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Animal Vaccination Research Paper

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In a world, where viruses are common, humans must take precautions with their livestock and its health. As a farmer or rancher you must know the common and some rare viruses. You must be capable to identify the symptoms and causes of any virus. If you have any infected animal you would want to remove it from the herd or the rest of the animals. A virus can spread by touch, coughing, or sneezing. So we as the caretakers must vaccinate our livestock to prevent any disease or virus. Animals receive vaccines for the same reason that humans do: to prevent diseases. Vaccinating animals reduces animal suffering, reduces the transmission of microorganisms in the animal population, and is often more affordable than paying for the treatment of sick animals. Pets receive vaccines for infectious diseases such as rabies, parvovirus, distemper, and hepatitis. Livestock animals like turkeys, chickens, cattle and pigs are vaccinated to protect against diseases like rotavirus, E. coli, pink eye, and brucellosis. Vaccinations keep individual animals, flocks and herds, and people healthy. …show more content…
It can be caused by many things or just one. The Bovine Respiratory Disease is a major cause of losses in the cattle producer business. The disease affects the lower and upper respiratory tract. According to Zoetis BRD is caused by a large number of pathogens including Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus (BRSV), and Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV).
The Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) is major problem in the United States. The feedlot industry estimated that one billion dollars are lost every year due to increased labor expenses, loss of production, drug costs, and death. It estimated that $40.46 is spent per 1 treatment of a calf. Only fifty dollars for two treatments but $292 for three or more

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