten days after Valentine’s Day in 2010, a captive SeaWorld orca whale named Tilikum brutally drowned a forty-year-old veteran trainer named Dawn Brancheau during a live show performance. In one quick motion, Tilikum grabbed onto Brancheau’s arm and dragged her into the million gallon tank. With a blood-curdling scream, Dawn was dragged to the bottom of the tank and tossed around. In the autopsy report, Brancheau suffered an enormous amount of blunt force trauma due to the massive force of the twelve thousand pound animal slamming on top of her. The violent attack even scalped a layer of Dawn’s head right off. Yet, it was noted that the cause of death was drowning with “approximately four milliliters of fluid in her sphenoid sinus” (Autopsy …show more content…
As marine biologist Naomi Rose stated, “Captive orcas routinely show damaged dentition, primarily broken and worn teeth with the pulp exposed. This is in contrast to wild orcas: many show little or no tooth wear while those who do tend to specialize in prey with abrasive morphology. Broken teeth in wild orcas are rare” (6). Due to the strain and dullness of being locked in cages, the orca whales gnaw away at the gates which wears their teeth down and causes further infection. This is unlike the orcas in the wild, who do not have many dental problems. The orca whales’ poor dental health induced by self-harming techniques imposed by boredom and stress increases their rate of lethal infection and death. By keeping whales in captivity, the lifespan and health of whales deteriorates. In Death At SeaWorld: Shamu and The Dark Side of Killer Whales in Captivity, studies by Mike Bigg and colleagues “showed wild female orcas with an average lifespan of 50.2 years and males with 29.2 years” (Kirby 181). However, the lifespan of a captive orca whale is far less. Erich Hoyt stated that at the time, “Only one male in captivity has even reached this average” (Kirby 181). This further proves that the lifespan of orcas is slowly decreasing in captivity than in the wild. In allowing orca whales to live in captivity, places like SeaWorld deprive orca whales of a long healthy life to that in the wild. It deprives the beautifully intelligent creatures of a life filled without pain and

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