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Is Animal Captivity Wrong

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“There’s nothing natural about a lion, or tiger, or killer whale, jumping through a hoop or standing vertically to obtain a food reward.” (“Welcome Progress on captive wildlife” 1). When I was a little girl, I loved to see animals doing tricks. After doing some research, now I know some shows are wrong. Animal captivity is wrong because it’s dangerous for people and for the animals, and it’s not natural. Animals such as orcas should never be in captivity. Having animals in captivity can be dangerous for people. “There is no established record of orcas killing human being in the wild… In captivity, however, it’s a different story. Since the 1970’s killer whales in captivity have attacked 24 people around the world, and some of these encounters have been fatal… so why do they attack people in captivity when they don’t in the wild? The answer seems to be captivity-related stress.” (Should We Be Keeping” 1, 2). When animals in captivity get stressed, …show more content…
“ In the wild killer whales are free-ranging, traveling thousands of miles in a year in the vast oceans, so it seems cruel to many to confine them to pools- even if, like sea world’s animals, they are born there- for the sport of tourists and other visitors.”(“Welcome Progress On Captive” 1). Captive animals would have a better life if they were in the wild, instead of being trapped in a cage or a pool. Some people say that are safer in captivity than in the wild. “A Government-Funded study of Elephants in UK zoos found that 54%of the elephants showed stereotypies (behavioral problems) during daytime. One elephant was observed during a day and night stereotyped for 61% of a 24 hour period…lions in zoos spend 48% of their time pacing, a recognized signs of behavioral problems… this behavioral problems can lead to death” (Lines 62). If animals were safer in captivity, they would not suffer with behavioral problems that can cause death, like the animals in this

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