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Animals In Captivity

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Visiting the animals at the zoo and aquarium might be fun for you, but the animals think otherwise. Animals in captivity are restrained from doing normal habits because of this more zoos and aquariums are being shut down. Zoos and aquariums cause many problems for animals: mental issues, propagation, confined spaces, and families being torn apart. However, zoos and aquariums say education is provided along with helping endangered animals.
One reason animal captivity should be banned is animals suffer both mentally and physically. The different environment causes issues for example, orcas and dolphins use echolocation; but, the tank causes the reverberations to bounce off and hit the cetacean which results in frustration and mental issues …show more content…
A reason they suffer psychologically is they are not allowed to have social bonds. Naturally, the cetaceans will live in pods. Since they are naturally social creatures, if one animal in the tank dies the other has to be transferred because if they are isolated from other animals they will suffer mentally. Behavioral patterns known as “zoochosis” will occur which have signs like bar-biting, circling, repetitive head swaying, aggression, and self-mutilation. If behavioral patterns are being repeated the animals’ needs are not being met (“Wild Animals in Entertainment”). In conclusion, both physical and mental issues are very popular for animals that are in captivity. The tank or cage restricts their natural behaviors and causes them to get frustrated. Animals will experience physical issues also. Physical and mental issues are a huge part in animal captivity.
Secondly, animals are put into a confined space. Government is recognizing that dolphins, orcas, and other cetaceans should not be in a tank. Orcas and dolphins are forced to swim in endless circles and perform painful tricks in a tiny tank. The tank is denying them from their natural habits (Aquariums and Marine Parks”). Animals belong in their

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