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Weight Cutting Research Paper

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Looking gaunt and sickly, Conor McGregor, current (Ultimate Fighting Championship) UFC champion, walks up on stage in hopes of weighing in at 145 pounds; however, just days before the weigh-in, McGregor was weighing as much as 175 pounds. As he steps on the scale, the number fluctuates on the digital screen. It finally reads 145 pounds as the crowd roars at a deafening pitch. A fighter like McGregor puts a lot effort in cutting down his weight before a weigh-in and immediately gains all the weight back right before the fight. Cutting one’s weight puts a fighter in a lower weight division than he belongs in, thus giving him an advantage in size. While losing 15 plus pounds in 48 hours or 30 pounds in a matter of a week may sound insane to the average person, this …show more content…
The process includes dehydrating the fighter's body to remove any water weight. Fighters will sit in saunas for hours, wear five jackets while sleeping to sweat the weight off, or even sit in a salt bath to remove water from the body (Huang). Weight cutting can lead to fighters losing more than twenty pounds and could shred as much as 13 percent of their body weight (Huang). Holly Holm, who fights in the 135-pound UFC female weight division, said she has a walk around weight of 155. She goes on to say that she is comfortable cutting ten pounds the day of the weigh-in (Huang). The two pictures below demonstrate what the process of weight cutting does to one’s body. The picture of Conor McGregor on the left shows him when he had to cut weight for a fight. On the other hand, the picture on the right shows him at his usual weight. The weight cutting process completely changes McGregor’s appearance and makes McGregor a skeleton of himself. These pictures exemplify how weight cutting can be harmful to a fighter’s

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